Somalian Politician

1. Mohamed Ali Ameriko (1962)

Somalian Politician

Dr. Mohamed Ali Ameriko is the Financial Operation Manager for the Office of the Prime Minister of Somalia. Dr. Mohamed Ali also was an official at the Central Bank of...

2. Haji Dirie Hirsi (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Haji Dirie Hirsi was a Somali trader and businessman who contributed to the founding of the Somali Youth League in 1942-1945.

3. Hilowle Imam Omar (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Dr. Hilowle Imam Omar is a Somali politician who hails from the Harti abgaal clan. He took part in the Somali National Reconciliation Conference in Kenya. He was a member...

4. Aden Ibrahim Aw Hirsi (1968)

Somalian Politician

Aden Aw Hirsi is a Somali politician and author who specializes in political science.

5. Adan Ahmed Elmi (1966)

Somalian Politician

Adan Ahmed Elmi also known as Aden Mireh Dholayare is the 4th Agricultural Minister of the separatist Republic of Somaliland. He became the Agricultural Minister on May 10 2002 after...

6. Abdilwali Hersi Abdille Indhaguran (1969)

Somalian Politician

Abdilwali Hersi Abdille Indhaguran Somali: Cabdiwali Xirsi Abdille Ina-indhaguran; born 1969) is a former minister of electricity and power generation of the Transitional National Government of Somalia and Minister of...

7. Nur Hassan Hussein (1938)

Somalian Politician

Nur Hassan Hussein Adde was the Prime Minister of Somalia from November 2007 to February 2009. He is from Mogadishu and is part of the Abgaal sub-clan of the Hawiye.

8. Fowsiyo Yusuf Haji Adan (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

wsiyo Yusuf Haji Adan is a Somali politician. From 4 November 2012 to 17 January 2014 she served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia.

9. Ali Mohamed Osoble (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Ali Mohamed Osoble ' was a prominent Somali politician and Member of Parliament in the civilian government. He was born in Ceeldheer in 1930. He held ministerial positions before the...

10. Daud Abdulle Hirsi (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

General Daud Abdulle Hirsi was a Somali national and military hero.

11. Mohamed Warsame Ali (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Mohamed Warsame Ali Kiimiko is a Somali politician and diplomat. He has occupied various diplomatic posts in Somalia since independence in 1960 including Somali Ambassador to the United States in...

12. Ahmed Sheikh Ali (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Ahmed Sheikh Ali Ahmed is a Somalian author and politician who currently lives in Nairobi Kenya.

13. Mohamoud Mohamed Guled (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Dr. Mohamed Mohamud Guled Ga'modhere was Somalia's Interior Minister and formerly the Minister of Public Works and Housing. His portfolio was swapped on February 7 2007 with that of Hussein...

14. Ali Mohammed Ghedi (1952)

Somalian Politician

Ali Mohamed Gedi was the Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia from 2004 to 2007. He was relatively unknown in political circles upon his appointment as...

15. Hassan Dahir Aweys (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Hassan Dahir Aweys is a Somali political figure who was added to the U. S. government's list of terrorists in 2001. Aweys was the head of the 90-member shura...

16. Hassan Haji Mohamoud (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Hassan Haji Mohamoud also known as Hassan Gadhweyneh as of 2003 is the Minister of Education of Somaliland. He was appointed the post in July 2003 by the current President...

17. Umar Arteh Ghalib (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Umar Arteh Ghalib or Omer Carte Qalib is a prominent Somali politician. He was Prime Minister of Somalia from January 24 1991 to May 1993.

18. Haji Farah Ali Omar (Unknow)

Somalian Politician

Haji Farah Ali Omar was a Somali politician. He was a senior official in the government of the Trust Territory of Somalia and later served as Minister of Economic...

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