American Artist

1. John Trumbull (1756)

American Artist

Painter known for his iconic images of American Revolutionary War figures and battles. His famous painting, "Declaration of Independence" from 1817, appeared on the back side of the American two-dollar...

2. Washington Allston (1779)

American Artist

Painter and poet known for "Moonlit Landscape" from 1809 and other works. He pioneered the American Romantic landscape-painting movement.

3. Thomas Sully (1783)

American Artist

British-born portrait painter. His famous artistic subjects included John Quincy Adams and the Marquis de Lafayette.

4. Sarah Goodridge (1788)

American Artist

Famous for her miniature portraits, this nineteenth-century American artist is most well known for her images of Rhode Island painter Gilbert Stuart and United States Senator and Secretary of State...

5. Hezekiah Augur (1791)

American Artist

American sculptor and inventor who was self taught. He made a portrait of Alexander Metcalf Fisher and a grouping titled Jephthah and His Daughter.

6. Horatio Greenough (1805)

American Artist

American sculptor who made United States government commissions such as The Rescue and George Washington.

7. Emma Stebbins (1815)

American Artist

One of the first notable American woman sculptors, she created a bronze statue of Horace Mann, located in Boston.

8. William Wetmore Story (1819)

American Artist

Sculptor, art critic, poet, and editor who produced the famous work Cleopatra and also composed a bronze statue of Joseph Henry.

9. George Inness (1825)

American Artist

Renowned 19th century American landscape painter who was influenced by the Hudson River School and the Barbizon School. Called the Father of American Landscape Painting and well-known proponent of tonalism....

10. Harriet Hosmer (1830)

American Artist

American sculptor who made marble busts, such as Daphne and Medusa, Beatrice Cenci, and Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra.

11. Winslow Homer (1836)

American Artist

Considered one of the most significant nineteenth-century American painters, he is particularly remembered for his watercolors and oil paintings depicting maritime scenes. His best known works include Breezing Up (A...

12. John LaFarge (1835)

American Artist

American painter and stained glass window maker who served as president of the National Society of Mural Painters from 1899 until 1904. He was one of the first seven artists...

13. Mary Cassatt (1844)

American Artist

Impressionist artist best known for "The Child's Bath," "Maternite," "Two Women Throwing Flowers During Carnival," and other motherhood-themed paintings.

14. Joseph Nāwahī (1842)

American Artist

Affiliated at different points in his career with the Hawaiian Liberal, Kuokoa, and Emmaite political parties, Nawahi was a longtime member of the Hawaiian House of Representatives. Also a publisher,...

15. Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848)

American Artist

Irish-born American sculptor of the Beaux-Arts generation who was seen as embodying the ideals of the American Renaissance.

16. Cecilia Beaux (1855)

American Artist

Prominent 19th-century painter known for her portraits of the social and political elite. She carried on the style pioneered by John Singer Sargent.

17. Gari Melchers (1860)

American Artist

Realist painter whose best-known works included "The Supper at Emmaus," "The Family," and "Mother and Child." Foremost advocate of naturalism. He was awarded the 1932 Gold medal from the American...

18. Lucy Bacon (1857)

American Artist

Californian artist who is the only artist known to study under the French Impressionist Camille Pissarro.

19. Grandma Moses (1860)

American Artist

Folk artist best known for her rural, nostalgic scenes and her late-in-life success. She began painting at the age of 78. She was immensely popular during the 1950s, and her...

20. Adelaide Johnson (1859)

American Artist

American sculptor and feminist whose work is displayed in the U.S. Capitol. She worked for women's equality.

21. Frederic Remington (1861)

American Artist

Painter, illustrator, sculptor and writer who specialized in depictions of the Old American West, mainly from the latter part of the 19th century. Cowboys, Native Americans, and the U.S. Cavalry...

22. Childe Hassam (1859)

American Artist

Impressionist artist who produced more than 3,000 paintings, etchings, and lithographs. Illustrated children's stories for Harper's Weekly, Scribner's Monthly, and The Century.

23. Attilio Piccirilli (1866)

American Artist

American sculptor who made sculptures now located in New York City and Richmond, Virginia, including the Mothers' War Memorial, finished in 1923.

24. Robert Henri (1865)

American Artist

American realist painter associated with the Ashcan School and known for "Salome" (1909) and other works.

25. John Marin (1870)

American Artist

Early modernist artist known for his watercolors and abstract landscapes. His 1952 painting "The Circus No. 1" was purchased by the White House for the Green Room in 2007.

26. William Glackens (1870)

American Artist

Realist painter and illustrator who helped to establish the Ashcan School of American art. He assisted Albert C. Barnes in setting up the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia.

27. Violet Oakley (1874)

American Artist

Pennsylvania State Capital muralist who was the first female muralist in America to obtain a public commission. Her other specialty was stained-glass designs. Her work was inspired by history and...

28. Joseph Stella (1877)

American Artist

Best remembered for his images of the Brooklyn Bridge, this early 20th-century painter created such major works as Battle of Lights, Coney Island; American Landscape; and Old Brooklyn Bridge.

29. Marsden Hartley (1877)

American Artist

Remembered for works such as The Ice Hole, Portrait of a German Officer, and Painting No. 48, this American Modernist painter also had a successful literary career, publishing an autobiographical...

30. Everett Shinn (1876)

American Artist

Realist painter associated with the Ashcan School and known for such works as "Eviction" from 1904 and "Concert Stage" from 1903.

31. Lee Lawrie (1877)

American Artist

American architectural sculptor who was a key figure in the American art scene before World War II. He worked on the Rockefeller Chapel at the University of Chicago.

32. Hans Hofmann (1880)

American Artist

Abstract expressionist painter who focused on color and spatial relationships in works such as "The Gate." He was featured annually at the Samuel M. Kootz Gallery in New York from...

33. Graham Goddard (1982)

American Artist

Conceptual artist who became known for his environmentally themed paintings and sculptures. His work was widely exhibited at such locations as the Skirball Museum and the California African American Museum....

34. Charles Demuth (1883)

American Artist

Watercolorist and oil painter whose best-known works included 'I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold' and 'Wild Orchids.' He would honor such friends as Gertrude Stein, Eugene O'Neill, Arthur Dove, and...

35. Edward Hopper (1882)

American Artist

Iconic American realist painter whose best-known works included "Nighthawks" from 1942 and "Automat" from 1927. He was skilled both at watercolor and etching.

36. August Leimbach (1882)

American Artist

German-American architectural sculptor most known for his work with Arlene B. Nichols Moss and the Daughters of the American Revolution.

37. Rockwell Kent (1882)

American Artist

American painter and writer who won the Lenin Peace Prize in 1967 and was elected into the National Academy of Design as an Associate member in 1948.

38. Charles Sheeler (1883)

American Artist

Painter and photographer who pioneered American Modernism and was known for his precise, linear images. He and Paul Strand were behind the film, "Manhatta," from 1920.

39. Milton Avery (1885)

American Artist

Modern painter whose works, such as "Gaspé Landscape" and "Green Sea," were exhibited in high-profile museums.

40. William Zorach (1887)

American Artist

Twentieth-century sculptor, printmaker, and painter who received the prestigious Logan Medal of the Arts.

41. Horace Pippin (1888)

American Artist

American painter who created work based on the injustice of slavery and American segregation. Some of his popular paintings include the Domino Players in 1943 and Self-portrait in 1941.

42. Jacques Lipchitz (1891)

American Artist

Lithuanian sculptor who was part of the Cubist movement. He sculpted The Song of the Vowels and Prometheus Strangling the Vulture.

43. Augusta Savage (1892)

American Artist

Harlem Renaissance sculptor who served as an advocate for equal rights. Some of her notable works are called Gamin, W.E.B. Dubois, and Lift Every Voice and Sing.

44. Wanda Gág (1893)

American Artist

Award-winning author and illustrator of children's books such as "Millions of Cats" and "The ABC Bunny." Her "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Nothing at All" both won a...

45. George Grosz (1893)

American Artist

Whimsical caricaturist and painter associated with Dadaism and known for works such as "Republican Automatons" from 1920.

46. Corrado Parducci (1900)

American Artist

Italian-American architectural sculptor known for his numerous early 20th Century works, including the Rackham Fountain in the Detroit Zoo.

47. Selma Burke (1900)

American Artist

American sculptor who founded two art schools in New York and Pennsylvania and is well known for her relief of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

48. Alice Neel (1900)

American Artist

Influential figurative painter whose emotionally intense portraits express her subjects' inner lives. Her 1935 painting "Alice Neel And John Rothschild In The Bathroom" exemplifies the subversive, sexual themes that pervaded...

49. Beauford Delaney (1901)

American Artist

Artist associated with the Harlem Renaissance and abstract expressionism and known for "Jazz Quartet" and other works.

50. Albert Stewart (1900)

American Artist

American sculptor born in England who created architectural sculptures. He created Panels & Eagle at the United States Mint Building in San Francisco, California.

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