President Of Panama

1. Arnulfo Arias (1901)

President Of Panama

Doctor, writer and former three-time President of Panama who never finished any of his terms due to the military coups that rose up against him. His tenures as President was...

2. Guillermo Endara (1936)

President Of Panama

Former President of Panama from 1989 to 1994 who was put into power after the US overthrew the military dictator Manuel Noriega. During his presidency, he abolished the Panamanian military...

3. Ricardo Martinelli (1952)

President Of Panama

Panamanian politician and democrat who was elected President of Panama in 2009. He also businessman who owns Super 99, a chain of supermarkets.

4. Martín Torrijos (1963)

President Of Panama

President of the Republic of Panama from 2004 to 2009. He notably reformed pensions and social security during his presidency.

5. Ricardo de la Espriella (1934)

President Of Panama

Ricardo de la Espriella Toral was President of Panama from July 31 1982 to February 13 1984. Ricardo de la Espriella is a Stanford-trained economist and was a conservative head...

6. Max Delvalle (1911)

President Of Panama

Max Delvalle Levy-Maduro was a Panamanian politician who served as vice president from 1964 to 1968 and briefly served as president in 1967. Both he and his nephew Eric Arturo...

7. Bolívar Urrutia Parrilla (1918)

President Of Panama

Colonel Bolívar Urrutia Parrilla was a Panamanian soldier and former President of Panama.

8. Jorge Illueca (1918)

President Of Panama

Jorge Enrique Illueca Sibauste was a Panamanian politician and diplomat who served as President of Panama in 1984. Illueca was born in Panama City Panama. He attended the University of...

9. Ezequiel Fernández (1886)

President Of Panama

Ezequiel Fernández Jaén was Second Vice President of Panama from 1936 to 1939 and in that capacity also acting President of Panama from December 16 1939 to December 18 1939.

10. Aristides Royo (1940)

President Of Panama

Aristides Royo Sánchez was President of Panama from October 11 1978 to July 31 1982 when he was pressured to resign by the military. He studied law at the University...

11. Roberto Francisco Chiari Remón (1905)

President Of Panama

Roberto Francisco Chiari Remón was the President of Panama in 1949 and from 1960 to 1964. He belonged to the Liberal Party.

12. Florencio Harmodio Arosemena (1872)

President Of Panama

Harmodio Arosemena Guillén was President of Panama from October 1 1928 to January 3 1931. He belonged to the Liberal Party.

13. Alcibíades Arosemena (1883)

President Of Panama

Alcibíades Arosemena Quinzada was Panamanian politician. He served as First Vice President in the cabinet of Arnulfo Arias and was also President of Panama from May 9 1951 to October...

14. Federico Boyd (1851)

President Of Panama

Augusto Boyd López was acting President of Panama from October 1 1910 to October 5 1910. He belonged to the Liberal Party. Boyd was born in Panama City on September...

15. Nicolás Ardito Barletta Vallarino (1938)

President Of Panama

Nicolás Ardito Barletta Vallarino was President of Panama from October 11 1984 to September 28 1985. He belonged to the Democratic Revolutionary Party. From 1968 until 1970 and 1973 until...

16. Ernesto Pérez Balladares (1946)

President Of Panama

Ernesto Pérez Balladares González-Revilla nicknamed El Toro was the President of Panama between 1994 and 1999. Educated in the United States Pérez Balladares worked as a banker before becoming part...

17. Ciro Luis Urriola (1863)

President Of Panama

Ciro Luis Urriola Garrés was Panamanian politician. He served as First Vice President in the cabinet of Ramón Maximiliano Valdés from 1916 to 1918 and as acting President from June...

18. Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia Arango (1899)

President Of Panama

Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia Arango was the independent president of Panama from October 9 1941 to June 15 1945. He also served as governor of Panamá Province from 1936...

19. José María Pinilla Fábrega (1919)

President Of Panama

José María Pinilla Fábrega was Chairman of the Provisional Junta of Panama from October 12 1968 to December 18 1969.

20. José Ramón Guizado (1899)

President Of Panama

José Ramón Guizado Valdés was a Panamanian politician. He served as First Vice President of Panama from 1952 to 1955 and in that capacity also as President of Panama from...

21. José Antonio Remón Cantera (1908)

President Of Panama

Colonel José Antonio Remón Cantera was president of Panama from October 1 1952 until his death in 1955. He belonged to the National Patriotic Coalition. He joined the National Police...

22. Carlos Antonio Mendoza (1856)

President Of Panama

Carlos Antonio Mendoza Soto was Panamanian politician who served as Second Vice President in the government of José Domingo de Obaldía and since death of First Vice President José Agustín...

23. Juan Demóstenes Arosemena (1879)

President Of Panama

Juan Demóstenes Arosemena Barreati was President of Panama from October 1 1936 to December 16 1939. He belonged to the National Liberal Party. His Vice-Presidents were the conservative Augusto Samuel...

24. Enrique Adolfo Jiménez (1888)

President Of Panama

Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Brin was provisional President of Panama from June 15 1945 to August 7 1948. He belonged to the National Liberal Party of Panama. Jiménez Brin was appointed...

25. Demetrio B. Lakas (1925)

President Of Panama

Demetrio Basilio Lakas Bahas was president of Panama from December 19 1969 to October 11 1978. Lakas graduated from Texas Tech University in 1963 and was honored as a distinguished...

26. Ernesto Tisdel Lefevre (1876)

President Of Panama

Ernesto Tisdel Lefevre was a Panamanian politician. He served as First Vice President of Panama in the cabinet of Belisario Porras from 1918 to 1920 and also as acting President...

27. Demetrio H. Brid (1859)

President Of Panama

Demetrio Honorato Brid Lasso is considered the first de facto President of the Republic of Panama. He was a Conservative. A Panamanian newspaper editor and a humanist who had an...

28. Ernesto de la Guardia (1904)

President Of Panama

Ernesto de la Guardia Navarro was president of Panama from October 1 1956 to October 1 1960. He belonged to the National Patriotic Coalition. Born in Panama City he was...

29. Augusto Samuel Boyd (1879)

President Of Panama

Augusto Samuel Boyd Briceño was First Vice President of Panama and in that capacity also acting President of Panama from December 18 1939 to October 1 1940. He belonged to...

30. Domingo Díaz Arosemena (1875)

President Of Panama

Domingo Díaz Arosemena was Panamanian politician. Díaz Arosemena served as Mayor of Panamá District from 1910 to 1912 as Vice President from 1932 to 1936 and as President of Panama...

31. Harmodio Arias Madrid (1886)

President Of Panama

Harmodio Arias Madrid was Panamanian politician. He served as acting President of Panama in January 1931 and again from June 5 1932 to October 1 1936 after winning presidential election.

32. Marco Aurelio Robles (1905)

President Of Panama

Marco Aurelio Robles Méndez was President of Panama from October 1 1964 to September 30 1968. He studied at the University of Panama and at the Sorbonne. Before his presidency...

33. Eric Arturo Delvalle (1937)

President Of Panama

Eric Arturo Delvalle Cohen-Henríquez is a former Panamanian president under military ruler Manuel Noriega. He served as Vice President under Nicolás Ardito Barletta following the disputed 1984 election and after...

34. Ricardo Arias (1912)

President Of Panama

Ricardo Arias Espinosa was the 29th President of Panama. Born in Washington D. C. from a prominent Panamanian political family Arias studied at universities in the United States Colombia and...

35. Pedro Antonio Díaz (1852)

President Of Panama

Pedro Antonio Díaz was First Vice President of Panama in 1918 and in that capacity also acting President of Panama from October 1 1918 to October 12 1918.

36. Rodolfo Chiari (1869)

President Of Panama

Rodolfo Chiari Robles was a Panamanian politician of the National Liberal Party. He served twice as Vice President in the cabinet of Belisario Porras from 1912 to 1916 and from...

37. Manuel Amador Guerrero (1833)

President Of Panama

Manuel Amador Guerrero was the first president of Panama from 20 February 1904 to 1 October 1908. He was a member of the Conservative Party. Very little is known about...

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