German Mathematician

1. Emmy Noether (1882)

German Mathematician

Contributed to theoretical physics by revolutionizing algebra, ring, and field theories. Norbert Wiener and other mathematicians called her the most important female figure in the history of mathematics.

2. Gerhard Gentzen (1909)

German Mathematician

German mathematician and philosopher who was remembered for his contributions to proof theory, particularly sequent calculus and natural deduction.

3. Bertram Huppert (1927)

German Mathematician

Bertram Huppert is a German mathematician specializing in group theory and the representation theory of finite groups. His Endliche Gruppen is an influential textbook in group theory and he has...

4. Gerhard Huisken (1958)

German Mathematician

Gerhard Huisken is a German mathematician.

5. Christopher Deninger (1958)

German Mathematician

Christopher Deninger is a German mathematician at the University of Münster. He made notable contributions to number theory and algebraic geometry. Deninger obtained his doctorate from the University of Cologne...

6. Peter Scholze (1987)

German Mathematician

Peter Scholze is a German mathematician known for his work in arithmetic algebraic geometry. He is a professor at the University of Bonn.

7. Arnold Schönhage (1934)

German Mathematician

Arnold Schönhage is a mathematician and computer scientist and Professor Emeritus at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. He was also professor in Tübingen and Konstanz.

8. Heiko Harborth (1938)

German Mathematician

Heiko Harborth is Professor of Mathematics at Braunschweig University of Technology 1975–present and author of more than 188 mathematical publications. His work is mostly in the areas of number theory...

9. Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus (1939)

German Mathematician

Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus is a German mathematician and logician. Ebbinghaus wrote various books on logic set theory and model theory including a seminal work on Ernst Zermelo. His book Einführung in...

10. Frank Natterer (1941)

German Mathematician

Natterer is a German mathematician. He was born in Wangen im Allgäu Germany. Natterer pioneered and shaped the field of mathematical methods in imaging including computed tomography magnetic resonance imaging...

11. Wilhelm von Freeden (Unknow)

German Mathematician

Ihno Adolf von Freeden was a German mathematician and expert on navigation. He was the founder of the North German Naval Observatory. Freeden Bank bears his name.

12. Albrecht Beutelspacher (1950)

German Mathematician

Albrecht Beutelspacher is a German mathematician.

13. Hans Werner Ballmann (Unknow)

German Mathematician

Hans Werner Ballmann is a German mathematician. His area of research is differential geometry with focus on geodesic flows spaces of negative curvature as well as spectral theory of Dirac...

14. Stefan Müller (mathematician) (1962)

German Mathematician

Stefan Müller is a German mathematician and currently a professor at the University of Bonn. He has been one of the founding directors of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics...

15. Lisa Sauermann (1992)

German Mathematician

Lisa Sauermann is a mathematics student from Germany who became the most successful participant in the International Mathematical Olympiad in 2011 currently she is ranked No. 2 in the International...

16. Ulrich Kohlenbach (1962)

German Mathematician

Ulrich Wilhelm Kohlenbach is a German professor of mathematics and a researcher in logic. He graduated from Lessing-Gymnasium in 1980 and completed his studies of mathematics philosophy and linguistics with...

17. Jens Franke (1964)

German Mathematician

Jens Franke is a German mathematician. He holds a chair at the University of Bonn's Hausdorff Center for Mathematics since 1992. Franke's research has covered various problems of number theory...

18. Michael Struwe (1955)

German Mathematician

Michael Struwe is a German mathematician who specializes in calculus of variations and nonlinear partial differential equations.

19. Theodor Vahlen (1869)

German Mathematician

Karl Theodor Vahlen was an Austrian-born mathematician who was an ardent supporter of the National Socialist German Workers' Party Party. He was a member of both the SA and SS.

20. Andreas Floer (1956)

German Mathematician

Andreas Floer was a German mathematician who made seminal contributions to the areas of geometry topology and mathematical physics in particular the invention of Floer homology.

21. Helmut Hofer (1956)

German Mathematician

Helmut Hofer is a German – American mathematician one of the founders of the area of symplectic topology. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the...

22. Lothar Göttsche (1961)

German Mathematician

Lothar Göttsche is a German mathematician known for his work in algebraic geometry. After studying mathematics at the University of Kiel he received his Dr. rer. nat. under the direction...

23. Werner Müller (mathematician) (Unknow)

German Mathematician

Müller is a German mathematician. His research focuses on global analysis and automorphic forms.

24. Paul Seidel (1970)

German Mathematician

Paul Seidel is a Swiss-Italian mathematician. He is a faculty member at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He used to be a member of the mathematics faculty at the University...

25. Kathrin Bringmann (1977)

German Mathematician

Kathrin Bringmann is a German number theorist in the University of Cologne Germany and the University of Minnesota USA who has made fundamental contributions to the theory of mock theta...

26. Manuel Kauers (1979)

German Mathematician

Manuel Kauers is a German mathematician and computer scientist. He is working on computer algebra and its applications to discrete mathematics.

27. Daniel Schwenter (1585)

German Mathematician

Daniel Schwenter was a German Orientalist mathematician inventor poet and librarian. Schwenter was born in Nuremberg. He was professor of oriental languages and mathematics at the University of Altdorf.

28. Hermann Weyl (1885)

German Mathematician

Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl ForMemRS was a German mathematician theoretical physicist and philosopher. Although much of his working life was spent in Zürich Switzerland and then Princeton he is associated...

29. Benedikt Löwe (1972)

German Mathematician

Benedikt Löwe is a German mathematician and Professor at the University of Hamburg known for initiating the interdisciplinary conference Foundations of the Formal Sciences in 1999. Löwe received his BA...

30. Leopold Löwenheim (1878)

German Mathematician

Leopold Löwenheim – 5 May 1957 in Berlin) was a German mathematician known for his work in mathematical logic. The National Socialist German Workers' Party regime forced him to retire...

31. David Hilbert (1862)

German Mathematician

David Hilbert was a German mathematician. He is recognized as one of the most influential and universal mathematicians of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Hilbert discovered and developed a...

32. Günter Asser (1926)

German Mathematician

Günter Asser is a professor emeritus of logic and mathematics at the University of Greifswald. He has published numerous volumes on philosophers and mathematicians. His own research was in computability...

33. Ernst Barthel (1890)

German Mathematician

Ernst Philipp Barthel was an Alsatian philosopher mathematician and inventor. In the 1920s and 1930s he taught as a private lecturer of philosophy at the University of Cologne. From 1924...

34. Wolfgang Rautenberg (Unknow)

German Mathematician

gang Rautenberg was a German mathematician and logician whose areas of research were model theory non-classical logic modal logic temporal logic and self reference.

35. Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus (1651)

German Mathematician

Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus was a German mathematician physicist physician and philosopher. He is considered by some to have been the inventor of European porcelain an invention long accredited...

36. Annette Huber-Klawitter (1967)

German Mathematician

Annette Huber-Klawitter is a German mathematician at the University of Freiburg. Her research interests includes algebraic geometry in particular the Bloch–Kato conjectures. A native of Frankfurt am Main Huber-Klawitter began...

37. Günter M. Ziegler (1963)

German Mathematician

Günter M. Ziegler is a German mathematician. Ziegler is known for his research in discrete mathematics and geometry and particularly on the combinatorics of polytopes.

38. Christian Reiher (1984)

German Mathematician

Christian Reiher is a German mathematician. He is the third most successful participant in the history of the International Mathematical Olympiad having won four gold medals in the years 2000...

39. Lasse Rempe-Gillen (1978)

German Mathematician

Lasse Rempe-Gillen is a famous German mathematician, who was born on January 20, 1978 in Germany. Lasse Rempe-Gillen (born 20 January 1978) is a German mathematician born in Kiel. His...

40. Volker Mehrmann (1955)

German Mathematician

Volker Mehrmann is a famous German mathematician, who was born on April 24, 1955 in Germany. According to Astrologers, Volker Mehrmann's zodiac sign is Taurus.
Volker Ludwig Mehrmann (born 24 April...

41. Bernd Siebert (1964)

German Mathematician

Bernd Siebert is a famous German mathematician, who was born on March 5, 1964 in Germany. According to Astrologers, Bernd Siebert's zodiac sign is Pisces.
Bernd Siebert (born 5 March 1964...

42. Uwe Jannsen (1954)

German Mathematician

Uwe Jannsen is a famous German mathematician, who was born on March 11, 1954 in Germany. According to Astrologers, Uwe Jannsen's zodiac sign is Pisces.
Uwe Jannsen (born 11 March 1954,...

43. Dietmar Salamon (1953)

German Mathematician

Dietmar Salamon is a famous German mathematician, who was born on March 7, 1953 in Germany. According to Astrologers, Dietmar Salamon's zodiac sign is Pisces.
Dietmar Arno Salamon (born 7 March...

44. Thomas Willwacher (1983)

German Mathematician

Thomas Willwacher is a famous German mathematician, who was born on April 12, 1983 in Germany. According to Astrologers, Thomas Willwacher's zodiac sign is Aries.
Thomas Hans Willwacher (born 12 April...

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