French Mathematician

1. Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789)

French Mathematician

Pioneer in mathematical analysis who basically founded complex analysis singlehandedly, formulated and proved theorems in infinitesimal calculus, and rejected early mathematicians belief in the heuristic principal.

2. François Loeser (1958)

French Mathematician

çois Loeser is a French mathematician. He is Professor of Mathematics at the Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University in Paris. From 2000 to 2010 he was Professor at École Normale Supérieure. He was...

3. Jacques Dixmier (Unknow)

French Mathematician

Jacques Dixmier is a French mathematician. He worked on operator algebras and wrote several of the standard reference books on them and introduced the Dixmier trace and the Dixmier mapping....

4. François Le Lionnais (1901)

French Mathematician

çois Le Lionnais was a French chemical engineer and mathematician perhaps best known as a founder of the literary movement Oulipo. Le Lionnais was born in Paris. A Dada poet...

5. Bernard Malgrange (1928)

French Mathematician

Bernard Malgrange is a French mathematician who works on differential equations and singularity theory. He proved the Ehrenpreis–Malgrange theorem and the Malgrange preparation theorem. He received his Ph. D. from...

6. Jacques Tits (1930)

French Mathematician

Jacques Tits is a Belgian and French mathematician who works on group theory and geometry and who introduced T i ts buildings the Tits alternative and the Tits group.

7. Ivar Ekeland (1944)

French Mathematician

Ivar Ekeland is a French mathematician of Norwegian descent. Ekeland has written influential monographs and textbooks on nonlinear functional analysis the calculus of variations and mathematical economics as well as...

8. Haïm Brezis (1944)

French Mathematician

Haïm Brezis is a French mathematician who works in functional analysis and partial differential equations.

9. Hélène Esnault (Unknow)

French Mathematician

Hélène Esnault is a French mathematician. She is a professor of algebraic geometry at Freie Universität Berlin. She worked previously at the University of Duisburg-Essen the Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in...

10. Charles Dupin (1784)

French Mathematician

Pierre Charles François Dupin was a French Catholic mathematician. He studied geometry with Monge at the École Polytechnique and then became a naval engineer. In 1819 he was appointed professor...

11. Louis Costaz (1767)

French Mathematician

Louis baron Costaz was bishop of Nancy. After studying maths he taught at the military school at Thiron until 1793 then at the École polytechnique.

12. Jean-Loup Waldspurger (Unknow)

French Mathematician

Jean-Loup Waldspurger is a French mathematician working on the Langlands program and related areas who proved Waldspurger's theorem. He played a key role in the proof of the fundamental lemma...

13. Étienne Ghys (1954)

French Mathematician

Étienne Ghys is a French mathematician. His research focuses mainly on geometry and dynamical systems though his mathematical interests are broad.

14. Jean-Pierre Wintenberger (Unknow)

French Mathematician

Jean-Pierre Wintenberger is a French mathematician and currently a professor of mathematics at the University of Strasbourg. He was corecipient of the 2011 Cole Prize in number theory along with...

15. Claude Sabbah (1954)

French Mathematician

Claude Sabbah is a French mathematician and researcher at École polytechnique.

16. Brigitte Vallée (1950)

French Mathematician

Brigitte Vallée is a French mathematician and computer scientist. She entered the École Normale Supérieure de Jeunes Filles in 1970 and received her PhD in 1986 at the University of...

17. René Gosse (1883)

French Mathematician

René Gosse was a French mathematician.

18. Raphael Douady (Unknow)

French Mathematician

Raphael Douady is a French mathematician and economist at Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne Paris Sorbonne University invited professor at New York University Polytechnic Institute academic director of the Laboratory...

19. Gilles Pisier (1950)

French Mathematician

Gilles I. Pisier is a Professor of Mathematics at the Pierre and Marie Curie University and a Distinguished Professor and A. G. and M. E. Owen Chair of Mathematics at...

20. Louis-Benjamin Francœur (1773)

French Mathematician

Louis-Benjamin Francœur was a French mathematician.

21. Pierre Pansu (1959)

French Mathematician

Pierre Pansu is a French mathematician and a member of the Arthur Besse group and a close collaborator of Mikhail Gromov. He is a professor at the Université Paris-Sud 11...

22. Jean-Michel Salanskis (1951)

French Mathematician

Jean-Michel Emmanuel Salanskis is a French philosopher and mathematician professor of science and philosophy at the University of Paris X Nanterre. Originally gaining a Diplôme d'études approfondies in pure mathematics...

23. Henri Berestycki (1951)

French Mathematician

Henri Berestycki is a French mathematician who obtained his PhD from Université Paris VI – Université Pierre et Marie Curie in 1975. His Dissertation was titled Contributions à l'étude des...

24. Claude Berrou (1951)

French Mathematician

Claude Berrou is a French professor in electrical engineering at École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne now Telecom-Bretagne. He is the coinventor with Alain Glavieux in 1991 of a...

25. Pierre Colmez (1962)

French Mathematician

Pierre Colmez is a French mathematician notable for his work on p-adic analysis. Colmez studied at École Normale Supérieure and obtained his doctorate from Grenoble University. He won the 2005...

26. Michel Talagrand (Unknow)

French Mathematician

Michel Pierre Talagrand is a French mathematician. Docteur ès sciences since 1977 he has been since 1985 Directeur de Recherches at CNRS and a member of the Functional Analysis Team...

27. Patrick Dehornoy (1952)

French Mathematician

Patrick Dehornoy is a mathematician at the University of Caen who works on set theory and algebra. He found one of the first applications of large cardinals to algebra by...

28. Loïc Merel (1965)

French Mathematician

Loïc Merel is a French mathematician. His research interests include modular forms and number theory. Born in Carhaix-Plouguer Brittany Merel became a student at the École Normale Supérieure. He finished...

29. Bernadette Perrin-Riou (Unknow)

French Mathematician

Bernadette Perrin-Riou is a French mathematician.

30. Jean-Michel Coron (1956)

French Mathematician

Jean-Michel Coron is a French mathematician born in 1956. He first studied at École Polytechnique where he worked on his PhD thesis advised by Haïm Brezis. Since 1992 he has...

31. François Labourie (1960)

French Mathematician

çois Labourie is a French mathematician who has made various contributions to geometry including pseudoholomorphic curves Anosov diffeomorphism and convex geometry. In a series of papers with Yves Benoist and...

32. Gaspard Monge (1746)

French Mathematician

Gaspard Monge Comte de Péluse was a French mathematician the inventor of descriptive geometry and the father of differential geometry. During the French Revolution he served as the Minister of...

33. Gaspard de Prony (1755)

French Mathematician

Gaspard Clair François Marie Riche de Prony was a French mathematician and engineer who worked on hydraulics. He was born at Chamelet Beaujolais France and died in Asnières-sur-Seine France.

34. Joseph Liouville (1809)

French Mathematician

Joseph Liouville was a French mathematician.

35. Emmanuel Grenier (1970)

French Mathematician

Emmanuel Grenier is a French mathematician. His research interests include hydrodynamics and mathematical biology. Grenier attended École Normale Supérieure from 1990 to 1994 before attaining his doctorate at Pierre and...

36. Emmanuel Breuillard (1977)

French Mathematician

Emmanuel Breuillard is a French mathematician. He studied the most at the École Normale Supérieure and is currently a professor at Paris-Sud 11 University. In 2012 he won an EMS...

37. Sophie Morel (1979)

French Mathematician

Sophie Morel is a French mathematician specializing in number theory. She is a professor of mathematics at Princeton University. In 2012 she received one of the ten prizes of the...

38. Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac (1581)

French Mathematician

Claude Gaspard Bachet de Méziriac was a French mathematician linguist poet and classics scholar born in Bourg-en-Bresse at that time belonging to Duchy of Savoy. Bachet was a pupil of...

39. Jacques Roubaud (Unknow)

French Mathematician

Jacques Roubaud is a French poet and mathematician. Jacques Roubaud is a professor of poetry at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee Switzerland and he was a professor of Mathematics...

40. Jean-Yves Girard (Unknow)

French Mathematician

Jean-Yves Girard is a French logician working in proof theory. His contributions include a proof of strong normalization in a system of second-order logic called system F; the invention of...

41. Joseph Diaz Gergonne (1771)

French Mathematician

Joseph Diaz Gergonne was a French mathematician and logician.

42. Nicolas-François Canard (1754)

French Mathematician

Nicolas-François Canard was a French mathematician philosopher and economist. He was one of the pioneers of applying mathematics to economic problems forestalling the works of Antoine Augustin Cournot William Stanley...

43. Pierre Boutroux (1880)

French Mathematician

Pierre Léon Boutroux was a French mathematician and historian of science. Boutroux is chiefly known for his work in the history and philosophy of mathematics.

44. Gilles de Roberval (1602)

French Mathematician

Gilles Personne de Roberval French mathematician was born at Roberval Oise near Beauvais France. His name was originally Gilles Personne or Gilles Personier that of Roberval by which he is...

45. Charles de Bovelles (1479)

French Mathematician

Charles de Bouvelles was a French mathematician and canon of Noyon. His Géométrie en françoys was the first scientific work to be printed in French.

46. Roland Fraïssé (1920)

French Mathematician

Roland Fraïssé was a French mathematical logician. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Paris in 1953. In his thesis Fraïssé used the back-and-forth method to determine whether...

47. Antoine Augustin Cournot (1801)

French Mathematician

Antoine Augustin Cournot was a French philosopher and mathematician. Antoine Augustin Cournot was born at Gray Haute-Saône. In 1821 he entered one of the most prestigious Grande École the École...

48. Jacques Herbrand (1908)

French Mathematician

Jacques Herbrand was a French mathematician. Although he died at only 23 years of age he was already considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the younger generation by his...

49. Marin Mersenne (1588)

French Mathematician

Marin Mersenne Marin Mersennus or le Père Mersenne was a French theologian philosopher mathematician and music theorist often referred to as the father of acoustics. Mersenne was the center of...

50. Cédric Villani (1973)

French Mathematician

Cédric Villani is a French mathematician working primarily on partial differential equations and mathematical physics. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2010.

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