German Archaeologist

1. Dieter Vieweger (1958)

German Archaeologist

Dieter Vieweger a German Biblical scholar and Prehistorian Archaeologist was born in Chemnitz East Germany in 1958. He studied Theology and Prehistoric Archaeology in Leipzig and Frankfurt on Main. He...

2. Eberhard Zangger (Unknow)

German Archaeologist

Eberhard Zangger is a German geoarchaeologist corporate communications consultant and publicist. He became internationally known for his controversial identification of Troy as Atlantis.

3. Erika Simon (1927)

German Archaeologist

Erika Simon is a German scholar of classical archaeology and professor emeritus of the University of Würzburg.

4. Andreas Furtwängler (1944)

German Archaeologist

Andreas Ernst Gottfried Furtwängler is a German classical archaeologist and numismatist and professor of classical archeology at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. He is the son of the conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler and grandson...

5. Gerhard Zimmer (1949)

German Archaeologist

Gerhard Zimmer is a German classical archaeologist currently in residence as Professor of Classical Archaeology at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. He is the author of several books on classical...

6. Gunter Schöbel (1959)

German Archaeologist

Gunter Schöbel is a German archaeologist and director of the Pfahlbau Museum Unteruhldingen.

7. Bolko von Richthofen (1899)

German Archaeologist

Bolko von Richthofen was a German archaeologist and a distant relative of the family of Manfred von Richthofen the Red Baron. He is sometimes confused with his distant cousin and...

8. Hans-Georg Stephan (1950)

German Archaeologist

Hans-Georg Stephan is a German university professor specializing in European medieval archaeology and post-medieval archaeology.

9. Carsten Peter Thiede (1952)

German Archaeologist

Carsten Peter Thiede OCF KStJ was a German archaeologist and New Testament scholar. He was also a member of PEN and a Knight of Justice in the Order of St...

10. Nils Hellner (1965)

German Archaeologist

Nils Hellner is a German archaeologist and architectural historian.

11. Gunnar Brands (1956)

German Archaeologist

Gunnar Brands is a German classical archaeologist. He was born in Duisburg Germany and attended the classical Landfermann-Gymnasium graduating in 1977. He then studied classical and Christian Archaeology Ancient History...

12. Ernst Waldschmidt (1897)

German Archaeologist

Ernst Waldschmidt was a German orientalist and Indologist. He was a pupil of German indologist Emil Sieg. He taught at Berlin University and began teaching at the University of Göttingen...

13. Ludwig von Urlichs (1813)

German Archaeologist

Karl Ludwig von Urlichs was a German philologist and archaeologist born in Osnabrück. He was the father of archaeologist Heinrich Ludwig Urlichs. He received his education at the University of...

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