Estonian Artist

1. Ivo Lill (1953)

Estonian Artist

Ivo Lill is a notable Estonian glass artist. Lill is a 1985 graduate of the Tallinn Art Academy and works almost exclusively in the medium of glass sculpting and design....

2. Mati Karmin (1959)

Estonian Artist

Mati Karmin is one of Estonia's most renowned contemporary sculptors. His career as an artist is characterised by an intense and remarkably versatile activity. Like many of his contemporaries the...

3. Andres Koort (1969)

Estonian Artist

Andres Koort is an Estonian painter scenographer exhibit designer and curator. He is a member of the Estonian Artists' Association and member of the board of the Estonian Painters Association...

4. Nelly Drell (1979)

Estonian Artist

Nelly Drell is an Estonian artist. She was born October 19 1979 in Tallinn. As a child she was very interested in art and while studying in Pelgulinna Secondary School...

5. Peeter Allik (1966)

Estonian Artist

Peeter Allik is an Estonian artist. Surrealist. Graduated from Tartu University. In 1997 became the first laureate of Ado Wabbe Prize. In 2002 won the Gran Pri on VIII International...

6. Jaan Toomik (1961)

Estonian Artist

Jaan Toomik is an Estonian video artist painter and award-winning filmmaker often described as the most widely acknowledged Estonian contemporary artist on the international scene.

7. Kalli Kalde (1967)

Estonian Artist

Kalli Kalde is an Estonian painter graphic artist and illustrator. From 1982 to 1986 Kalli Kalde studied graphic design in Tartu Art School. In 1991 she graduated from Department of...

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