Italian Lawyer

1. Ferdinando Imposimato (1936)

Italian Lawyer

Imposimato is an Italian magistrate the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy.

2. Vittorino Veronese (1910)

Italian Lawyer

Vittorino Veronese was an Italian lawyer who was Director-General of UNESCO from 1958 to 1961. With a doctorate in law and as an anti-fascist lawyer he quickly took an interest...

3. Aldo Vidussoni (1914)

Italian Lawyer

Aldo Vidussoni was an Italian lawyer and Fascist politician. After law studies at the University of Trieste Vidussoni joined the Partito National Socialist German Workers' Partyonale Fascista in May 1936....

4. Francesco Rèpaci (1881)

Italian Lawyer

sco Rèpaci was an Italian lawyer and politic. socialist and antifasicte friend of gabriel D'Annuzio Fatheur of antonino Rèpaci and grand fatheur of Gabriella Rèpaci-courtois.

5. Antonio Ingroia (1959)

Italian Lawyer

Antonio Ingroia is an Italian magistrate and politician and leader of Civil Revolution with Luigi de Magistris the mayor of Naples. Ingroia is also the director of a UN investigation...

6. Lorenzo Acquarone (1931)

Italian Lawyer

Lorenzo Acquarone is an Italian lawyer. Acquarone graduated in law and became a lawyer and university lecturer. As a member of the Italian People's Party he was elected to the...

7. Puccio Pucci (lawyer) (1904)

Italian Lawyer

Not to be confused with the medieval Florentine politician Puccio Pucci. Puccio Pucci was an Italian lawyer and sports official. He was the son of the notary Pietro Pucci a...

8. Mario Scaramella (1970)

Italian Lawyer

Mario Scaramella is an Italian lawyer security consultant and academic nuclear expert who came to international prominence in 2006 in connection with the poisoning of the ex-FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko.

9. Lidia Poët (1855)

Italian Lawyer

Lidia Poët was the first modern female Italian advocate. Her disbarring led to a movement to allow women to practice law and hold public office in Italy.

10. Michele Cianciulli (1895)

Italian Lawyer

Michele Cianciulli was an Italian lawyer historian and philosopher. Cianciulli born in Montella was charged with the teaching of philosophy at the University La Sapienza in Rome. He has written...

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