Romanian Academic

1. Florin-Teodor Tănăsescu (1932)

Romanian Academic

-Teodor Tănăsescu is a Romanian electrical engineer professor at the University Politehnica of Bucharest. His father Dumitru Tănăsescu was a lawyer being also known for his hobby of apiculturist. His...

2. Valter Roman (1913)

Romanian Academic

Valter or Walter Roman born Ernst or Ernő Neuländer was a Romanian communist activist and soldier. During his lifetime Roman was active inside the Romanian Czechoslovakian French and Spanish Communist...

3. Alexandru Roman (1826)

Romanian Academic

Alexandru Roman was a Romanian publisher and academic. He was one of the founding members of the Romanian Academy.

4. Adrian Miroiu (1954)

Romanian Academic

Adrian Miroiu is a neoliberal Romanian political philosopher. He was Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest from 1993 to 1995 Dean of the Faculty of...

5. Miruna Runcan (1954)

Romanian Academic

Miruna Runcan is a Romanian-born writer semiotician and theater critic. She got a PhD in Theater's Aesthetics at the Bucharest University of Theater and Film in 1999 on a complex...

6. Ioanel Sinescu (1951)

Romanian Academic

Ioanel C. Sinescu a Romanian physician was born in Movileni Iaşi County. Following secondary studies in Iaşi and Câmpulung Moldovenesc from 1971 to 1977 he attended the military section of...

7. Alexandru Dobrogeanu-Gherea (1879)

Romanian Academic

Alexandru Dobrogeanu-Gherea or Alexandru Gherea was a Romanian communist militant and son of socialist sociologist and literary critic Constantin Dobrogeanu-Gherea. He also used the pseudonyms of G. Alexe and Saşa/Sasha.

8. Ion Ionescu de la Brad (1818)

Romanian Academic

Ion Ionescu de la Brad born Ion Isăcescu was a Moldavian-born Romanian revolutionary agronomist statistician scholar and writer. Born in Roman he was the son of a Moldavian Orthodox priest....

9. Dan Duțescu (1918)

Romanian Academic

Dan Duţescu (b. 21 October 1918 – d.

10. Matei Călinescu (1934)

Romanian Academic

Matei Călinescu was a Romanian literary critic and professor of comparative literature at Indiana University in Bloomington Indiana. He attended the Ion Luca Caragiale High School in Bucharest taking his...

11. Eugen Relgis (1895)

Romanian Academic

Eugen D. Relgis was a Romanian writer pacifist philosopher and anarchist militant known as a theorist of humanitarianism. His internationalist dogma with distinct echoes from Judaism and Jewish ethics was...

12. Samuil Micu-Klein (1745)

Romanian Academic

Samuil Micu Klein was a Romanian Greek-Catholic theologian historian philologist and philosopher a member of the Enlightenment-era movement of Transylvanian School.

13. Ştefan Bârsănescu (1895)

Romanian Academic

Ștefan Bârsănescu was a Romanian academician and educator who gained renown as an essayist and philosopher. Born in the village of Viperești in Buzău County a part of the historical...

14. Ioan P. Culianu (1950)

Romanian Academic

Ioan Petru Culianu or Couliano was a Romanian historian of religion culture and ideas a philosopher and political essayist and a short story writer.

15. Eufrosin Poteca (1786)

Romanian Academic

Eufrosin Poteca was a Romanian philosopher theologian and translator professor at the Saint Sava Academy of Bucharest. Later in life he campaigned against slavery. He was the grandfather of the...

16. Dimitrie Gusti (1880)

Romanian Academic

Dimitrie Gusti was a Romanian sociologist ethnologist historian and voluntarist philosopher; a professor at the University of Iaşi and the University of Bucharest he served as Romania's Minister of Education...

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