Fijian Politician

1. George Speight (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

George Speight occasionally known as Ilikimi Naitini was the principal instigator of the Fiji coup of 2000 in which he kidnapped thirty-six government officials and held them from May 19...

2. Bernadette Ganilau (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Bernadette Lavenia Rounds Ganilau born July 5 1951 as Bernadette Lavenia Rounds is a Fijian writer broadcaster and politician who recently served as Minister for Labour Minister for Tourism Industrial...

3. Anand Babla (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Anand Babla was a Fijian politician of Indian descent. He was a member of the National Farmers Union and Fiji Labour Party holding the Tavua Indian Communal Constituency from 1992...

4. Vivekanand Sharma (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Vivekanad Sharma was a Fiji Indian politician and religious worker but is best known for his promotion of the Hindi language in Fiji and abroad.

5. Jai Ram Reddy (1937)

Fijian Politician

Jai Ram Reddy CF is an Indo-Fijian statesman who has had a distinguished career in both the legislative and judicial branches of the Fijian government. In 1998 he received Fiji's...

6. Nitya Nand Reddy (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Nitya Nand Reddy is a Fiji Indian has been an accountant and a unionist before being elected to the House of Representatives of Fiji. He was born in Nadi Fiji...

7. Noor Dean (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Noor Dean is a Fiji Indian lawyer and politician who served in the Suva City Council and was elected to the House of Representatives of Fiji in 1987. He was...

8. Samresan Pillay (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Samresan Pillay is a former Fiji Indian soldier and teacher who has also been a member of the House of Representatives of Fiji. He was born in Panang Ra Fiji...

9. Navin Maharaj (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Navin Maharaj is a Fiji Indian businessman former mayor of Suva and member of the House of Representatives of Fiji. He is the son of one of the first three...

10. Teimumu Kepa (1945)

Fijian Politician

Teimumu Vuikaba Kepa is a Fijian chief and politician. A former students' coordinator at the University of the South Pacific when Kepa chose to enter the University to embark on...

11. Fida Hussein (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Hussein is a Fiji Indian who served in the Fiji Police Force and as a sales consultant before being elected to the House of Representatives of Fiji. He was born...

12. Joni Madraiwiwi (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi is a Fijian lawyer politician and was the Vice-President of Fiji from 2004 to 2006. He was sworn in on 10 January 2005 following his nomination by...

13. Narendra Singh Arjun (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Narendra Singh Arjun was a Fijian lawyer and politician of Indian descent. In the course of his career he served as President of the Fiji Law Society and as a...

14. Sanjeet Chand Maharaj (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Sanjeet Chand Maharaj was a Fijian politician of Indian descent. In the House of Representatives he represents the Viti Levu East Maritime Indian Communal Constituency one of 19 reserved for...

15. Satendra Nandan (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Dr Satendra Pratap Nandan is a Fiji Indian academic writer and former politician.

16. Sathi Narain (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Sir Sathi Narain was a Fiji Indian businessman who built up his construction and shipping business through his own hard work.

17. Chaitanya Lakshman (1968)

Fijian Politician

Chaitanya Lakshman is a Fiji Indian lawyer social worker and politician who served in the multi-party cabinet of the Qarase Government as Minister for Local Government. Lakshman was elected from...

18. A. D. Patel (1905)

Fijian Politician

Ambalal Dahyabhai Patel better known as A. D. Patel was a Fiji Indian politician farmers' leader and founder and leader of the National Federation Party. Patel was uncompromisingly committed...

19. Samanunu Cakobau-Talakuli (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Adi Litia Samanunu Cakobau-Talakuli is a Fijian chief politician and diplomat. The eldest child of Ratu Sir George Cakobau Talakuli has held a number of senior positions in the Fijian...

20. Netani Sukanaivalu (1945)

Fijian Politician

Netani Sukanaivalu is a Fijian academic former naval officer and political leader who was appointed to the interim Cabinet as Minister for Education on 9 January 2006. A former lecturer...

21. Filipe Bole (1936)

Fijian Politician

Nagera Bole is a Fijian politician who hails from the village of Mualevu on the island of Vanuabalavu in the Lau Group. He has long had a reputation as one...

22. Nanise Nagusuca (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Nanise Nagusuca is a Fijian politician who was elected to the House of Representatives in a special election on December 11 2004. The byelection for the North East Urban Fijian...

23. Inoke Kubuabola (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Ratu Inoke Pusi Maisala Kubu-bola is a Fijian politician who served as Leader of the Opposition in 1999 and 2000. He became leader of the Fijian Political Party following its...

24. Savenaca Draunidalo (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Savenaca Uluibau Draunidalo known sometimes by his chiefly title of Ratu was a Fijian politician who served in the Cabinet from 2001 to 2006 when a military coup ended his...

25. Finau Mara (1960)

Fijian Politician

Ratu Alifereti Finau Mara is a Fijian lawyer politician and diplomat. He is best known as the eldest son of former Prime Minister and President Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. Since...

26. Joji Banuve (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Joji Natadra Banuve was a Fijian politician who served in the Cabinet as Assistant Minister for Local Government Housing Squatter Settlement and the Environment. In the aforementioned roles he assisted...

27. Narsi Raniga (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Narsi Raniga is a Fiji Indian who has held senior civil service posts in Fiji and has also been a member of the House of Representatives of Fiji. He was...

28. Sairusi Nagagavoka (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Ratu Sairusi Nagagavoka is a Fijian chief and political leader from Ba Province. He holds the traditional title of Momo na Tui Ba commonly abbreviated to Tui Ba Bulu...

29. Jokapeci Koroi (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Jokapeci Talei Koroi was a Fijian politician. She was currently the President of the Fiji Labour Party and a Senator. She was appointed to the Senate in 2002 as one...

30. Kenneth Zinck (1959)

Fijian Politician

Kenneth Vincent Zinck is a Fijian politician who served in the Cabinet from 2001 to 2006 as Minister for Labour Industrial Relations and Productivity.

31. Epeli Ganilau (1951)

Fijian Politician

Brigadier-General Ratu Epeli Ganilau MC MSD is a Fijian soldier and statesman who currently heads the National Alliance Party of Fiji. His career has previously encompassed such roles as Commander...

32. Viliame Cavubati (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Viliame Cavubati is a Fijian politician. His first foray into politics was in 1968 when he began working for the then-ruling Fijian Alliance.

33. Rishi Shankar (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Rishi Shankar is a Fiji Indian lawyer who was elected to the House of Representatives of Fiji. He was born in Lautoka Fiji and was a police officer from 1953...

34. Vijay R. Singh (1931)

Fijian Politician

Sir Vijay Raghubar Singh KBE was an Indo-Fijian lawyer and politician who held Cabinet office in the 1960s and 1970s. Vijay Singh served in Prime Minister Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara's...

35. Jain Kumar (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Jain Kumar was elected the Chairman of Sugar Cane Growers Council of Fiji on 19 January 2007. He replaced Vijendra Autar who had been sacked by the military together with...

36. Apisai Tora (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Mohammad Apisai Vuniyayawa Tora is a Fijian politician and former soldier and trade unionist. As a labour leader he was a fighter for dock workers. As a soldier he served...

37. Koila Nailatikau (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Adi Koila Mara Nailatikau is a Fijian lawyer who has served as a diplomat and politician.

38. James Ah Koy (1936)

Fijian Politician

Sir James Michael Ah Koy KBE is a Fijian of Chinese and Fijian descent. He is Executive Chairman of Kelton Investments the IT service provider Datec Group Ltd. Honorary Consul...

39. Kaliopate Tavola (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Kaliopate Tavola is a Fijian Agricultural economist diplomat and politician who was his country's Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2000 to 2006. He was also Minister for External Trade and...

40. Mahendra Chaudhry (1942)

Fijian Politician

Mahendra Pal Chaudhry is a Fijian politician and the leader of the Fiji Labour Party. Following a historic election in which he defeated the long-time former leader Sitiveni Rabuka...

41. Govind Swamy (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Govind Swamy is a Fiji Indian who was a teacher for many years before being elected to the House of Representatives of Fiji. He was born in Labasa and after...

42. James Shankar Singh (1924)

Fijian Politician

James Shankar Singh was a Fiji Indian farmer businessman social worker and politician who served as a Minister in the Alliance Government of Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara. Like many Fiji...

43. Paul Manueli (1934)

Fijian Politician

Colonel Paul Manueli is a former Commander of the Royal Fiji Military Forces a former Fiji Cabinet minister Senator and successful businessman.

44. Antonio Tanaburenisau (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Antonio Tanaburenisau is a former Fijian politician. He won the Namosi Fijian Communal constituency as a candidate of the Fijian Association Party in the general election of 1999. On 22...

45. Rakuita Vakalalabure (1962)

Fijian Politician

Ratu Rakuita Saurara Vakalalabure is a Fijian lawyer and politician. He was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1999 and following the elections after the 2000 political uphevals...

46. Harilal Manilal Patel (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Harilal Manilal Patel is a Fiji Indian lawyer who has also been a member of the House of Representatives of Fiji. He was born in Suva Fiji and after completing...

47. Tu'uakitau Cokanauto (1945)

Fijian Politician

Ratu Tu'uakitau George Cokanauto is a Fijian chief and politician. He is the scion of a distinguished family as a son of Ratu Sir Edward Cakobau and brother of the...

48. Harish Sharma (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Harish Chandra Sharma was a Fiji Indian politician who became the leader of the National Federation Party in 1987 and was the leader of the organisation representing most of the...

49. S. M. Koya (Unknow)

Fijian Politician

Siddiq Moidin Koya was a Fijian Indian politician and Opposition leader. He succeeded to the leadership of the mostly Indo-Fijian National Federation Party on the death of the party's founder...

50. Tomasi Vakatora (1926)

Fijian Politician

Tomasi Vakatora was a Fijian statesman who held Cabinet office and served as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Vakatora entered the House of Representatives as a member of the...

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