British Writer And Academic

1. Michael Hamburger (1924)

British Writer And Academic

A German-English author, translator, poet, critic, and scholar, he published The Truth of Poetry, an important work of literary criticism, in 1968. His other works include Circling the Square (poems)...

2. Susan Blackmore (1951)

British Writer And Academic

English broadcaster and writer on psychology and the paranormal who released the popular book The Meme Machine in 1999. She has contributed to over 40 books and scholarly articles.

3. Lewis Morris (1701–1765) (1701)

British Writer And Academic

Lewis Morris was a Welsh hydrographer antiquary poet and lexicographer the eldest of the Morris brothers of Anglesey. Lewis Morris was the eldest son of Morris ap Rhisiart Morris a...

4. Matthew McDiarmid (Unknow)

British Writer And Academic

Matthew McDiarmid full name Matthew Purdie McDiarmid was a Scottish literary scholar essayist campaigning academic and poet. He was a founding member of the Association for Scottish Literary Studies and...

5. Richard Crawley (1840)

British Writer And Academic

Richard Crawley was a Welsh writer an academic who eventually pursued a career in insurance.

6. Meirion Pennar (1944)

British Writer And Academic

Dr Meirion Pennar was a Welsh poet and academic who translated two works of Welsh language literature.

7. Tom Hubbard (Unknow)

British Writer And Academic

Tom Hubbard was the first librarian of the Scottish Poetry Library and is the author editor or co-editor of over thirty academic and literary works. Hubbard formerly edited the Online...

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