Spanish Philosopher

1. Julián Marías (1914)

Spanish Philosopher

Spanish philosopher most remembered for his association with the Generation of '36 movement.

2. Dalmacio Negro Pavón (1931)

Spanish Philosopher

Dalmacio Negro Pavón is a Spanish University professor and author member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Moral and Social Sciences. Dalmacio Negro PavónHe is an Attorney at Law and...

3. Gustavo Bueno (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Gustavo Bueno Martínez is a Spanish philosopher. Gustavo Bueno is the main proponent of the philosophical system known as philosophical materialism. Philosophical materialism excludes any possibility of spiritual life without...

4. Jordi Pigem (1964)

Spanish Philosopher

Jordi Pigem is a Catalan philosopher and writer.

5. Javier Gomá (1965)

Spanish Philosopher

Javier Gomá Lanzón is a Spanish philosopher who is the executive director of the Juan March Foundation in Madrid Spain a post he has held since 2003.

6. Francesc Pujols (1882)

Spanish Philosopher

sc Pujols i Morgades was a Catalan writer and philosopher. Pujols began to write poetry during his studies on secondary school influenced by the work of Jacint Verdaguer and Joan...

7. José María Valverde (1926)

Spanish Philosopher

José María Valverde Pacheco - 6 June 1996 Barcelona) was a Spanish poet essayist literary critic philosophy historian and Spanish translator.

8. María Zambrano (1904)

Spanish Philosopher

María Zambrano Alarcón was a Spanish essayist and philosopher associated with the Generation of '36 movement. Zambrano studied under and was influenced by José Ortega y Gasset and went on...

9. Shem-Tov ibn Falaquera (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Shem-Tov ben Joseph ibn Falaquera also spelled Palquera was a Spanish Jewish philosopher and poet and commentator. A vast body of work is attributed to Falaquera including encyclopedias of...

10. Andrés Ortiz-Osés (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Andrés Ortiz-Osés is a Spanish philosopher. He studied theology in Comillas and Rome and then moved to The Institute of Philosophy in Innsbruck where he earned a Ph. D in...

11. Profiat Duran (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Profiat Duran full Hebrew name Isaac ben Moses ha-Levi; was a physician philosopher grammarian and controversialist in the 14th century.

12. Francisco Zumel (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

sco Zumel was a Spanish philosopher and ecclesiastic. He was superior general of the Mercedarian Order and professor of physics and moral philosophy at the University of Salamanca. He was...

13. Joaquim Carreras i Artau (1894)

Spanish Philosopher

Joaquim Carrera i Artau September 12 1968) was a Catalan philosopher. He began his studies of scholastic philosophy at the Girona Seminary where he stayed for ten years. Later he...

14. Joaquim Clotet (1946)

Spanish Philosopher

Joaquim Clotet Martí holds a doctorate in Philosophy and Letters with outstanding work in the area of Ethics and Bioethics. Since 2004 he has been the President of the Pontifícia...

15. José Gaos (1900)

Spanish Philosopher

José Gaos was a Spanish philosopher who obtained political asylum in Mexico during the Spanish Civil War. Gaos was a professor of the University of Zaragoza and University of Madrid....

16. Francisco de Vitoria (1483)

Spanish Philosopher

sco de Vitoria OP raised in Burgos was a Spanish Renaissance Roman Catholic philosopher theologian and jurist founder of the tradition in philosophy known as the School of Salamanca noted...

17. Francesc Eiximenis (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

sc Eiximenis was a Franciscan Catalan writer who lived in the 14th-century Crown of Aragon. He was possibly one of the more successful medieval Catalan writers since his works...

18. Daniel Innerarity (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Daniel Innerarity Grau is a Spanish philosopher and lecturer in philosophy at the University of Zaragoza. He publishes his articles on El País and El Correo. He has translated books...

19. Francisco Giner de los Ríos (1839)

Spanish Philosopher

sco Giner de los Ríos was a philosopher educator and one of the most influential Spanish intellectuals at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century....

20. Joaquin Xirau Palau (1895)

Spanish Philosopher

Joaquin Xirau Palau. Refugee from Franco's Spain to Mexico Xirau Palau had studied beside Ortega y Gasset particularly inspired by German and Anglo-Saxon philosophy such as Bergson Husserl & Heidegger....

21. Carlos Andrés y Morell (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Carlos Andrés y Morell was a Spanish philosopher lawyer politician and writer.

22. Ignacio Ellacuría (1930)

Spanish Philosopher

Ignacio Ellacuría S. J. was a Jesuit priest philosopher and theologian who did important work as a professor and rector at the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas a Jesuit...

23. Francisco Suárez (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

sco Suárez was a Spanish Jesuit priest philosopher and theologian one of the leading figures of the School of Salamanca movement and generally regarded among the greatest scholastics after Thomas...

24. Juan Manuel Burgos (1961)

Spanish Philosopher

Juan Manuel Burgos Velasco is a Spanish Personalist philosopher. He has a PhD. in Physics and a PhD. in Philosophy. He is Professor at the University San Pablo CEU and...

25. Joseph de Torre (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Joseph de Torre is a social and political philosopher and a Roman Catholic priest. He is the author of books on social ethics Catholic social teaching modern philosophy and spirituality....

26. Juan Azor (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Juan Azor was a Spanish philosopher and Jesuit priest.

27. Urbano González Serrano (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Urbano González Serrano was a Spanish philosopher psychologist educator and literary critic of the late 19th century.

28. Antonio Comellas y Cluet (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Antonio Comellas y Cluet was a philosopher. Comellas studied philosophy and theology in Vic and entered the diocesan seminary in Solsona Lleida. After his ordination he continued to teach Latin...

29. Juan José Urráburu (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Juan José Urráburu was a Spanish Jesuit and a scholastic philosopher. Catholic Encyclopedia article

30. Eduardo Nicol (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Eduardo Nicol Mexican-Spanish philosopher arrived in Mexico in 1939 obtained his major in philosophy from UNAM the biggest university in Mexico where he taught from 1940.

31. Oliva Sabuco (1562)

Spanish Philosopher

Oliva Sabuco de Nantes Barrera was a Spanish writer in holistic medical philosophy in the late 16th – early 17th century. She was interested in the interaction between the physical...

32. Rafael Gambra Ciudad (1920)

Spanish Philosopher

Rafael Gambra Ciudad was a Spanish philosopher and professor. He studied at the Colegio del Pilar in Madrid. After the war he studied Philosophy and Letters at the University of...

33. Diego de Zúñiga (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

To be distinguished from Diego López de Zúñiga Diego de Zúñiga of Salamanca was an Augustinian Hermit and academic. He is known for publishing an early acceptance of the...

34. Juan David García Bacca (1901)

Spanish Philosopher

Juan David García Bacca was a Spanish-Venezuelan philosopher and university professor. Garcia Bacca studied under the Claretians and became a priest in 1925. He continued his formative studies at the...

35. Manuel Sacristán (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Manuel Sacristán was a Spanish philosopher and writer. Sacristán the son of a Francoist collaborator moved to Barcelona in 1940 thereafter living most of his life in said city. He...

36. Gonçal Mayos Solsona (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Gonçal Mayos Solsona is a Spanish and Catalan philosopher essayist and professor at the University of Barcelona. Specialist by Hegel Herder Kant Descartes D'Alembert Nietzsche.. . has evolved into the...

37. Gómez Pereira (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Gómez Pereira was a Spanish philosopher doctor and natural humanist from Medina del Campo. Pereira worked hard to dispel medieval concepts of medicine and proposed the application of empirical methods;...

38. Diego Mateo Zapata (1664)

Spanish Philosopher

Diego Mateo Zapata was a Spanish physician and philosopher. In 1724 he and Juan Muñoz y Peralta were both denounced to the Spanish Inquisition as judaisers.

39. Hasdai Crescas (Unknow)

Spanish Philosopher

Hasdai ben Judah Crescas was a Spanish-Jewish philosopher and a renowned halakhist. Along with Rambam Ralbag and Albo he is known as one of the major practitioners of the rationalist...

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