Mexican Philosopher

1. Alejandro Rossi (1932)

Mexican Philosopher

Alejandro Rossi was a Mexican writer. Alejandro Rossi wrote philosophical essays short stories and the following books: Lenguaje y significado ; Manual del Distraído Manual of the Absent-minded (J.

2. Samuel Ramos (1897)

Mexican Philosopher

Dr. Samuel Ramos was a Mexican philosopher and writer. Ramos was born in Zitácuaro Michoacán and in 1909 entered the Colegio de San Nicolás in Hidalgo. He published his first...

3. Leopoldo Zea Aguilar (1912)

Mexican Philosopher

Leopoldo Zea was a Mexican philosopher. One of the integral Latin Americanism thinkers in history Zea became famous thanks to his master's thesis El Positivismo en México in which he...

4. Hector Zagal (1952)

Mexican Philosopher

Héctor Jesús Zagal Arreguín is a Mexican philosopher essayist and novelist. As a scholar he specializes in Aristotle.

5. Edmundo Cetina Velázquez (1896)

Mexican Philosopher

Edmundo Cetina Velázquez was a Mexican philosopher.

6. Emilio Uranga (Unknow)

Mexican Philosopher

Emilio Uranga was a Mexican philosopher.

7. Luis Villoro (1922)

Mexican Philosopher

Luis Villoro Toranzo was a Spanish–Mexican philosopher researcher university professor diplomat academic and writer. He published more than ten books between 1950 and 2007. Villoro was born in Barcelona on...

8. Juliana González Valenzuela (1936)

Mexican Philosopher

Juliana González Valenzuela is a Mexican philosopher.

9. Juan Manuel Silva Camarena (1945)

Mexican Philosopher

Juan Manuel Silva Camarena is an important Mexican philosopher Cathedratic Professor and academic functionary who has already brought many generations of students up with the conviction of inviolable vocational compromise...

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