Novelist Screenwriter

1. Raymond Chandler (1888)

Novelist Screenwriter

Hardboiled crime novelist who created the private eye character Phillip Marlowe, and was nominated for an Academy Award for his screenplay for Double Indemnity. Some of his most important literary...

2. Leigh Brackett (1915)

Novelist Screenwriter

An American science fiction writer and screenwriter, she is best known for her work on such films as The Big Sleep, Rio Bravo, and The Long Goodbye. Her numerous works...

3. Elmore Leonard (1925)

Novelist Screenwriter

American crime fiction, pulp fiction, and western fiction writer whose most famous works, including Get Shorty and Rum Punch, were adapted into films. He received the F. Scott Fitzgerald Literary Award in...

4. William Peter Blatty (1928)

Novelist Screenwriter

Bestselling author who turned his novel The Exorcist into an Academy Award-winning screenplay. He is also known for Elsewhere, Crazy, and other novels.

5. Judith Guest (1936)

Novelist Screenwriter

An American novelist and screenwriter, she is known for her 1982 novel, Second Heaven. Another of her popular works, Ordinary People, was adapted into an Academy Award-winning film.

6. Thomas Harris (1940)

Novelist Screenwriter

American author and screenwriter who created the character of Hannibal Lecter. All of his novels were made into films.

7. Peter Benchley (1940)

Novelist Screenwriter

American author who wrote the 1974 bestselling novel, Jaws, which was later adapted into a popular Steven Spielberg film. Benchley's other works include The Deep (1976) and The Island (1979).

8. Martin Cruz Smith (1942)

Novelist Screenwriter

A popular mystery author, he is most recognized for his novels featuring Russian investigator Arkady Renko. He is also known for his 1977 novel, Nightwing, which was later adapted into...

9. Robert Crais (1953)

Novelist Screenwriter

An American author known for his award-winning detective novels, he is most famous for The Monkey's Raincoat (1987), Sunset Express (1996), and The Watchman (2007). He also had a screenwriting...

10. Terry Louise Fisher (1946)

Novelist Screenwriter

Terry Louise Fisher is an American television producer screenwriter and novelist.

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