Moroccan Poet

1. Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine (Unknow)

Moroccan Poet

Mohammed Khair-Eddine was amongst the most famous Moroccan literary figures of the 20th century.

2. Mohammed Khammar Kanouni (Unknow)

Moroccan Poet

Mohammed Khammar Kanouni or Guenouni was one of the three most important poets of Morocco in the 1960s. Together with Ahmed Mejjati and Mohamed Serghini he represented a generation of...

3. Mohamed Serghini (Unknow)

Moroccan Poet

Mohamed Serghini is a famous Moroccan poet. Serghini is the author of several poetry collections a novel and numerous translations. In 2004 he was awarded the Prix International de Poésie...

4. Mohamed Sibari (Unknow)

Moroccan Poet

Mohamed Sibari was a Moroccan poet novelist and translator. He wrote books in both Arabic and Spanish. Sibari was born in Ksar El-Kebir. He was awarded the Spanish National Cross...

5. Abdallah Zrika (Unknow)

Moroccan Poet

Abdallah Zrika is one of the most famous poets of Morocco. His poetry is free based on spoken language and unrivalled in contemporary Arabic literature in its spontaneity. Zrika...

6. Mohammed ibn Idris al-Amrawi (1794)

Moroccan Poet

Mohammed ibn Idris al-Amrawi or in full Abu Abdallah Mohammed ibn Idris ibn Mohammed ibn Idris ibn Mohammed ibn Idris ibn al-Hajj Mohammed al-Azammuri al-Amrawi al-Fasi was a well-known poet...

7. Idriss ibn al-Hassan al-Alami (Unknow)

Moroccan Poet

Idriss ibn al-Hassan al-Alami was a Moroccan poet and translator. He is also the author of several books on the Arab language. Among the books he translated into Arabic...

8. Mohammed ibn Mohammed Alami (Unknow)

Moroccan Poet

Mohammed ben Mohammed Alami was a Moroccan poet. He belongs to the generation of Moroccan poets who published their writings in magazines and newspapers. Much later his work was published...

9. Hemmou Talb (1965)

Moroccan Poet

Sidi Hemmou Talb was a Moroccan poet from the 18th century writing in Berber. Hemmou Talb was born in Awluz and died in les Iskrouzen where his tomb has become...

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