Lithuanian Philosopher

1. Vydūnas (1868)

Lithuanian Philosopher

Storost artistic name Vilius Storostas-Vydūnas mostly known as Vydūnas was a Prussian-Lithuanian teacher poet humanist philosopher and Lithuanianwriter and philosopher a leader of the Prussian Lithuanian national movement in Lithuania...

2. Algis Uždavinys (1962)

Lithuanian Philosopher

Algis Uždavinys was a prolific Lithuanian philosopher and scholar. His work pioneered the hermeneutical comparative study of Egyptian and Greek religions especially their esoteric relations to Semitic religions and in...

3. Aron Gurwitsch (1901)

Lithuanian Philosopher

Aron Gurwitsch was a Litvak American phenomenologist. He was a student of Moritz Geiger among others. Gurwitsch wrote on the relations between phenomenology and Gestalt psychology. He taught at The...

4. Romanas Plečkaitis (1933)

Lithuanian Philosopher

Romanas Plečkaitis - Lithuanian philosopher logic philosophy history researcher Doctor habil Professor. Romanas Plečkaitis translated the main Immanuel Kant works into Lithuanian language wrote the history of Lithuanian philosophy and...

5. Stasys Šalkauskis (1886)

Lithuanian Philosopher

Stasys Šalkauskis was a Lithuanian philosopher educator rector of Vytautas Magnus University. His philosophy of culture was developed by Antanas Maceina and other philosophers.

6. Juozas Girnius (1915)

Lithuanian Philosopher

Juozas Girnius was a Lithuanian existentialist philosopher. His philosophy combined existentialism Catholicism and Lithuanian nationalism. Together with Antanas Maceina and Stasys Šalkauskis Girnius became a cornerstone of modern Lithuanian philosophy.

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