French General

1. Maxime Weygand (1867)

French General

French military commander who fought in World War I and in World War II.

2. Maurice Gamelin (1872)

French General

Army general who served as Commander-in-Chief of the French Armed Forces during World War II.

3. Charles Leclerc (1997)

French General

Monégasque racing driver who is recognized for having been crowned the champion of the GP3 Series. In 2016, he became a full fledged member of the Ferrari Driver Academy and in 2018...

4. Claude-Henri Belgrand de Vaubois (1748)

French General

Claude-Henri Belgrand de Vaubois was a French general during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. On 20 August 1808 he created Comte de Belgrand de Vaubois. Later his...

5. Pierre François Sauret (1742)

French General

Pierre François Sauret de la Borie enlisted in the French army as a private fought in the Seven Years War and became a general officer during the French Revolutionary Wars....

6. Jean Dominique Compans (1769)

French General

Count Jean Dominique Compans was a French Divisional General from 1811 and a participant of Napoleonic Wars. Upon the outbreak of the French Revolution Compans enlisted as a volunteer in...

7. Charles Nicolas Fabvier (1782)

French General

Charles Nicolas Fabvier was an ambassador general and French member of parliament who played a distinguished role in the Greek War of Independence.

8. Honoré Charles Reille (1775)

French General

Honoré Charles Michel Joseph Reille was a Marshal of France born in Antibes. Reille served in the early campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars under Dumouriez and Masséna whose daughter...

9. Charles Nicolas Lacretelle (Unknow)

French General

Charles Nicolas Lacretelle was a French General and Statesman born in Pont-à-Mousson on 30 October 1822.

10. Adolphe Charles Le Flô (1804)

French General

Adolphe Emmanuel Charles Le Flô was a French Army general and politician.

11. Charles Marie de Beaumont d'Autichamp (1770)

French General

Charles Marie Auguste Joseph de Beaumont comte d'Autichamp. A brave but ponderous man he was one of the few Royalist survivors of the War in the Vendée.

12. Joseph-François-Louis-Charles de Damas (1758)

French General

Duke Joseph François Louis Charles de Damas was a French general. As a colonel took part in the American Revolution from 1780 to 1781.

13. Matthieu I of Montmorency (Unknow)

French General

Matthieu I de Montmorency was lord of Montmorency Marly Conflans-Sainte-Honorine and Attichy. He was also Constable of France from 1138 to 1160 under Louis VII. He was the eldest son...

14. Charles Lallemand (1774)

French General

çois Antoine Charles Lallemand was a French general who served Napoleon I of France tried to found a colony in what is now Texas and finally returned to France to...

15. Camille Alphonse Trézel (1780)

French General

Camille Alphonse Trézel was a French général de division Minister for War and peer of France during the July Monarchy. He was Assistant Chief of the General Staff on the...

16. Christophe Léon Louis Juchault de Lamoricière (1806)

French General

Christophe Léon Louis Juchault de Lamoricière was a French general. Lamoricière was born at Nantes. He studied at the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole d'Application. He was commissioned a sub-lieutenant...

17. Jean Rapp (1771)

French General

Jean Rapp was a French Army general during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. Rapp was born the son of the janitor of the town-hall of Colmar. He...

18. Pierre Claude Pajol (1772)

French General

Claude-Pierre Comte de Pajol was a French cavalry general and military commander during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and political figure.

19. Amédée Despans-Cubières (1786)

French General

General Amédée Louis de Cubières known as Despans-Cubières was a French general and politician.

20. Honoré Théodore Maxime Gazan de la Peyrière (1765)

French General

Honoré Théodore Maxime Gazan de la Peyrière was a French general who fought in the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. Gazan started his military career as a cannonier...

21. Charles de la Bédoyère (1786)

French General

Charles Angélique François Huchet Comte de la Bédoyère was a French General during the reign of Emperor Napoleon I who was executed in 1815. Descended from an old Breton family...

22. Louis-Léon de Brancas (1733)

French General

Louis-Léon de Brancas was a French general.

23. Pierre Benoît Soult (1770)

French General

Pierre Benoît Soult joined the French royal army before the French Revolution. He fought in the French Revolutionary Wars emerging from the conflict as colonel of a cavalry regiment. A...

24. Napoléon La Cécilia (1835)

French General

Napoléon La Cécilia was a French general.

25. François-Marie-Casimir Négrier (1788)

French General

çois-Marie-Casimir Négrier was a French general who fought in the Napoleonic Wars and the 1848 Revolution. Aged 12 he accompanied Jean Lannes on his embassy to Portugal. From 1830 he...

26. François-Nicolas-Benoît Haxo (1774)

French General

çois Nicolas Benoît Baron Haxo was a French Army general and military engineer during the French Revolution and First Empire. Haxo became famous in the Siege of Antwerp in 1832....

27. Étienne Tardif de Pommeroux de Bordesoulle (1771)

French General

Étienne Tardif de Pommeroux comte de Bordesoulle was a French nobleman and soldier who fought in the Napoleonic Wars and the Spanish expedition.

28. Philibert Jean-Baptiste Curial (1774)

French General

Philibert-Jean-Baptiste François Joseph comte Curial was a general in the Napoleon army.

29. Pierre de Bénouville (1914)

French General

Pierre de Bénouville was a French general.

30. Louis-Philippe de Vaudreuil (1724)

French General

Louis-Philippe de Rigaud Marquis de Vaudreuil was second in command of the French Navy during the American Revolutionary War.

31. Charles Lefebvre-Desnouettes (1773)

French General

Charles comte Lefebvre-Desnouettes or Lefèbvre-Desnoëttes became a French officer during the French Revolutionary Wars and a general during the Napoleonic Wars. He later emigrated to the United States.

32. Henri Bentégeat (1946)

French General

Henri Bentégeat is a French Army general who served as the chairman of the European Union Military Committee between 2006 and 2009.

33. Alain Pellegrini (1946)

French General

Alain Pellegrini is a French general. A former student of the École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr Pellegrini graduated from general staff schools before being appointed in Africa and the Middle...

34. Vincent Desportes (1953)

French General

Vincent Desportes is a retired French Army general and military theorist. Desportes graduated from the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr specialising in armour warfare. He also holds an engineer's degree...

35. Jean François Cornu de La Poype (1758)

French General

Jean François Cornu de La Poype was a French military leader. He was born in Lyon to a noble military family.

36. Nicolas Anne Théodule Changarnier (1793)

French General

Nicolas Anne Theodule Changarnier French general was born at Autun Saône-et-Loire. Educated at St Cyr he served for a short time in the bodyguard of Louis XVIII and entered the...

37. Pierre Marie Barthélemy Ferino (1747)

French General

Pierre Marie Barthélemy Ferino was a general and politician of France. Born in the Savoy he was the son of a low-ranking officer in the Habsburg military. In 1789 during...

38. Georges Picquart (1854)

French General

Marie Georges Picquart was a French army officer and Minister of War. He is best known for his role in the Dreyfus Affair.

39. Elrick Irastorza (1950)

French General

General Elrick James Martial Irastorza is a French general formerly Chief of Staff of the French Army. He has served a career in marine paratrooper infantry notably in oversea operations.

40. Louis-Auguste Juvénal des Ursins d'Harville (1749)

French General

Louis-Auguste Juvénal des Ursins d'Harville Count of Harville was a French military officer and politician in late 18th century France. A Divisional General in the French Revolutionary Wars and the...

41. David-Maurice-Joseph Mathieu de La Redorte (1768)

French General

David-Maurice-Joseph Mathieu de Saint-Maurice de La Redorte or Maurice Mathieu became a division commander in the armies of Napoleon. He was born into a French noble family and entered the...

42. Jean Augustin Ernouf (1753)

French General

Jean Augustin Ernouf was a French general and colonial administrator of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. He demonstrated moderate abilities as a combat commander; his real strength lay in...

43. Jean Gabriel Marchand (1765)

French General

Jean Gabriel Marchand 1st Count Marchand went from being an attorney to a company commander in the army of the First French Republic in 1791. He fought almost exclusively in...

44. Georges Ernest Boulanger (1837)

French General

Georges Ernest Jean-Marie Boulanger was a French general and politician who seemed at the apogee of his popularity in January 1889 to pose the threat of a coup d'état and...

45. Jean-Pierre Travot (1767)

French General

Jean Pierre Travot was a French general and nobleman the son of Philibert Travot and Catherine Guodefin.

46. Nicolas Léonard Beker (1770)

French General

Nicolas Léonard Beker or Nicolas Léonard Becker or Nicolas Léonard Bagert born 18 January 1770 – died 18 November 1840 joined the French army as a dragoon before the French...

47. Charles-Marie-Esprit Espinasse (1815)

French General

Charles-Marie-Esprit Espinasse was a French military officer who was briefly Minister of the Interior and Public Security in 1858. He died during the Italian campaign of 1859.

48. Charles-Marie-Napoléon de Beaufort d'Hautpoul (1804)

French General

Charles-Marie-Napoléon de Beaufort d'Hautpoul was a French general of the 19th century. He was born in Naples Italy where his father for a Colonel in the Génie.

49. Charles-Marie Denys de Damrémont (1783)

French General

Charles-Marie Denys count de Damrémont was a French general and military governor of French Algeria. He was killed in combat during the siege of Constantine.

50. Pierre Cambronne (1770)

French General

Pierre Jacques Étienne Cambronne later Pierre Viscount Cambronne was a General of the French Empire. He fought during the wars of the Revolution and the Napoleonic Era. He was wounded...

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