Belgian Philosopher

1. Dirk Verhofstadt (1955)

Belgian Philosopher

Dirk Verhofstadt is a Belgian social liberal theorist and brother of former Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt. He has a keen interest in political philosophy and his philosophical outlook is...

2. Johan Vandewalle (1960)

Belgian Philosopher

Johan Vandewalle is a Belgian philologist and civil engineer. In 1987 the Polyglot of Flanders/Babel Prize judged him as able to speak 22 living languages and in 1990 Ankara University...

3. Jean C. Baudet (1944)

Belgian Philosopher

Jean C. Baudet is a Belgian philosopher and writer born in Brussels.

4. Fernand Deschamps (1868)

Belgian Philosopher

Deschamps was a Belgian intellectual who participated in the great socio-economic and ethical debates in the first half of the twentieth century.

5. Jean Ladrière (Unknow)

Belgian Philosopher

Jean Ladrière was a Belgian philosopher.

6. Wilfrid Desan (Unknow)

Belgian Philosopher

Desan was a professor in philosophy best known for introducing French existentialism and especially the thought of Jean-Paul Sartre to the United States. He was a native of Belgium who...

7. Pierre Scheuer (1872)

Belgian Philosopher

Pierre Scheuer born the 9 November 1872 at Schaerbeek and died the 6 February 1957 at Louvain was a Belgian Jesuit priest metaphysician and mystic.

8. Leopold Flam (1912)

Belgian Philosopher

Leopold Flam was a Belgian philosopher. Together with Alphonse Dewaelhens Chaïm Perelman and Rudolf Boehm he was one of leading philosophers of Belgium from the 1960s until the 1980s. Born...

9. Raoul Vaneigem (1934)

Belgian Philosopher

Raoul Vaneigem is a Belgian writer and philosopher. He was born in Lessines. After studying romance philology at the Free University of Brussels from 1952 to 1956 he participated in...

10. Eugène Dupréel (1879)

Belgian Philosopher

Eugène Dupréel was a Belgian philosopher. He has been professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles from 1907 to 1950 teaching logic metaphysics greek philosophy moral philosophy and sociological theory....

11. Siger of Brabant (Unknow)

Belgian Philosopher

Siger of Brabant was a 13th-century philosopher from the southern Low Countries who was an important proponent of Averroism.

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