French Poet

1. Charles Baudelaire (1821)

French Poet

Nineteenth-century French prose poet, essayist, translator, and critic associated with the Symbolist and Modernist literary movements. His best-known works include Les Fleurs du mal, Les paradis artificiels, and Le Spleen...

2. Tristan Corbière (1845)

French Poet

Nineteenth-century French poet who published his verse in an 1873 edition of Les amours jaunes.

3. Arthur Rimbaud (1854)

French Poet

French symbolist and decadent poet who is remembered for such works as Le Soleil Etait Encore Chaud and Une Saison en Enfer. His later works include Illuminations and Lettres.

4. Yves Bonnefoy (1923)

French Poet

French poet and author who published his career-launching work, Du mouvement et de l'immobilite de Douve, in 1953. He also translated the works of William Shakespeare from English to French.

5. Sabine Sicaud (1913)

French Poet

Sabine Sicaud was a French poet. She was born in Villeneuve-sur-Lot a city in southwestern France. When she was eleven she won her first poetry prize at the Jasmin d'Argent...

6. Claude Vigée (1921)

French Poet

Claude Vigée is a French poet who writes in French and Alsatian. He describes himself as a Jew and an Alsatian thus doubly Alsatian and doubly Jewish.

7. Madeleine Riffaud (1924)

French Poet

Madeleine Riffaud born Arvillers France on 23 August 1924 is a French poet journalist war correspondent and previously a member of the French Resistance.

8. Lionel Ray (1935)

French Poet

Lionel Ray is a French poet and essayist.

9. André Velter (1945)

French Poet

André Velter French poet was born in Signy-l'Abbaye in the Ardennes région and was educated in Charleville and Paris. Having begun his first journeys in 1955 through Europe and the...

10. Dominique Sorrente (Unknow)

French Poet

Dominique Sorrente is a French poet. He was elected laureate by the Marseille Academy in 1983 and Guy Levis Mano laureate in 1984.

11. Roselyne Sibille (Unknow)

French Poet

Roselyne Sibille is a French poet who was born in 1953 in France. She studied geography and then worked as a librarian before running creative writing workshops.

12. Anne Portugal (1949)

French Poet

Anne Portugal is a French poet who lives and works in Paris. She was born in Angers and attended Paris 8 University in the suburbs of Paris. Her work is...

13. Alain Suied (1951)

French Poet

Alain Suied was a French poet and translator. Suied was born in Tunis into what was then the Jewish community in that city. In 1959 he moved to Paris with...

14. Christian Bobin (1951)

French Poet

Christian Bobin is a French author and poet. He received the 1993 Prix des Deux Magots for the book Le Très-Bas.

15. Serge Venturini (1955)

French Poet

Serge Venturini is a French poet. Poet of devenir several metamorphoses run through his poetry. From his poetics of human destiny through post-human and transhuman poetics he came to the...

16. Manou Mansour (1980)

French Poet

Ben-Ousséni Mansour alias Manou Mansour is a French poet. He is the eldest of nine children of Ousséni Mansour and Amina Angatahi. He grew up in the south of Mayotte...

17. François de Porchères d'Arbaud (1590)

French Poet

çois d'Arbaud de Porchères was born in Brignoles in the French department of Var on the 20th of December 1590 and died in Burgundy on the 5th of May 1640....

18. Charles de Gaulle (poet) (1837)

French Poet

Charles Jules-Joseph de Gaulle was a French writer who was a pioneer of Pan-Celticism and the bardic revival. He is also known as Charlez Vro-C'hall the Breton language version of...

19. Charles Dobzynski (Unknow)

French Poet

Charles Dobzynski is a French poet.

20. Victor Segalen (1878)

French Poet

Victor Segalen was a French naval doctor ethnographer archeologist writer poet explorer art-theorist linguist and literary critic. He was born in Brest. He studied naval medicine in Bordeaux. He traveled...

21. Carmen Bernos de Gasztold (Unknow)

French Poet

Carmen Bernos de Gasztold is a French poet. She spent her childhood in the province of Bordeaux France. She had 5 sisters and brothers. After World War II she went...

22. Bernard Heidsieck (Unknow)

French Poet

Bernard Heidsieck is a French sound poet. He is the former vice-president of the Banque Française du Commerce Extérieur in Paris and former president of the Commission Poésie at the...

23. Jean Meschinot (Unknow)

French Poet

Jean Meschinot was a Breton poet who wrote in French at the court of the dukes of Brittany. His birthplace was in the Mortiers domain around 30km south of Nantes...

24. Maurice Rollinat (1846)

French Poet

Maurice Rollinat was a French poet.

25. Alexandre Soumet (1788)

French Poet

Alexandre Soumet was a French poet.

26. André Chénier (1762)

French Poet

André Marie Chénier was a French poet of Greek origin associated with the events of the French Revolution of which he was a victim. His sensual emotive poetry marks him...

27. Vincent Voiture (1597)

French Poet

Vincent Voiture French poet was the son of a rich merchant of Amiens. He was introduced by a schoolfellow the count Claude d'Avaux to Gaston Duke of Orléans and accompanied...

28. Saint-John Perse (1887)

French Poet

Saint-John Perse was a French poet-diplomat awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1960 for the soaring flight and evocative imagery of his poetry. He was a major French...

29. André de Richaud (1909)

French Poet

André de Richaud was a French poet and writer. After his father was killed in the First World War in 1915 his mother became a lover of a German prisoner...

30. Saint-Pol-Roux (1861)

French Poet

Paul-Pierre Roux called Saint-Pol-Roux was a French Symbolist poet.

31. Meavenn (1911)

French Poet

Meavenn was the pen name of Francine Rozec also known as Fant Rozec a Breton language poet novelist and playwright linked to Breton nationalism.

32. Claude de Malleville (1597)

French Poet

Claude Malleville was a French poet and one of the founding members of the Académie française in 1634.

33. Maurice Scève (Unknow)

French Poet

Maurice Scève was a French poet active in Lyon during the Renaissance period. He was the centre of the Lyonnese côterie that elaborated the theory of spiritual love derived partly...

34. André du Bouchet (1924)

French Poet

André du Bouchet was a French poet.

35. Robert Sabatier (1923)

French Poet

Robert Sabatier was a French poet and writer. He wrote numerous novels essays and books of aphorisms and poems. He was elected to the Académie Goncourt in 1971 as well...

36. Jean Regnault de Segrais (1624)

French Poet

Jean Renaud de Segrais was a French poet and novelist born in Caen. He was elected a member of the Académie française in 1662.

37. Claude Esteban (1935)

French Poet

Claude Esteban was a French poet. Author of a major poetic œuvre of this last half-century Claude Esteban wrote numerous essays on art and poetry and was the French translator...

38. François-Joseph de Beaupoil de Sainte-Aulaire (1643)

French Poet

çois-Joseph de Beaupoil marquis de Sainte-Aulaire was a French poet and army officer.

39. Jean Vauquelin de la Fresnaye (Unknow)

French Poet

Jean Vauquelin de la Fresnaye was a French poet born at the château of La Fresnaye-au-Sauvage in Normandy in 1536. He studied the humanities at Paris and law at...

40. Andrée Brunin (1937)

French Poet

Andrée Brunin was a French poet Her output includes :Fille du Vent Poems - Nomad’s land Paris 2003. La pensée story for children. Histoire du petit bonnet story for children....

41. Adélaïde Dufrénoy (1765)

French Poet

Adélaïde-Gillette Dufrénoy was a French poet and painter from Brittany. The daughter of Jacques Billet a jeweller for the Crown of Poland she had a lavish education and learnt...

42. Jean Ristat (1943)

French Poet

Jean Ristat is a French poet and writer.

43. Camille Doucet (1812)

French Poet

Camille Doucet was a French poet and playwright.

44. Clément Marot (1495)

French Poet

Clément Marot was a French poet of the Renaissance period.

45. Francis Vielé-Griffin (1864)

French Poet

s Vielé-Griffin was a French symbolist poet. He was born at Norfolk Virginia USA and was the son of Egbert Ludovicus Viele. Vielé-Griffin was educated in France and divided his...

46. Nicolas Filleul de La Chesnaye (Unknow)

French Poet

Nicolas Filleul de La Chesnaye was a French poet. He was professor at the College of Harcourt Eure where in 1563 he produced Achille. His texts were used for the...

47. Claude Pelieu (1934)

French Poet

Claude Pélieu was a French poet and artist born in Beauchamp on December 20 1934 and died December 24 2002 in Norwich New York USA

48. Georgette Vallejo (1908)

French Poet

Reader's Comment: The current posting should be removed until adequately documented and edited for minimum standards of language accuracy. Georgette Marie Philippart Travers French writer and poet.

49. Alfred de Bougy (1814)

French Poet

Alfred James Louis Joseph de Bougy French poet and author was born in Grenoble. He died in Évian-les-Bains.

50. Alexandre Guiraud (1788)

French Poet

Pierre Marie Jeanne Alexandre Thérèse Guiraud better known as Alexandre Guiraud was a French poet dramatic author and novelist.

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