French Physician

1. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin (1738)

French Physician

French physician best known for proposing the idea of executing prisoners using the bladed device that has come to be known as the "guillotine".

2. Roger Guillemin (1924)

French Physician

Roger Charles Louis Guillemin received the National Medal of Science in 1976 and the Nobel prize for medicine in 1977 for his work on neurohormones sharing the prize that year...

3. Jean-Marie Bayol (1849)

French Physician

Jean-Marie Bayol was a French army doctor colonial administrator and politician.

4. Pierre Nicolas Gerdy (1797)

French Physician

Pierre Nicolas Gerdy was a French physician who was a native of Loches-sur-Ource. He was a professor with the Faculty of Medicine in Paris and worked with renowned surgeons such...

5. Claude François Bruno Siblot (1752)

French Physician

Claude François Bruno Siblot was a French physician.

6. Alain Deloche (Unknow)

French Physician

Alain Deloche born 2 September 1940 at Paris is a French surgeon. Ex member of Médecins Sans Frontières he cofounded Médecins du Monde and is board member of the Surgeons...

7. Louis Dubertret (1943)

French Physician

Louis Dubertret was born on 18 June 1943 in Douai France. He is an associate professor of medicine specializing in dermatology and cutaneous biology and currently serves as the president...

8. Francis Giraud (1932)

French Physician

s Giraud was a French physician.

9. Jacques Marescaux (1948)

French Physician

Jacques Marescaux is a French doctor of international renown. He is Chairman of the digestive and endocrine surgery at the University Hospital Strasbourg.

10. René-Nicolas Dufriche Desgenettes (1762)

French Physician

René-Nicolas Dufriche baron Desgenettes was a French military doctor. He was chief doctor to the French army in Egypt and at Waterloo.

11. Rony Brauman (Unknow)

French Physician

Rony Brauman born June 19 1950 in Jerusalem is a French physician specializing in tropical diseases. He was one of the early members of Médecins Sans Frontières and was its...

12. Pierre Bretonneau (1778)

French Physician

Pierre-Fidèle Bretonneau was a French medical doctor.

13. Lucien Abenhaim (1951)

French Physician

Lucien Abenhaim is a pharmacoepidemiologist and an expert in public health. He focuses on the impact of numerous drugs on populations and risks associated with work. He is recognised as...

14. Marc Antoine Baudot (1765)

French Physician

Marc Antoine Baudot was a French memoirist and physician.

15. Jean-Jacques Delmas (Unknow)

French Physician

Jean-Jacques Delmas was a French physician.

16. David Khayat (1956)

French Physician

David Khayat is a French oncologist. Head of the Department of Medical Oncology at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital since 1990 he is also Professor of oncology at the University Pierre and...

17. Marcel Sendrail (Unknow)

French Physician

Marcel Sendrail was a French physician.

18. David Servan-Schreiber (1961)

French Physician

David Servan-Schreiber was a French physician neuroscientist and author. He was a clinical Professor of Psychiatry University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He was also a lecturer in the Faculty...

19. Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud (1796)

French Physician

Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud was a French physician born in Bragette now part of Garat Charente. Bouillaud was an early advocate in regards to the localization of cerebral functions. He received his...

20. Jean Jules Verdenal (1890)

French Physician

Jean Jules Verdenal was a French medical officer who served and was killed during the First World War. Verdenal and his life remain cloaked in obscurity; the little we do...

21. Mélanie Hahnemann (1800)

French Physician

Marie Mélanie d'Hervilly Gohier Hahnemann was a French homeopathic physician married in 1835 to Samuel Hahnemann. She was the first female homeopathic physician. Mélanie d'Hervilly was reportedly a member of...

22. J. C. Mardrus (1868)

French Physician

Joseph Charles Mardrus otherwise known as Jean-Charles Mardrus born in Cairo was a French physician and a noted translator. Today he is best known for his translation of the Thousand...

23. Joseph Frédéric Bérard (1789)

French Physician

Joseph Frédéric Bérard French physician and philosopher was born at Montpellier. Educated at the medical school of that town he afterwards went to Paris where he was employed in connexion...

24. François Bernier (1620)

French Physician

çois Bernier was a French physician and traveller. He was born at Joué-Etiau in Anjou. He was the personal physician for the elder son of shah jahan for the prince...

25. Paul Chauchard (Unknow)

French Physician

Paul Chauchard was a French physician.

26. Jean-Baptiste Denys (Unknow)

French Physician

Jean-Baptiste Denys was a French physician notable for having performed the first fully documented human blood transfusion a xenotransfusion. He studied in Montpellier and was the personal physician to King...

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