First Lady Of The United States

1. Dolley Madison (1768)

First Lady Of The United States

Wife of James Madison, who was the President of the United States from 1809 to 1817. She was known for being a charismatic, fashionable and witty First Lady of the...

2. Louisa Adams (1775)

First Lady Of The United States

Wife of John Quincy Adams who was the First Lady of the United States from 1825 to 1829.

3. Abigail Fillmore (1798)

First Lady Of The United States

Wife of Millard Fillmore, who was the First Lady of the U.S. from 1850 to 1853. She had the shortest post-presidential life of any former First Lady, dying 26 days after...

4. Emily Donelson (1807)

First Lady Of The United States

Niece of United States President Andrew Jackson who served as the White House Hostess and unofficial First Lady of the United States from 1829 to 1836. She became the shortest-lived First Lady...

5. Sarah Childress Polk (1803)

First Lady Of The United States

Wife of the eleventh President of the United States,James K. Polk, who served as the twelfth First Lady from 1845 to 1849. She outlived her husband by 42 years and...

6. Ida Saxton McKinley (1847)

First Lady Of The United States

Wife of twenty-fifth President William McKinley who was First Lady from 1897 to 1901. She was with her husband on the trip to Buffalo, NY when he was assassinated.

7. Ellen Axson Wilson (1860)

First Lady Of The United States

Wife of Woodrow Wilson who was the First Lady of the United States from 1913 until her death the following year. She donated much of her time to charity and helping to...

8. Edith Roosevelt (1861)

First Lady Of The United States

Second wife of Theodore Roosevelt. She served as the First Lady of the United States from 1901 to 1909.

9. Frances Folsom Cleveland Preston (1864)

First Lady Of The United States

Wife of United States President Grover Cleveland who served as the First Lady of the United States from 1886 to 1889 and again from 1893 to 1897. At age 21,...

10. Edith Wilson (1872)

First Lady Of The United States

Second wife of President Woodrow Wilson, who was the First Lady of the U.S. from 1915 to 1921. She was an invaluable asset to her husband after he had a...

11. Grace Coolidge (1879)

First Lady Of The United States

Wife of Calvin Coolidge who served as First Lady of the United States from 1923 to 1929. She was known for being a popular hostess while being in the White...

12. Eleanor Roosevelt (1884)

First Lady Of The United States

The longest serving First Lady in US History and feminist icon who was known for her humanitarian efforts. In her long career in politics, she fought for an expanded role...

13. Barbara Bush (1925)

First Lady Of The United States

Wife of 41st President of the United States George Bush, and mother of 43rd President George W. Bush. While serving as the First Lady she founded the Barbara Bush Foundation for...

14. Sarah Yorke Jackson (1803)

First Lady Of The United States

Sarah Yorke Jackson was the daughter-in-law of U. S. President Andrew Jackson. She served as White House hostess and unofficial First Lady of the United States from November 26 1834...

15. Mary Arthur McElroy (1841)

First Lady Of The United States

Mary Arthur McElroy was the sister of the 21st President of the United States Chester A. Arthur and served as a hostess for his administration. She assumed the role because...

16. Jane Irwin Harrison (Unknow)

First Lady Of The United States

Jane Irwin Harrison wife of William Henry Harrison Jr. and daughter-in-law of William Henry Harrison ninth President of the United States. Her grandfather was James Ramsey who owned Millmont Farm...

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