French Philosopher

1. Montesquieu (1689)

French Philosopher

An important political philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment, Montesquieu is remembered for formulating the important governmental idea of separation of powers, as well as for introducing the term despotism...

2. Denis Diderot (1713)

French Philosopher

French Enlightenment author and philosopher most well known for co-authoring the Encyclopédie and several notable philosophical texts.

3. Henri Lefebvre (1901)

French Philosopher

Pioneered the criticism of everyday life and the concepts of the right to the city and the production of social space.

4. Jean-Paul Sartre (1905)

French Philosopher

French playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic. He was the father of Existentialism.

5. Emmanuel Levinas (1906)

French Philosopher

French philosopher most remembered for his work on subjects like Jewish philosophy and existentialism.

6. Jean Hyppolite (1907)

French Philosopher

German philosopher who was remembered for his reinforcement and exploration of Hegel's theories.

7. Simone Weil (1909)

French Philosopher

Philosopher, Christian mystic, and activist best remembered for her work with Neoplatonism.

8. Lucien Goldmann (1913)

French Philosopher

French philosopher who was remembered for his theories on Marxism and his desire to synthesize those ideas with genetic epistemology.

9. Roland Barthes (1915)

French Philosopher

French philosopher best remembered for his exploration of theories like structuralism, semiotics, social theory, and anthropology.

10. Jean-François Lyotard (1924)

French Philosopher

French philosopher who co-founded the International College of Philosophy.

11. Gilles Deleuze (1925)

French Philosopher

Most popular for his works with Felix Guattari, Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Anti-Oedipus from 1972 and A Thousand Plateaus from 1980.

12. Michel Foucault (1926)

French Philosopher

Social philosopher who completed pioneering work in social control theory and the history of human sexuality.

13. Félix Guattari (1930)

French Philosopher

French militant and philosopher who was remembered for creating the theories schizoanalysis and ecosophy.

14. Paul Ricœur (1913)

French Philosopher

Paul Ricœur was a French philosopher best known for combining phenomenological description with hermeneutics. As such his thought is within the same tradition as other major hermeneutic phenomenologists Martin Heidegger...

15. Robert Misrahi (1926)

French Philosopher

Robert Misrahi is a French philosopher who specialises in Spinoza. Born in Paris to Turkish-Jewish immigrants Misrahi studied at the University of Paris where he became a protege of Jean-Paul...

16. Sarah Kofman (1934)

French Philosopher

Sarah Kofman was a French philosopher born in Paris. Kofman began her teaching career in Toulouse in 1960 and worked with both Jean Hyppolite and Gilles Deleuze. Her primary thesis...

17. François Laruelle (1937)

French Philosopher

çois Laruelle ; born 1937) is a French philosopher formerly of the Collège international de philosophie and the University of Paris X: Nanterre. Laruelle has been publishing since the early...

18. François Regnault (1938)

French Philosopher

çois Regnault is a French philosopher playwright and dramaturg. Also a university instructor and teacher Regnault was maître de conférences at Paris VIII before his retirement.

19. Jacques Rancière (Unknow)

French Philosopher

Jacques Rancière is a French philosopher Professor of Philosophy at European Graduate School in Saas-Fee and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris who came to prominence when...

20. Jacques Bouveresse (1940)

French Philosopher

Jacques Bouveresse is a philosopher who has written on subjects including Ludwig Wittgenstein Robert Musil Karl Kraus philosophy of science epistemology philosophy of mathematics and analytical philosophy.

21. Françoise Dastur (1942)

French Philosopher

çoise Dastur is a French philosopher. She is Professor Emeritus at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.

22. Étienne Balibar (1942)

French Philosopher

Étienne Balibar is a French Marxist philosopher and a Distinguished Professor of French & Italian and Comparative Literature at the University of California Irvine. Balibar is among the leading living...

23. Alain de Benoist (1943)

French Philosopher

Alain de Benoist is a French academic philosopher a founder of the Nouvelle Droite and head of the French think tank GRECE. Benoist is a critic of neoliberalism free markets...

24. Marc Froment-Meurice (1953)

French Philosopher

Marc Froment-Meurice is a French writer and philosopher.

25. Dominique Bourg (1953)

French Philosopher

Dominique Bourg is a French philosopher. Since 2006 he is professor at the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment of the University of Lausanne. He is a member of the Legion...

26. Georges Didi-Huberman (1953)

French Philosopher

Georges Didi-Huberman is a French philosopher and art historian.

27. Didier Eribon (1953)

French Philosopher

Didier Eribon is a French author and philosopher and a historian of French intellectual life.

28. Geneviève Fraisse (1948)

French Philosopher

Geneviève Fraisse is a French philosopher. She was born within Murs blancs White walls) a community founded by Emmanuel Mounier at Châtenay-Malabry. Her parents Paul Fraisse and Simone Fraisse were...

29. François Dosse (1950)

French Philosopher

çois Dosse is a French historian and philosopher who specializes in intellectual history.

30. Monique Canto-Sperber (1954)

French Philosopher

Monique Canto-Sperber is a French philosopher. She was born on May 14th 1954. Her works translated in several languages are focused on ethics and contemporary political issues. A former Director...

31. François Jullien (1951)

French Philosopher

çois Jullien is a French Sinologist. Jullien was President of the French Association for Chinese Studies director of the East Asian Department of the University of Paris VII and is...

32. Catherine Malabou (1959)

French Philosopher

Catherine Malabou is a French philosopher. She is professor in the Philosophy Department at the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University.

33. Michel Onfray (Unknow)

French Philosopher

Michel Onfray is a contemporary French philosopher who adheres to hedonism atheism and anarchism.

34. Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen (Unknow)

French Philosopher

Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen is Professor of Comparative Literature and French at the University of Washington in Seattle. Born to Danish parents he began his studies in France and emigrated to the...

35. André Comte-Sponville (1952)

French Philosopher

André Comte-Sponville is a French philosopher born in Paris France. He studied in the École Normale Supérieure and is aggregated in philosophy. He is a proponent of atheism and materialism...

36. Marc Jean-Bernard (1952)

French Philosopher

Marc Jean-Bernard is a French/American PhilosopherClassical musician and musicologist especially dedicated to Aesthetic Theory Philosophy of Music and Hermeneutics of Culture. His theoretical contributions to Philosophy of Music present the...

37. Gilles Bernheim (1952)

French Philosopher

Gilles Uriel Bernheim is a French philosopher and rabbi who was formerly the Chief Rabbi of France. Born in Aix-les-Bains Savoie in 1952 he was elected by the general assembly...

38. Philippe-Joseph Salazar (1955)

French Philosopher

Philippe-Joseph Salazar is a French rhetorician and philosopher. He was born on February 10 1955 in what was then Casablanca French Morocco. Salazar attended Lycée Louis-le-Grand a prestigious secondary school...

39. Catherine Perret (1956)

French Philosopher

Catherine Perret is associate professor of modern and contemporary aesthetics and theory at Nanterre University. She obtained her Ph. D. in philosophy and is known for her work on Walter...

40. Louis Gabriel Ambroise de Bonald (Unknow)

French Philosopher

Louis Gabriel Ambroise Vicomte de Bonald Rouergue - 23 November 1840 Le Monna) was a French counter-revolutionary philosopher and politician.

41. Han Ryner (1861)

French Philosopher

Jacques Élie Henri Ambroise Ner also known by the pseudonym Han Ryner was a French individualist anarchist philosopher and activist and a novelist. He wrote for publications such as L'Art...

42. John of Paris (Unknow)

French Philosopher

John of Paris OP also called Jean Quidort and Johannes de Soardis was a French philosopher theologian and Dominican friar.

43. Bernard Silvestris (1085)

French Philosopher

Bernard Silvestris also known as Bernardus Silvestris and Bernard Silvester was a Medieval Platonist philosopher and poet of the 12th century.

44. Suzanne Bachelard (Unknow)

French Philosopher

Suzanne Bachelard was a French philosopher and academic. In 1958 she published La Conscience de la rationalité. She was the daughter of philosopher Gaston Bachelard of whom she edited the...

45. Petrus Aureolus (1280)

French Philosopher

Petrus Aureolus was a scholastic philosopher and theologian. We know little of his life before 1312. After this time he taught at the Franciscan convent in Bologna then at the...

46. Jean-Louis Le Moigne (Unknow)

French Philosopher

Jean-Louis Le Moigne is a French specialist on systems theory and constructivist epistemology. He is an alumnus from École Centrale Paris.

47. François Picavet (1851)

French Philosopher

çois Picavet was a French philosopher translator and authority on Kant. He is now best known for an 1891 essay Les idéologues on the history of ideas and of scientific...

48. Pierre Charron (Unknow)

French Philosopher

Pierre Charron was a French 16th-century Catholic theologian and philosopher and a disciple and contemporary of Michel Montaigne.

49. Petrus Gyllius (1490)

French Philosopher

Petrus Gyllius or Gillius was a French natural scientist topographer and translator. Gilles was born in Albi. He travelled and studied the Mediterranean and Orient producing such works as...

50. François Pillon (Unknow)

French Philosopher

çois Thomas Pillon was a French philosopher. Pillon was associated with the neo-critical school. He collaborated with Charles Bernard Renouvier in publishing the Critique philosophique and Critique religieuse. He founded...

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