Byzantine Emperor

1. Anastasius I Dicorus (1970)

Byzantine Emperor

Anastasius I was Byzantine Emperor from 491 to 518. During his reign the Roman eastern frontier underwent extensive re-fortification including the construction of Dara a stronghold intended to counter the...

2. Constantine IX Monomachos (Unknow)

Byzantine Emperor

Constantine IX Monomachos Latinized as Constantine IX Monomachus reigned as Byzantine emperor from June 11 1042 to January 11 1055. He had been chosen by the Empress Zoe as a...

3. Leo I the Thracian (1970)

Byzantine Emperor

Leo I was Byzantine Emperor from 457 to 474. A native of Dacia Aureliana near historic Thrace he was known as Leo the Thracian. Ruling the Eastern Empire for...

4. Isaac II Angelos (Unknow)

Byzantine Emperor

Isaac II Angelos was Byzantine Emperor from 1185 to 1195 and again from 1203 to 1204. His father Andronikos Dukas Angelos a military leader in Asia Minor married bef....

5. Tiberius II Constantine (1970)

Byzantine Emperor

Tiberius II Constantine was Byzantine Emperor from 574 to 582.

6. Manuel II Palaiologos (1350)

Byzantine Emperor

Manuel II Palaiologos or Palaeologus was Byzantine Emperor from 1391 to 1425.

7. Marcian (1970)

Byzantine Emperor

Marcian was Byzantine Emperor from 450 to 457. Marcian's rule marked a recovery of the Eastern Empire which the Emperor protected from external menaces and reformed economically and financially. On...

8. Justin I (1970)

Byzantine Emperor

Justin I was Byzantine Emperor from 518 to 527. He rose through the ranks of the army and ultimately became its emperor in spite of the fact he was illiterate...

9. Justin II (1970)

Byzantine Emperor

Justin II was Byzantine Emperor from 565 to 574. He was the husband of Sophia nephew of Justinian I and the Empress Theodora and was therefore a member of the...

10. Justinian II (1970)

Byzantine Emperor

Justinian II surnamed the Rhinotmetos or Rhinotmetus was the last Byzantine Emperor of the Heraclian Dynasty reigning from 685 to 695 and again from 705 to 711.

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