German Opera Singer

1. René Kollo (1937)

German Opera Singer

René Kollo is a German tenor.

2. Reiner Goldberg (1939)

German Opera Singer

Reiner Goldberg is a German opera singer. After his vocal studies at the conservatory of music Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden Goldberg made his debut 1967 in the Saxon...

3. Jochen Kowalski (1954)

German Opera Singer

Jochen Kowalski is a German alto or mezzo countertenor noted for his very rich timbre.

4. Peter Seiffert (1954)

German Opera Singer

Peter Seiffert is a German tenor.

5. Ludwig Baumann (Unknow)

German Opera Singer

Ludwig Baumann is a German opera singer.

6. Jan-Hendrik Rootering (Unknow)

German Opera Singer

Jan-Hendrik Rootering is a German-born bass-baritone son of the Dutch tenor Hendrikus Rootering from whom he had his first lessons. After further study at Hamburg's Musikhochschule he began singing minor...

7. Thomas Quasthoff (1959)

German Opera Singer

Thomas Quasthoff is a German bass-baritone. Although his reputation was initially based on his performance of Romantic lieder Quasthoff has a range from the Baroque cantatas of Bach to solo...

8. Franz Betz (1835)

German Opera Singer

z Betz was a German bass-baritone opera singer who sang at the Berlin State Opera from 1859 to 1897. He was particularly known for his performances in operas by Richard...

9. Volker Bengl (1960)

German Opera Singer

Volker Bengl is a German tenor born in Ludwigshafen Rhineland. He studied singing at the Hochschule für Musik in Mannheim and Heidelberg and took private lessons with Rudolf Schock Rina...

10. Rudolf Bockelmann (1892)

German Opera Singer

Rudolf Bockelmann was a German dramatic baritone and Kammersänger. He built an international career as an outstanding Wagnerian singer but damaged his reputation during the 1930s by joining the National...

11. Marek Kalbus (1969)

German Opera Singer

Marek Kalbus is a German opera and concert singer. He has the voice of a typical basso cantante and sings bass and as well bass-baritone roles.

12. Christian Sturm (1978)

German Opera Singer

Christian Sturm is a German tenor.

13. Vesselin Stoykov (1973)

German Opera Singer

Vesselin Stoykov is a German opera singer and manager from Bulgarian origin.

14. Daniel Ochoa (1979)

German Opera Singer

Daniel Ochoa is a German baritone.

15. Matthias Goerne (1967)

German Opera Singer

Matthias Goerne is a German baritone. Born in Weimar he studied with Hans-Joachim Beyerin Leipzig and with Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau and Elisabeth Schwarzkopf. Since his opera début at the Salzburg Festival...

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