English Poet

1. Francis Quarles (1592)

English Poet

British poet best known for his 1635 work Emblems. His other publications include Sions Elegies, Wept by Jeremie the Prophet; Hieroglyphikes of the Life of Man, and Solomon's Recantation.

2. Alexander Pope (1688)

English Poet

English poet known for Three Hours After Marriage, Messiah, and other satirical works. He is remembered for his frequent poetic use of the heroic couplet.

3. John Gay (1685)

English Poet

A British poet and dramatist, he is most famous for his 1728 work, The Beggar's Opera, which features the characters of Captain Macheath and Polly Peachum. His other popular works...

4. Richard Jago (1715)

English Poet

English poet who is most famous for his 1753 poem "The Blackbirds." His collected poems were published posthumously in a 1784 volume entitled Poems Moral and Descriptive.

5. George Crabbe (1754)

English Poet

British poet known for his use of heroic couplets in realistic, narrative poems such as The Village. His other works include The Borough, The Candidate, and The Library.

6. William Wordsworth (1770)

English Poet

English Romantic poet who is remembered for such poems as "To the Cuckoo," "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," and "Tintern Abbey." His poetry collections include The Excursion, The Prelude,...

7. Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792)

English Poet

Major Romantic and lyric poet whose most famous works include Ozymandias, Ode to the West Wind, and Queen Mab. At the time of his death, he was working on The...

8. Arthur Hallam (1811)

English Poet

English poet known for his association with Alfred Lord Tennyson, who wrote 'In Memoriam A.H.H.' in Hallam's honor. Hallam published his own poetry collection, the simply-titled Poems, in 1830.

9. Coventry Patmore (1823)

English Poet

British poet and literary critic best known for "The Angel in the House," an 1854 marriage-themed poem. His nonfiction works include Principles in Art and Courage in Politics.

10. Lionel Johnson (1867)

English Poet

British poet, author, and critic whose works include The Dark Angel and Ireland and Other Poems. He was a member of the Rhymers' Club, a late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century...

11. Frances Cornford (1886)

English Poet

British poet known for Spring Morning, Autumn Midnight, Mountains and Molehills, and other verse collections. Her best-known individual poems include "To a Fat Lady Seen from the Train" and "The...

12. Isaac Rosenberg (1890)

English Poet

World War I-era poet and artist best known for Poems from the Trenches. Many of his war poems, including "Dead Man's Dump" and "Break of Day in the Trenches," were...

13. Ruth Pitter (1897)

English Poet

British poet who is known for a 1936 work entitled A Trophy of Arms. She was the first woman to receive the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry.

14. Thom Gunn (1929)

English Poet

British-American poet who is best known for a 1992 AIDS-themed work entitled The Man with Night Sweats.

15. Brian Patten (1946)

English Poet

Liverpool-born poet and children's author. His poetry collections include Little Johnny's Confession, The Irrelevant Song, and Notes to the Hurrying Man.

16. U. A. Fanthorpe (1929)

English Poet

Ursula Askham Fanthorpe CBE FRSL was an English poet. She published under the form U. A. Fanthorpe.

17. John Cleveland (1613)

English Poet

John Cleveland was an English poet. The son of an usher in a charity school Cleveland was born in Loughborough and educated at Hinckley Grammar School. Admitted to Christ's College...

18. Kevin Bailey (poet) (1954)

English Poet

Kevin Bailey is a British poet and founder of 'HQ Poetry Magazine'. He has had three books published and co-edited an anthology of poetry for the Acorn Book Company in...

19. George Paul Wielgus (1983)

English Poet

George Paul Wielgus is a performance poet community arts worker and writer from the UK. Self-described refugee from suburban England since October 2007 he has been resident in Kuala Lumpur...

20. Richard Ros (1429)

English Poet

Sir Richard Ros English poet was the son of Sir Thomas Ros lord of Hamlake in Yorkshire and of Belvoir in Leicestershire. In Harl. manuscript 372 the poem of La...

21. Humbert Wolfe (1885)

English Poet

Humbert Wolfe CB CBE was an Italian-born British poet man of letters and civil servant. Wolfe was born in Milan Italy and came from a Jewish family background his father...

22. George Wither (1588)

English Poet

George Wither – 2 May 1667 O. S. ) was an English poet pamphleteer and satirist. He was a prolific writer who adopted a deliberate plainness of style; he was...

23. Philip Stanhope Worsley (1835)

English Poet

Philip Stanhope Worsley was an English poet. The son of the Rev. Charles Worsley he was educated at Highgate School and Corpus Christi College Oxford where he won the Newdigate...

24. Peter Whigham (Unknow)

English Poet

Peter George Whigham was an English poet and translator widely known for his translation of the poems of Catullus published by Penguin Books in 1966. Whigham was born in Oxford...

25. Mathilde Blind (1841)

English Poet

Mathilde Blind was a German-born British poet. Her work was praised by Matthew Arnold and French politician and historian Louis Blanc.

26. Robert Wydow (Unknow)

English Poet

Robert Wydow was an English poet church musician and religious figure. Born in Thaxted Essex he was initially educated by his stepfather who was the local schoolmaster. By 1455 or...

27. William Woty (Unknow)

English Poet

was an English law clerk and hack writer known for light verse.

28. Cliff Ashby (1919)

English Poet

Cliff Ashby was a British poet and novelist. He was born in Norfolk. He was a conscientious objector in World War II undertaking agricultural work in lieu of military service.

29. Gilbert West (Unknow)

English Poet

Gilbert West was a minor English poet translator and Christian apologist in the early and middle eighteenth century. Samuel Johnson included him in his Lives of the Most Eminent English...

30. Chauncy Hare Townshend (1798)

English Poet

Chauncy Hare Townshend born Chauncy Hare Townsend was a 19th-century English poet clergyman mesmerist collector dilettante and hypochondriac. He is mostly remembered for bequeathing his collections to the South Kensington...

31. Francis Kynaston (1587)

English Poet

Sir Francis Kynaston or Kinaston was an English lawyer courtier poet and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1621 to 1622. He is noted for his translation...

32. John Scott of Amwell (1731)

English Poet

John Scott known as Scott of Amwell was a poet and writer on the alleviation of poverty. He was a wealthy Quaker who lived at Amwell near Ware in Hertfordshire...

33. Leonard Welsted (1688)

English Poet

Leonard Welsted was an English poet and dunce in Alexander Pope's writings. Welsted was an accomplished writer who composed in a relaxed light hearted vein.

34. Adela Florence Nicolson (1865)

English Poet

Adela Florence Nicolson was an English poet who wrote under the pseudonym Laurence Hope.

35. John Smith (English poet) (1662)

English Poet

John Smith was an English poet and playwright.

36. Bob Cobbing (1920)

English Poet

Bob Cobbing was a British sound visual concrete and performance poet who was a central figure in the British Poetry Revival.

37. R. V. Vernède (1905)

English Poet

Raymond Veveysan Vernède was an English colonial administrator in India and a writer. He was educated at Bradfield College and Hertford College Oxford. He was in the Indian Civil Service...

38. Bonnell Thornton (Unknow)

English Poet

Bonnell Thornton was an English poet essayist and critic. He was educated at Westminster School and at Oxford University. In 1752 he founded the Drury Lane Journal a satirical periodical...

39. Francis W. Tancred (1874)

English Poet

s Willoughby Tancred was an English poet associated with the Poets' Club a group of writers established by T. E. Hulme who were the forerunners of the Imagist movement. They...

40. George Peele (Unknow)

English Poet

George Peele was an English dramatist.

41. Charles Jeremiah Wells (1798)

English Poet

Charles Jeremiah Wells was an English poet.

42. Charles Tennyson Turner (1808)

English Poet

Charles Tennyson Turner was an English poet. Born in Somersby Lincolnshire he was an elder brother of Alfred Tennyson; his friendship and the heart union with his greater brother is...

43. Max Blagg (Unknow)

English Poet

Max Blagg is a British-born poet writer and performer from England. Blagg has performed in New York City since 1971. He is currently a Visiting lecturer in poetry at The...

44. John Quarles (Unknow)

English Poet

John Quarles was an English poet.

45. Walter Davison (1581)

English Poet

Davison was an English poet.

46. C. Fox Smith (1882)

English Poet

Cicely Fox Smith was an English poet and writer. Born in Lymm Cheshire and educated at Manchester High School for Girls she briefly lived in Canada before returning to the...

47. Richard Barnfield (1574)

English Poet

Richard Barnfield was an English poet. His obscure though close relationship with William Shakespeare has long made him interesting to scholars. It has been suggested that he was the rival...

48. William Winstanley (Unknow)

English Poet

ugby league footballer of the 1910s for Great Britain England Leigh and Wigan see William Billy WinstanleyWilliam Winstanley was an English poet and compiler of biographies.

49. Carr Scrope (1649)

English Poet

Sir Carr Scrope 1st Baronet versifier and man of fashion in the Restoration court of Charles II of England.

50. Robert Tofte (1562)

English Poet

Robert Tofte was an English translator and poet. He is known for his translations of Ariosto's Satires and his sonnet sequences Alba The Months Minde of a Melancholy Lover and...

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