Brazilian Poet

1. Astrid Cabral (Unknow)

Brazilian Poet

Astrid Cabral Félix de Sousa is one of the most eminent contemporary poets in Brazil. During the 1950s she was a member of the innovative literary movement known as Clube...

2. Gilka Machado (1893)

Brazilian Poet

Gilka Machado was a female Brazilian poet. Machado started to write poetry as a child. As an adult she supported her family by working for the Rio Railway Company.

3. Philadelpho Menezes (1960)

Brazilian Poet

Philadelpho Menezes. Brazilian poet visual poet pioneer of new media poetry professor in the Communication and Semiology post-graduation program at the Pontifical University of São Paulo. He performed research for...

4. Fagundes Varela (1841)

Brazilian Poet

Luís Nicolau Fagundes Varela was a Brazilian Romantic poet adept of the Ultra-Romanticism movement. He is patron of the 11th chair of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

5. Castro Alves (1847)

Brazilian Poet

Antônio Frederico de Castro Alves was a Brazilian poet and playwright famous for his abolitionist and republican poems. One of the most famous poets of the Condorism he won the...

6. João da Cruz e Sousa (1861)

Brazilian Poet

João da Cruz e Sousa was a symbolist poet from Santa Catarina Brazil. A son of freed slaves he was one of the great Afro-Brazilian writers. He published his first...

7. Teófilo Dias (1854)

Brazilian Poet

Teófilo Odorico Dias de Mesquita was a Brazilian poet journalist and lawyer nephew of Gonçalves Dias. He is the patron of the 36th chair of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.

8. Joaquim de Sousa Andrade (1833)

Brazilian Poet

Joaquim de Sousa Andrade better known by his pseudonym Sousândrade was a Brazilian poet adept of the Condorist movement. His poetry too much innovating for the time it was published...

9. Waly Salomão (1943)

Brazilian Poet

Dias Salomão was a Brazilian poet. He was born in Jequié Bahia. He acted on several areas of Brazilian culture as poet songwriter and writer. His first book was “Me...

10. Marcia Theophilo (Unknow)

Brazilian Poet

Marcia Theophilo is a Brazilian poet. She studied in Rio de Janeiro San Paulo and Rome where she graduated in anthropology. She has lived and worked in Rome since 1971....

11. Tyrteu Rocha Vianna (1898)

Brazilian Poet

Tyrteu Rocha Vianna was a Brazilian poet avant-garde and pioneer amateur radio and large landowner of Rio Grande do Sul southern Brazil.

12. Laurindo Rabelo (1826)

Brazilian Poet

Laurindo José da Silva Rabelo was a Brazilian Ultra-Romantic poet teacher and medician. Famous for his lundu lyrics and satires he won the epithet of the Brazilian Bocage and because...

13. Basílio da Gama (1740)

Brazilian Poet

José Basílio da Gama was a Portuguese poet and member of the Society of Jesus born in the colony of Brazil famous for the epic poem O Uraguai. He wrote...

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