Haitian Prime Minister

1. Laurent Lamothe (1972)

Haitian Prime Minister

Haitian businessman, economist, and political figure who is best known for serving as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and 16th Prime minister for the government of Haiti. He is also...

2. Gérard Latortue (1934)

Haitian Prime Minister

Gérard Latortue was the Prime Minister of Haïti from March 12 2004 to June 9 2006.

3. Martial Célestin (1913)

Haitian Prime Minister

Martial Lavaud Célestin was named Prime Minister of Haïti by President Leslie Manigat in March 1988 under the provisions of the 1987 Constitution and was approved by the Parliament that...

4. Jean-Jacques Honorat (1931)

Haitian Prime Minister

Jean-Jacques Honorat was named prime minister of Haiti after the 1991 coup. He was sacked by the military-backed government in June 1992 after he failed to get international sanctions against...

5. Smarck Michel (1937)

Haitian Prime Minister

Georges Jean-Jacques Smarck Michel or Smarck Michel was appointed prime minister of Haiti on October 27 1994 occupying the post from November 8 1994 to October 16 1995. Smarck was...

6. Yvon Neptune (1946)

Haitian Prime Minister

Yvon Neptune was Prime Minister of Haïti from 2002 until 2004. He was appointed by President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and took office on March 15 2002. He had previously served as...

7. Michèle Pierre-Louis (1947)

Haitian Prime Minister

Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis is a Haitian politician who was Prime Minister of Haiti from September 2008 to November 2009. She was Haiti's second female Prime Minister after Claudette Werleigh who...

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