Ottoman Poet

1. İskender Pala (1958)

Ottoman Poet

İskender Pala is a Turkish Divan Poetry Professor and author of best seller novels. He also writes a column in the Turkish daily newspaper Zaman. İskender Pala graduated from Istanbul...

2. Nigâr Hanım (Unknow)

Ottoman Poet

Nigâr Hanım was an Ottoman poet who pioneered modern Western styles in a feminine mode. She is a major figure in post-Tanzimat Turkish poetry.

3. Nedîm (1681)

Ottoman Poet

Ahmet Nedîm Efendi was the pen name of one of the most celebrated Ottoman poets. He achieved his greatest fame during the reign of Ahmed III the so-called Tulip...

4. Salacıoğlu (Unknow)

Ottoman Poet

Salacıoğlu was a Turkish Cretan sufi poet of the late 18th century and early 19th century author of one collection of poetry and of two mesnevis. He also used the...

5. Baha'i Mehmed Efendi (1595)

Ottoman Poet

Shaykh al-Islam Baha'i Mehmed Efendi was Ottoman jurist theologian poet and scholar. He was first appointed as Shaykh al-Islam in 1649. Some of his fatwas are written in verse...

6. Yusuf Nabi (Unknow)

Ottoman Poet

Yusuf Nabi was a Turkish Divan poet in the court of Mehmet IV. He was famous for his brilliant lyrics filled with popular sayings and critiques of the age and...

7. Tevfik Fikret (1867)

Ottoman Poet

Tevfik Fikret was an Ottoman poet who is considered the founder of the modern school of Turkish poetry.

8. Süleyman Nazif (1870)

Ottoman Poet

Süleyman National Socialist German Workers' Partyf was an eminent Ottoman Turkish poet. He mastered Arabic Persian and French languages and worked as a civil servant during the reign of...

9. Bâkî (Unknow)

Ottoman Poet

Bâḳî was the pen name of the Ottoman Turkish poet Mahmud Abdülbâkî . Considered one of the greatest contributors to Turkish literature Bâkî came to be known as Sultânüş-şuarâ or...

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