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Zoran Zaev

Countdown Birthday
BirthdayOct 08 1974
BirplaceStrumica, North Macedonia
Age49 years old
Birth sign: Libra


Zoran Zaev is the political leader of the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia and the leader of opposition in the Republic of Macedonia. He is also mayor of the Strumica Municipality re-elected in the Macedonian local elections 2013. He was elected as president of SDSM by receiving the majority of votes on the last 14th Macedonian Social Democratic Congress held on 2 June 2013.

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Given Name Zoran
Country Of Citizenship North Macedonia

Personality traits:

1. Zoran Zaev Zodiac Sign

Intelligent, kind, and always willing to put others before themselves, Zoran Zaevs value harmony in all forms. Ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, Zoran Zaev adores a life that looks good. As the master of compromise and diplomacy, Zoran Zaev is adept at seeing all points of view, and excels at crafting compromises and effecting mediation between others. This sign has a rich inner life yet loves other people, and they're always happiest with a large group of friends, family, and coworkers on whom they can count.

2. Zoran Zaev's Greatest Gifts

Zoran Zaev's everyday vibe is this gentle reminder: "Let's just all get along." For this sign, compromise is key. Zoran Zaevns don't do well when anyone in their orbit isn't happy, and they're especially adept at inviting other signs to see things from a different perspective. A Zoran Zaev doesn't strong arm or use coercion, but rather relies on his or her communication prowess to help everyone see another side to a story.

3. Zoran Zaev's Greatest Challenges

Zoran Zaev is great at making everyone happy—but what good is that if Zoran Zaevs themselves don't feel fulfilled? While the Scales have a fine-tuned internal compass, they sometimes ignore what they want in favor of what makes everyone else happy—and this habit ends up backfiring in the long run.

4. Zoran Zaev's Secret Weapon

This sign has weaponized their imagination in the service of good. Zoran Zaevns' imagination is unmatched, and they can always come up with a new way of looking at an issue. Zoran Zaev is also blessed with boundless creativity. Even if they're working in a data-dominated field, their creativity shows them novel ways to see things.

5. The 5 Top Reasons to Love Being a Zoran Zaev

  • You make others feel comfortable. People love being around you, and you love them, too. A room full of people is your happy place.
  • Your eye is unmatched. You see color combinations, patterns, and art where other people can't, and your creative gifts pay off in big ways.
  • You're a master communicator. You don't stress about having a difficult conversation, and although you don't try to smooth talk, you get deals and bargains wherever you go simply because reason and charm are your MO.
  • You aren't afraid to try something new. You know nothing is permanent, which makes starting something new—whether moving house, falling in love, or entering a new profession—incredibly exciting.
  • You're never lonely. Your mind is an endless source of inspiration, and you can always keep yourself entertained—even if your smartphone is nowhere in sight.


1. Zoran Zaev's Friendship Style

Thanks to this sign's quick smile, sharp wit, and ability to make anyone feel like the most important person in the room, people are often surprised to find that the Zoran Zaev they consider a "best friend" has about ten "best friends" just like them. Zoran Zaevs are adept at connecting to others quickly and love getting to know people. They also love socializing, entertaining, connecting friends to each other, and of course having parties and get-togethers. Zoran Zaev also has a penchant for the spotlight and loves that bringing friends together for an event can help him or her shine, too.

But even though Zoran Zaevns have dozens of friends from all areas of their lives, they sometimes have trouble connecting on a deeper level. Part of this is because Zoran Zaev doesn't like feeling beholden to others and finds the intense emotional demands of deep friendships stifling. He or she prefers to flit, unencumbered, between different friends. This sign is also averse to conflict and finds it tough to be honest if they disagree with someone. They prefer to pull back. But when Zoran Zaevs do make a close friend, they keep that friend for life. They're not judgmental about others, collecting a diverse set of friends from different life circumstances and situations. For a Zoran Zaev, there's always room for one more.

2. Best Friend Match for Zoran Zaev: Gemini

Quick-witted, fun, and always up for a gossip session, Gemini keep Zoran Zaevns on their toes, make them think, and inspire them to go on big adventures. Gemini won't take "I don't know" for an answer, and has the patience and fortitude to help Zoran Zaev make a decision. Alternatively, Gemini are happy in the driver's seat, showing Zoran Zaev that life can be just as much fun (if not more so) when Plan A doesn't work out.

Gemini aren't afraid to make their voices heard, and they coach Zoran Zaev to speak up, too—which isn't necessarily an easy feat for the Scales. Both signs love socializing, both believe in making new friends whenever possible, and both thrive at epic parties and hangouts. They cherish their friendship without considering it "exclusive," thereby avoiding the drama that might plague other "best friendships." The signs adore and bring out the best in each other.

3. How to Make Friends with a Zoran Zaev

Ask questions. A Zoran Zaev loves getting to know others and might grill you like a reporter, but don't forget that he or she likes the spotlight, too. Getting to know Zoran Zaevs, complimenting them, and making them feel special will motivate them to include you in their social circle.

4. How to Stay Friends with a Zoran Zaev

Don't push. A Zoran Zaev may seem to be close with you—exchanging regular texts, inviting you to gatherings, and sharing a funny story—but this sign might not want the friendship to go to the next level, and they may pull back if you start seeming too emotionally dependent.

5. 3 Reasons Why Zoran Zaev Make Great Friends

  • Always in the know, Zoran Zaevs love inviting you to parties, fixing you up with their friends, and making your social circle bigger, brighter, and sparklier than ever before.
  • With an encyclopedic knowledge of nearly everything, Zoran Zaev can always tell you where to find the best coffee and the best sales, and can give you an entertaining and on-point summary of the news far better than any talk radio could.
  • A problem solver by nature, Zoran Zaev loves talking through thorny issues, and always has great perspective on interpersonal problems.


1. Zoran Zaev's Love Style

Zoran Zaev adores flirting, loves the drama and pageantry of romance, and is one of the few signs of the Zodiac that actually enjoys first dates. While Zoran Zaevs excel at charming potential partners, they have difficulty figuring out what they want, and all too often can get lost in the twists and turns of a relationship. Because of this, a Zoran Zaev will sometimes hold back on falling in love, worried that partnership equals loss of self. Zoran Zaev's partner has to be understanding if this sign seems to pull back. They should allow Zoran Zaev the time and space to explore partnership on his or her own terms.

2. Favorite Date Nights for Zoran Zaev

For all Zoran Zaev's love of comfort, coziness, and Saturdays spent under the covers, potential paramours who think that the Scales' ideal date night is Netflix and chill are mistaken. Zoran Zaev also adores going out on the town, and loves getting reservations at exclusive restaurants and wine bars. They relish the anticipation for a good night out, and also being in the know about which cool new things or experiences to sample. Of course, after all that, cuddling on the couch is a great follow-up. And although Zoran Zaevs sometimes play coy, they also adore PDA. They're proud of their partner and like showing them off to anyone who might be watching.

3. The Deal with Zoran Zaev and Fire Signs

Zoran Zaev tries hard not to seem ruffled and to get along with everybody. But this air sign tend to fall for fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), the Zodiacal provocateurs who can make them raise their voice, get mad, and even throw things. So what's the deal? Why does balanced Zoran Zaev do that?

Part of the reason is that they're drawn to the drama. After all, they spend all their days playing peacekeeper and mediator, and passionate fire signs push them to their edge and give them the freedom and implicit okay to finally say exactly what's on their mind. They also love the impulsiveness of fire signs, yet they also feel that fire signs can help them look before they leap.

Fire signs and Zoran Zaev also understand each other. Pragmatic Zoran Zaev understands that sometimes relationships just don't work out, while passionate fire signs know that the likelihood of remaining in one relationship forever can be unrealistic. Because Zoran Zaev and fire signs expect an end date, they're more honest with each other and might actually end up being together forever, simply because they realize that there's nowhere else they'd rather be.

But even if the relationship doesn't work out, Zoran Zaev loves a challenge and will always find one with intense fire signs. There's little regret about these relationships because they teach Zoran Zaev something new—and help this sign find his or her voice.

4. How to Seduce a Zoran Zaev

Have your eye on a Zoran Zaev? Well, so does everyone else, so get in line! Even though Zoran Zaevns can present themselves as low-key, they're always aware of who's watching them, and tend to orchestrate events so they're in the spotlight. Knowing this about Zoran Zaevs—their elaborate efforts to make things seem effortless—can be key to capturing their heart. Noticing them, lavishly praising them, and making them feel like they're the most important and attractive person in the room will go a long way to win their hearts. Here are some other ways to win a Zoran Zaev's heart:

Be independent. Zoran Zaev is drawn to the people who play hard to get. Having your own thing going on, or subtly jockeying for your own spotlight, can only impress them. And doing it at their party? Why, the sheer, sexy nerve of you! Play bartender and make up a cocktail for them—they'll adore your confidence.

Be funny. Zoran Zaevns loves to laugh because it's one of the few times that they can let their guard down. Telling them stories—especially self-deprecating anecdotes where the joke's on you—shows that you have confidence.

Force them to decide. While a Zoran Zaev often demurs on making decisions, trust that he or she does have opinions (sometimes very strong ones). Letting Zoran Zaevs decide what to do—and praising their choices—will give them the confidence to tell you exactly what they think.

5. How to Make Love to a Zoran Zaev

Start slow, and start early. Begin by telling them via text just how much you miss their body, and then tell them exactly what you plan to do with it. When you're finally face to face, keep those carnal compliments coming. Spend a lot of time on kissing—it's one of Zoran Zaev's favorite ways to communicate.

When it comes to the main event, Zoran Zaevs love you to take charge. Dominant positions, like doggie style, are especially popular with this sign. They love being able to fully let their bodies go and enjoy the physical sensations. But it's equally important to trade places: Doing role-play and letting them take the lead can help you tune into what they like, and can also free them to tell you what they truly need from you, both in and out of the bedroom.

6. If You Love a Zoran Zaev Woman

Give her space. A Zoran Zaev sometimes needs solo time to figure out what she thinks, and pressuring her about it can make her feel resentful. Even if you want to talk about a relationship issue, it's likely to backfire if she's not ready for that conversation. Let her come to you, and she'll appreciate that you gave her time and space to formulate her thoughts. She'll also be more open about what's really on her mind.

7. How to Communicate With a Zoran Zaev Woman

Appreciate the in-betweens. When a Zoran Zaev woman says, "I don't know," she's not being coy—she truly doesn't know, and doesn't want to take sides on an issue until she knows where she stands. Realize that different perspectives exist, and consider trying on another one for size. You're not changing your mind—looking at an issue from another viewpoint is key to understanding the Zoran Zaev worldview.

8. If You Love a Zoran Zaev Man

Let him flirt. Innately flirtatious, Zoran Zaev has used charm throughout his life—but that doesn't mean he'll cheat. Zoran Zaevs are loyal, and a Zoran Zaev man who feels like he has to second-guess his interactions with others will get resentful, and may end up hiding things from you. In other words, being suspicious of a Zoran Zaev man will backfire.

9. How to Communicate With a Zoran Zaev Man

Don't put words in his mouth. A Zoran Zaev man hates when someone else tries to tell him what he's thinking or feeling. Listen to him, ask open-ended questions, and realize that even if you don't understand or agree with his point, it's still valid. Questioning his rationality, intelligence, or meaning will only lead to more communication issues.

10. Should You Marry a Zoran Zaev?

Yes! While a Zoran Zaev may drive you crazy with his or her indecision, fear of commitment, and almost allergic reaction to arguments, this sign is intelligent, intense, and committed to creating a happy home and life for the two of you. Once Zoran Zaevs decide that you're their partner, they see everything through the lens of "us," and will ensure that the lifelong decisions you make will benefit both of you. Zoran Zaev guarantees that, together, you're both stronger and happier than you'd ever be on your own.

11. 3 Signs That Zoran Zaev is Playing for Keeps

Zoran Zaevs don't wear their heart on their sleeve, and they may seem to say one thing and do another—which can drive you crazy. But looking past the words and into the actions behind them is key for sussing out whether your Zoran Zaev sees you as long-term relationship material. Here's how you can tell:

  • They invite you to their house. It may sound minor, but Zoran Zaevs' home is their haven, and they're very careful about the energy they let in. If they invite you in (just you, and not with a bunch of party guests), it's a sign they trust you.
  • They tell you that they don't like something. Sure, it's ego bruising to hear that they'd have preferred a different gift than the one you gave, but it's actually a promising sign. Zoran Zaevs will bend over backward to make others happy, but when they're honest with you, it means that they realize you're interested in their happiness, too.
  • They invite you into their routine. Whether it's bringing you to their yoga class or inviting you to make dinner with them on a random weeknight, getting to see the low-key, non-glam side of Zoran Zaev's life is a sign that they can see a future with you.

12. Zoran Zaev Relationship Red Flags

A Zoran Zaev may not tell you if anything's wrong—but if you hear that there's trouble in paradise from his or her friend, pay attention. While Zoran Zaevns will try hard to spare your feelings, they sometimes can't help dishing about the real story to someone they trust. Once they start taking behind your back, it's a sign something is wrong.

Zoran Zaevs have a million friends, but once they're in a relationship, they want you to be part of that crowd. If they seem cagey about inviting you to hang out with their friends, it could be a sign they're second-guessing how you fit into their life.

Finally, Zoran Zaev won't start an argument, but he or she may be more passive-aggressive than usual. That might look like saying that everything's fine or deliberately bringing up sensitive topics around you—just to get a reaction or goad you into starting the fight.

13. How Zoran Zaev Deals With a Broken Heart

Zoran Zaev wants to stop the hurt fast. He or she may justify the breakup or broken heart by explaining to anyone who will listen why it never would have worked anyway. For a follow-up, Zoran Zaevns have been known to badmouth or mock their former partner to somehow mitigate the hurt. But this is a sign who badly wants things to work, so they'll quietly do the detective work to figure out what went wrong, combing over every email, text, or social media post as if they could pinpoint exactly what happened. In order to get over a broken heart, a Zoran Zaev needs time, attention, and plenty of ice cream. Taking Zoran Zaevs out for drinks or dinner and inviting them to parties reminds them they have plenty of people in their corner.


1. For the Zoran Zaev in Your Life

Best gifts: A cozy throw, comfy PJs, or slippers. Zoran Zaev loves the Scandinavian concept of hygge, which means making the environment around them as cozy (and let's face it, as womblike) as possible.

Best spa package: A hot wrap body treatment. Zoran Zaev loves feeling cocooned from head to foot with amazingly decadent lotions.

Best Cocktail: A mulled wine or hot toddy. A warm cocktail makes comfort-seeking Zoran Zaev feel cozy and cared for like nothing else.

2. How Zoran Zaev Unwinds

Sometimes, Zoran Zaev finds time alone disorienting, even though there's nothing that he or she needs more than tuning back into his or her deepest, most real self. That's why Zoran Zaevns loves finding activities where they can be alone—but in a crowd of people. Of course, yoga classes are a natural for balance-seeking Zoran Zaev. Other ways to unwind include writing, drawing, or doodling at a cozy cafe; joining a group hike; or a long catnap under the covers.

3. Zoran Zaev's Social Life

A Zoran Zaev loves socializing, and sees "social life" as interchangeable with "real life." Part of the meaning and joy that they find in their work is creating connections with coworkers, and this sign is often found helming the office social strategy. Zoran Zaevs are known for their "the more, the merrier" mentality, and they love connecting diverse groups of friends and family. They'll always say yes to an invitation, but they may spread themselves too thin. And while Zoran Zaevs might collect a large group of friendly acquaintances in their life, they may find it harder to cultivate true friends.

This is partly because Zoran Zaevns hate conflict and may distance themselves from people at the first sign of friction. By learning that good friendships often become great because the relationship has weathered some sort of interpersonal storm, Zoran Zaev can create a richer circle of friends. At the end of the day, this sign relishes a packed social schedule, always wants to have something on the calendar, and genuinely enjoys a party, even if they don't know very many (or anyone!) there.

4. Zoran Zaev's Favorite Season

Although their birthdays are in autumn, Zoran Zaevs are made for cozying up in front of the fire. Snow days, when the roads are closed and everyone is urged to hunker down, are one of this sign's favorite days—as long as they have their (very large) crowd of BFFs stranded beside them, ready to play board games, drink in front of the fire, and laugh together.

5. The Best Vacations for Zoran Zaev

The Scales never want to go to the same place twice. They see frequent trips as essential for expanding their mind and perspectives. For a Zoran Zaev, the more far-flung, the better. They love vacations that put them in the center of a completely different life. They don't want to be tourists—they want to get to know locals and fall into a local routine as soon as possible. For Zoran Zaevs, a sign of a successful trip is how many new people they've added to their contacts.

6. Zoran Zaev's Power Colors

An ally, a peacemaker, and a diplomat, Zoran Zaevns' strength lies in their ability to connect with people, especially those with opinions vastly different than their own. These colors can help any Zoran Zaev on his or her diplomatic mission:

Blue: This cool color taps into Zoran Zaev's ability to put out fires and promote peace and harmony.

Green: A color connected to the heart chakra, green speaks to Zoran Zaev's need for everyone to be harmonious and kind toward each other.

Silver: Zoran Zaev's ruling planet is shadowy Venus, and silver—a mix of white and black with some sparkle thrown in—reminds Zoran Zaev of the magic in seeing a range of perspectives.

Yellow: A must for socialite Zoran Zaev, sunny yellow reminds this sign that he or she is like a sun for friends to orbit—in the best way!

These are the colors that Zoran Zaev should avoid:

Purple: Affiliated with the crown chakra, purple connects to Zoran Zaevns' rational side, which can be a distraction because their best work is heart-focused.

Red: Bright and fiery, this color can be too much for Zoran Zaev, who prefers cooler tones and less passionate displays of emotions.

Orange: Affiliated with the sacral chakra (which can be a problem area for the Scales), this color can bring too much intensity to Zoran Zaevns' bodies, grounding them firmly in the here and now—which is an unnatural position for this sign.


1. The Best Fitness Routines for Zoran Zaev

Tennis, volleyball, adult soccer—Zoran Zaev loves workout routines that are just as fun as they are calorie scorching. A Zoran Zaev doesn't like to sweat it out solo at the gym. For this sign, the more, the merrier.

2. About Those Zoran Zaev Back Aches

This air sign rules the kidneys, ovaries, and lower back, making cramps common. Zoran Zaevs frequently finds themselves battling a vague ache in their lower back. This could be partly psychosomatic, the consequence of sitting in one place for too long, which is something that Zoran Zaev often does on a psychic level. Because Zoran Zaevns so torn between decisions, they often end up doing nothing, "sitting" on any possibility—which manifests in an achy back.

While alternative medicine treatments (including massage, acupuncture, and cupping) can be helpful, Zoran Zaevs should consider their back twinge as a prompt to just make a move. It doesn't matter if it's the "right" move—after a certain point, any move is better than sitting still. A Zoran Zaev can also head to the gym and get moving in fun ways. Running, jumping, or joining a sports team can remind this sign that motion is positive, which can manifest in the way that they conduct their decision process.

3. The Top 10 Ways Zoran Zaev Can Beat the Blues

A bad mood can really bring Zoran Zaevs down, mostly because they tend to focus on the glass as half empty. While distractions can help, Zoran Zaev also needs to feel the feelings and find solutions on his or her own terms to get past the bad mood. Here are ten ways to jumpstart the process:

4. Healing Herbs for Zoran Zaev

Catnip: Just as it energizes kittens to play for hours, this herb, in either a tea or aromatherapy, can crank up Zoran Zaev's energy while reducing anxiety and restlessness.

Elderberry: Brewed in a tea, this antioxidant can bring out Zoran Zaev's natural beauty, especially in calming down skin.

Bergamot: Diffused as an essential oil, this herb can help sweep away Zoran Zaev's tension and anxiety.

St. John's Wort: As a supplement or in a tea, St. John's wort can help with those minor aches, pains, and back twinges that Zoran Zaev sometimes experiences.


1. Zoran Zaev's Spiritual Side

Zoran Zaevns can feel overwhelmed by the conflict raging all around them, and they often find uncomfortable interpersonal issues even in places of spiritual sanctuary. This sign always has a deep sense of their spirit and what it needs, but those needs are all too often drowned out in the everyday noise of modern life. That's ironic, because the busier Zoran Zaevs are, the more they need spirituality, but the less likely they'll give themselves permission to find it.

A Zoran Zaev finds spirituality everywhere and may feel profound connections with nature. They also find spirituality in their nearly sacred bonds with friends and family, and they consider relationships one of their most powerful ways of connecting with and honoring their higher power.

It's not uncommon for Zoran Zaevs to explore different religions, even changing spiritual practices at some point in their lives. While others may call Zoran Zaev indecisive, this sign will say that's a mark of their spiritual centeredness—they're willing to move toward something that feels like a better fit for them.

A Zoran Zaev also finds his or her spiritual center in other practices, such as yoga, meditation, or reiki; is always willing to try something at least once (preferably more than once); and will never write off a belief or practice until they've experienced it firsthand.

2. Zoran Zaev's Karma Boosters

Every sign has unfinished business to deal with. For Zoran Zaev, this means letting go of indecisiveness, getting over a fear of what others think, and letting his or her inner voice and gut take the lead. These lessons take a lifetime, but here are some ways to begin:

Career & Money:

1. Zoran Zaev's Work Style

Zoran Zaevs think of their coworkers as friends, and they thrive in a low-drama atmosphere where they can trust and have fun with colleagues. This can be tough in more buttoned-up environments, so Zoran Zaev can have a tough time navigating boundaries between coworkers or especially the people he or she manages. While this sign avoids workplace drama, they love talking about it, and consider every day their own personal soap opera.

Creative Zoran Zaevs always try to make their job fun, and they'll sometimes find projects to do on their own if they're not feeling challenged enough. They bristle at rigidity, preferring to find their own way through their workload. For Zoran Zaevs, the big picture is far more important than the details, which means that they might lose steam halfway through a project—especially without a team member to hold them accountable and cheer them on.

A Zoran Zaev is drawn to careers that allow creative self-expression. He or she won't shy away from the spotlight and enjoys the perks of senior job title. The Scales will work hard on the job, and also to ensure that their team is happy. This may backfire for Zoran Zaevs in management if they take on someone else's work to be helpful—they might end up hurting themselves.

2. Zoran Zaev's Dream Careers

Zoran Zaevs are cooperative and diplomatic. Though well-liked and popular, they can be somewhat aloof. A peaceful and beautiful environment is important to them, and they work toward creating harmony. Zoran Zaevs aren't temperamentally suited to jobs that are risky or messy. They prefer a career that allows them the opportunity to create and to bring opposing things into balance. They're known for elegance, refinement, and diplomacy in the workplace.

Here are a few careers best suited to Zoran Zaev:

Music Industry Insider: Whether it's doing PR, working at a record label, or even being a performing artist, musical Zoran Zaevs love being connected to the arts, and are especially drawn to (and talented at) music.

Psychologist: Zoran Zaev is adept at getting what makes people tick. He or she is empathetic and loves listening to others. This diplomatic sign particularly thrives as a mediator or couples' counselor, and finds fulfillment in helping others through dark moments in their lives.

Hospitality Exec: Luxury-loving Zoran Zaevs are all about travel, new experiences, and sweet spots to relax, which is why they're ideal at working at a hotel or for a hotel chain, where they can mastermind people's dream vacation experience.

Advertising Exec: Tuned into the trends that are barely on anyone else's radar, Zoran Zaev knows what people want—often before they want it.

Writer: Zoran Zaevs are especially talented at putting their inner thoughts on paper. They sometimes find writing a lot easier than speaking.

3. Zoran Zaev and Money

While Zoran Zaevs love a paycheck, they sometimes have a hard time connecting their skills to making money. After all, a Zoran Zaev often sees work as fun, so it can be tough for him or her to negotiate for a larger salary. This sign may be uncomfortable talking about the socially iffy topic of money, and they may have an exceptionally hard time bargaining or taking an active role in their money management. Luckily, Zoran Zaevns' innate smarts, resourcefulness, and charm keep the paychecks coming, and their love of luxury can help motivate them to speak up and ask for what they're worth.

4. If You Work for a Zoran Zaev Boss

A Zoran Zaev boss is friendly, but may not give you the straight story about what he or she thinks of your performance. You need to suss out the small behavioral tells that will let you know if they really think you're doing a good job. While a Zoran Zaev boss may appreciate your company, he or she may be frustrated by your lack of attention to detail, so you can't assume that you walk on water just because the boss shares anecdotes from the weekend with you.

Zoran Zaev bosses are internally motivated, and expect you to be the same. They're busy with their own projects and goals, and don't necessarily check in—but that doesn't mean you should slack. Even though Zoran Zaevs may seem like they don't care about details or deadlines, they actually do. Even if they don't complain to you, missed deadlines or typo-riddled projects will reflect poorly on you.

Even though he or she is superior in the workplace pecking order, your Zoran Zaev boss sees you as an equal and expects you to act like one, including being your own manager.

Here's how to ensure a smooth working relationship with your Zoran Zaev boss:

Open up. Let them know about your hobbies, dreams, and aspirations. Zoran Zaev loves to keep things as informal as possible in the office.

Handle their detail-oriented stuff. A Zoran Zaev will love you if you offer to manage his or her spreadsheets.

Indulge in some gossip. Sure, it's tricky to gossip at work, but letting your Zoran Zaev boss in on some harmless intel ("Did you know that Jim in accounting moonlights in a rock band on weekends?") will score major points.

Take initiative. Giving yourself your own projects that go outside the scope of your day-to-day routine will impress Zoran Zaev.

Be playful. Jokes and a light office environment go a long way toward making your Zoran Zaev boss happy.

5. What Success Means to a Zoran Zaev

For Zoran Zaevns, doing well means being surrounded by great people who inspire and challenge them daily. That's why this sign may forego a large paycheck to work in a field where they're constantly surrounded by people. For Zoran Zaev, friends are like family and coworkers are friends—and it's the best of all worlds when Zoran Zaev works with family or friends. That might look like becoming an entrepreneur and hiring people they know, or maybe working remotely to allow a seamless balance of work and home life. Even though Zoran Zaev loves nice things, he or she considers that the icing on the cake, and will make all career and financial decisions based on overall quality of life.

6. Awakening the Inner Zoran Zaev Raven

Although western astrology characterizes Zoran Zaev by the inanimate Scales, this sign is most closely connected to the raven. This big black bird gets a bad rap in horror movies, but ravens are actually friendly, resourceful, and intelligent. Connecting to this creature can help Zoran Zaev fully connect to his or her true self. Here's how to access that inner corvid:

Socially engage. Zoran Zaevs are naturally social, but a bad mood will force them into retreat. Pushing themselves to connect, even when they don't feel like it, can draw them out of a funk.

Count those blessings. Zoran Zaevs often think that life will be perfect once they achieve a certain goal or milestone. But just like the resourceful raven, looking around and taking stock of what they have right now can help them appreciate their life even more fully.

Sing. Although ravens are known for their squawks, they will actually sing to their mates and offspring. Doing the same can bring out Zoran Zaev's tender side.

Fly. A raven doesn't stay in one place for long. Trying something new can help Zoran Zaev break out of a bad mood.

Take a class. Zoran Zaev loves to learn, but often puts lifelong learning on the back burner. Putting it front and center will remind this sign of their fierce intelligence, which is another thing that they share with the raven.

Predictions for the year 2022:

1. Overview

Wow, what a year you truly have in store for yourself, Zoran Zaev! 2021 emphasizes your true gift of communication bringing out the more creative qualities of your sign. You might even consider focusing your attention on your more artistic and altruistic forms of expression. As an air sign, you find yourself on a quest for knowledge and might even consider entering a program of study that expands your understanding of various subjects.

The north node's transit through Gemini directs your personal magnetism towards continued education, spiritual expansion, and even connects you to communities around the world. You might even consider directing your energy towards more humanitarian causes as Saturn's presence in Aquarius trines your sign and connects you to several causes that you feel most passionate about.
You are a sign that seeks diplomacy and justice, which you know does not happen overnight. You are willing to put in the time and effort to really see certain things through and know that this is a full-year process ahead. You might even consider volunteering your time with certain organizations, and find yourself continually inspired by the stories of others as you deepen your understanding and research within your community.

A very enlightening lesson this year includes the cycles of Mercury retrograde, which are all in air signs. This begins with an Aquarian retrograde during the months of January and February, creating an editing period for your fifth house, affecting your children and creative talents. As Mercury retrograde asks us all to investigate things more deeply, this is also an important lesson for all your relationships.

You'll feel more challenged by a Gemini retrograde cycle from May through early July. This can be a bit tricky in your communication style, and bring unwanted confusion. The year also brings a healing Mercury retrograde in your sign of the Scales from late September through mid-November.

In general, there's a lot of activity in the second half of the year in terms of questions and resolutions involving love.

2. Couples

Your personal relationships can pretty much survive it all if you know what you signed up for. For those couples in long-term relationships, you must look to how Saturn is configured in your chart to really understand the fullness of your lessons. Your sign of the Scales is getting a major upgrade as the planet of structure transits through the sign of Aquarius.

This is wonderful for those partnerships looking to add on to their family in some capacity. You are going through a birthing process this year, even if this is a proverbial “baby” created between yourself and your partnership. The process cycles throughout the year facing challenges as a mighty square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus can create a hurricane between your house of artistry and karmic ties.

You are being asked to let go of any preconceived notions about love. This means if you are with someone now, and they are testing your patience, you have three passes of understanding before really deciding for the years to come. As fate would have it, Valentine's Day is a huge decision day for you this year as well as June 14 and December 24. It doesn't mean you have to be exact and ready, but you will face some important lessons in long-standing romantic connections that will either make you or break you.

The eclipse cycles of 2021 also add to this path of destiny, giving you some unexpected results as the truth comes out during the May 26 total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. There's nothing to hide here, and your partner sees you for who you are! This is also reflected through a powerful annular solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10, a steadier Taurus partial lunar eclipse on November 19, and a palpable lesson between couples on the December 4 Sagittarian total solar eclipse.

3. Singles

There's nothing short of romantic prosperity in alignment with the circuitous route brought to you throughout 2021! Your sign of the Scales prefers to be in a solid and steady relationship in order to help balance you out! You are meant to be with your soulmate, that is for sure, and 2021 can bring along someone who is totally right for you! This can be a year where you, in fact, meet the love of your life. There's a steady feeling of embracing nature and spirituality that can actually bring a very special partnership your way.

You might have felt stuck in a rut and need to explore the world in a totally different way, and that is just where this person will be! They are feeling the same way, and are in the same place as you! Let the solar and lunar eclipses help you find someone who deserves your amazingness! Be patient through the beginning of the year, even if it can feel lonely at times. You are right where you need to be!

May and June's lunar and solar eclipse schedule is right on-point with your fantastic aura! Trust that the universe has a plan for you! There could be a meeting that happens at this time that really sets someone apart from the rest! You will never know unless you try, and this is the right time to be open to the plethora of possibilities!

Although 2021 does close out with your home planet Venus in retrograde starting on December 19, you'll be amazed at how much you appreciate the current love interest or lesson helping to heal your heart!

4. Money & Career

Your charming wit and personality have other people floored! This is the year where you can really get what you ask for if you play your cards just right. You do have to plan ahead and be on top of your game, even if this means you have to go out of your comfort zone in a major way.

There are pieces of your career that you must let out of the bag, especially if these are contacts that have held you back or looked down on you in the past. You may have to face some competition at the beginning of the year, especially as Saturn in Aquarius experiences a square with Uranus in Taurus in mid-February.

This isn't the most desirable part of the job, but you are ready to take it on full force. There is an evolution from this lesson that isn't the easiest for many, and you can see other colleagues struggling with this as well. Formulating a structured approach will get you through these cycles that you will also meet again through May, June, and again in November and December.

Finances are either going to be extremely good, or you will have to fight to get to the status you are seeking. Remember to be grateful and consider what you already have. You have a tremendous number of things going for you if you really step back and look into it all.

Finally, you might have to work with an accountant or trusted financial coach in order to keep a steady eye on your own monetary fluidity. Working with someone who doesn't have any personal stock in your life can help you see and understand the bigger picture during the course of the year.

General features:

Diplomatic, artistic, intelligent

Element: Air
Polarity: Positive
Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Venus
Ruling House: Seventh
Spirit color: Blue
Lucky gem: Sapphire
Flower: Rose
Top Love Matches: Gemini