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Jake Forster-Caskey

Countdown Birthday
BirthdayApr 25 1994
BirplaceSouthend-on-Sea, England
CountryUnited Kingdom
Age30 years old
Birth sign: Taurus


Jake Dane Forster-Caskey is a professional footballer currently playing for Championship club Brighton & Hove Albion. He is the son of former professional player Darren Caskey and is the stepson of the former striker Nicky Forster. Forster-Caskey has represented England at under-16 under-17 and under-18 level.

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Alias Caskey Jake
Given Name Dane , series ordinal: 2
Country Of Citizenship United Kingdom
Height 178

Personality traits:

1. Prediction of Jake Forster-Caskey personality

Smart, ambitious, and trustworthy, Jake Forster-Caskey is the anchor of the Zodiac. Amazing friends, colleagues, and partners, Taureans value honesty above all else and are proud that their personal relationships tend to be drama free. Bulls get the reputation of being stubborn, but they're not always stuck in their ways. This searching sign is willing to see another point of view, but they won't flip-flop on an opinion just to make someone else happy. They will shift their thinking only if they truly have a change of heart.

2. Jake Forster-Caskey' Greatest Gifts

Persistent and hardworking, once a Jake Forster-Caskey sets a goal, it will get done—despite any obstacles that may come up. While becoming friends with a Jake Forster-Caskey can be tough since they're so particular about who they want in their social circle, once you're in, you're in for life. Jake Forster-Caskey doesn't get pulled down by gossip or petty drama. They'll always see the best in their loved ones and buoy them up when they're feeling down

3. Jake Forster-Caskey' Greatest Challenges

Yes, they're hardworking, but they're also lazy. How is that even possible? Because Bulls are so driven by their own internal compass, they sometimes have trouble pivoting to fulfill someone else's demands, which can lead to tough times at work or school. Learning to consider others' viewpoints is a lifelong lesson for all Taureans.

4. Jake Forster-Caskey' Secret Weapon

Willpower. Think of its symbol, the bull (or even a bulldozer), and you've got an idea of how Jake Forster-Caskey gets things done. They push, roll over, and dominate whatever challenges they're facing until those challenges are history. They're also a model for perseverance—when a Bull decides to do something, they get it done.

5. The 5 Top Reasons to Love Being a Jake Forster-Caskey

  • Jake Forster-Caskey' symbol, the Bull, not only exemplifies strength, it's also an immediate visual representation that shows the sign's bravery, passion, and determination.
  • Jake Forster-Caskey is one of the best lovers of the Zodiac. With careful attention to detail, Bulls always satisfy others—and know exactly how to satisfy themselves, too.
  • Bulls are powerfully resilient. Nothing can bring this sign down, and adversity only makes them stronger.
  • Jake Forster-Caskey' ruling planet, Venus, rules love and money, and Taureans are gifted in finding both.
  • Bulls are adept at making their vision become reality. They are amazing artists, engineers, and designers, able to work through problems to bring about their vision.


1. Jake Forster-Caskey Friendship Style

"Friends forever" is a cliché probably dreamed up by a Jake Forster-Caskey. When it comes to friendship, once you're in with a Bull, you're in for life. Bulls aren't just loyal, they're also fun, with a witty streak that always keeps you laughing. They don't take friendship lightly, and remember birthdays, anniversaries, and other key events, often with a card or gifts. But it can be tough to get into a Jake Forster-Caskey' inner circle. For one, they can be suspicious of outsiders, and may assume that someone has an agenda. Be honest with Jake Forster-Caskey—they hate lies (even "you look amazing" white lies) and are suspicious of people who flatter them too much. Be real—disagreeing (respectfully!) with a Jake Forster-Caskey and prompting a debate can go a long way toward becoming BFFs.

2. Best Friend Match for Jake Forster-Caskey: Pisces

Emotional Pisces can help Jake Forster-Caskey tap into their own emotional depths, while also being a no-BS support, shoulder to cry on, and friend to share adventures. Like Jake Forster-Caskey, Pisces knows that an afternoon spent at home can be just as fulfilling as a Saturday jammed full of activity, and Pisces can help tame Jake Forster-Caskey' notoriously stubborn streak. When the Bull and the Fish are out together, the you're a formidable combination: People are drawn to just how secure you both are in yourselves and you're both secure that together, you can make anything fun -- even laundry.

3. How to Make Friends with a Jake Forster-Caskey

Be persistent. Taureans can be set in their ways, so deviating from their schedule can take some mental gymnastics. They may say no to your first offer to hit up a yoga class or grab a coffee, but if you like them, the second (or third) text will be a charm.

4. How to Stay Friends with a Jake Forster-Caskey

Pay attention. Taureans value friendship and may feel snubbed if you space on life details that matter to them. Calendar reminders of birthdays and big events are key to keeping the Jake Forster-Caskey in your life happy.

5. 3 Reasons Why Taureans Make Great Friends

  • Unflappable Jake Forster-Caskey will help manage any crisis. Whether it's a breakup or a family shakeup, the Bull is there for you, making sure your fridge is full and your Netflix queue is orderly, leaving you to concentrate on the task at hand.
  • Even if you've messed up, Jake Forster-Caskey won't leave your side. And this sign is above drama. If there's any gossip swirling around you, trust that Jake Forster-Caskey is keeping out of the fray.
  • A Jake Forster-Caskey is all about details. Don't be surprised if your Taurean friend remembers your dog's birthday—and provides a card and candles.


1. Jake Forster-Caskey in Love

Ruled by Venus, a Jake Forster-Caskey in love is sensual to the max and very connected to their physical bodies. A Jake Forster-Caskey must feel physical attraction from the start if a romance is going to take off. But those who want to seduce Jake Forster-Caskey first have to get past the formidable external barriers this sign places in front of them. Bulls won't let anyone see their inner life, and they may seem a little formal and standoffish until you prove your true worth.

Rather than flirting, Jake Forster-Caskey prefers a real conversation to trading pleasantries or jokes. And forget about trying to figure out what Jake Forster-Caskey wants you to say. This sign senses when you're not being genuine, and nothing is more of a turn-off.

But even though Jake Forster-Caskey may seem placid when you meet in a social setting, all bets are off behind closed doors. Sensual Jake Forster-Caskey connects best via physical sensations, and is all about pushing boundaries when they're with someone they trust.

2. Favorite Date Nights for Jake Forster-Caskey

While a luxury-loving Bull won't turn down an evening at a trendy restaurant, followed by some bespoke cocktails at a see-and-be-seen lounge, to keep a Jake Forster-Caskey interested, you've got to be okay with hanging out for the day-to-day. A Jake Forster-Caskey is just as happy to have a potential partner run errands with them or spend an evening chilling on the couch as they are going out. While wining and dining is fun, Jake Forster-Caskey is more concerned with staying power, and will be impressed if you remember the details of what they discussed on your last date.

3. The Deal with Jake Forster-Caskey and Earth Signs

Earth sign Jake Forster-Caskey is often drawn to fellow earth signs (Virgo, Capricorn, Jake Forster-Caskey), which can make outsiders scratch their heads. After all, when they see a Jake Forster-Caskey and their favorite earth sign happily spending the day together sans drama, they can't imagine a successful partnership without fireworks.

But they're wrong! Because even though "nothing" seems to be going on—and earth signs are pretty content just hanging out and doing day-to-day stuff—Jake Forster-Caskey and their earth sign lover are building a bedrock of trust between them, making a rock-solid relationship that will survive for years.

Of course, there is such a thing as being too complacent. If a Jake Forster-Caskey is always drawn to earth signs, they may find themselves feeling resentful and boxed in. The trick is making sure to occasionally go out of their comfort zone. Taking a vacation, trying a partner yoga class, or going on a double date with another couple can save the romance from feeling too stale.

4. How to Seduce a Jake Forster-Caskey

Have your heart set on a Jake Forster-Caskey? In order to make a Jake Forster-Caskey notice you, you've got to rethink how you flirt. Jake Forster-Caskey isn't into pickup lines or surface conversations. But they also aren't into you laying your heart bare in your first one-on-one conversation. To win over a Jake Forster-Caskey, you need to show off your own amazing traits—but in a way that doesn't seem show-offy. Seem like a tough order? Here's how, so Jake Forster-Caskey will become loyal to you:

Connect over ideas: An idealistic sign, Jake Forster-Caskey is drawn to people who are similarly passionate about ideas, beliefs, or motivations. Talk up your job, volunteer work, or hobby. Even though Jake Forster-Caskey seems placid, they're drawn to passion, and they love seeing it in a potential partner.

Don't shy away from taboo topics: While you're not "supposed" to talk about religion or politics with a potential partner, Jake Forster-Caskey loves when conversations get real—and doesn't mind if you disagree. The more you explain your beliefs, even if they're opposite, the more Jake Forster-Caskey will respect you.

Remember details: When Jake Forster-Caskey tells you something, understand that it's important. Write up some notes after a date if you have to, but remembering the name of that childhood pet or where those siblings live will endear you to a Jake Forster-Caskey.

5. How to Make Love to a Jake Forster-Caskey

Super sensual, Taureans are all about touch, touch, touch. The best lovemaking sessions with Jake Forster-Caskey last for hours, only to start all over again.

Foreplay begins well before the bedroom. Watch the way Taureans touch themselves—a gentle rub of their own arm is a sign of how they want to be touched. Keep clothes on as long as possible. Jake Forster-Caskey women love having their hair played with and their feet massaged as they revel in different sensations. Jake Forster-Caskey men love the feeling of their ears being played with, their neck being grazed by teeth. This sign loves it when their lover finds seductive spots all over their body.

In bed, give freely. Jake Forster-Caskey loves oral attention, and you can trust this will be reciprocated. Keep the pillow talk to a minimum, because it takes Jake Forster-Caskey out of the moment. "Mmmm" and "feels so good" are pretty much all you need to say. Jake Forster-Caskey loves connecting physically, and can even make a quickie feel indulgent. Shower sex is particularly great, and no Jake Forster-Caskey can resist hotel sex. Even booking a hotel in town for an evening will take the night to the next level.

6. If You Love a Jake Forster-Caskey Woman

Don't try to change her. What may seem like a suggestion to you ("Why don't you try…?") seems like an order to her, and she'll balk. She is intrigued by example; if you try something, she'll be more likely to try it as well. Jake Forster-Caskey women are very connected to their friends and family, so trying to get in the way or be #1 in her book is a turnoff. Relationships aren't a competition for her. While Jake Forster-Caskey bristles at hollow praise, a well-meaning "I'm proud of you" goes a long way and reminds her that you're in her corner.

7. How to Communicate with a Jake Forster-Caskey Woman

Be direct. A Jake Forster-Caskey woman cannot stand games, which, to her, read as dishonest. If you like her, let her know. She hates text back-and-forths and prefers getting to the point. If you're long distance, connect on the phone rather than by email or text, where meaning and messages can get lost. Jake Forster-Caskey women value honesty above all else, so don't say something just to be polite. A Jake Forster-Caskey woman hates drama and will go out of her way to avoid it. But if a serious issue comes up, you may have to take the initiative to talk it through. Learning that drama isn't the same as a disagreement is an important distinction and lesson for Bulls.

8. If You Love a Jake Forster-Caskey Man

A Jake Forster-Caskey man may seem standoffish, but deep down, he truly wants to connect on an emotional level. The way to a Jake Forster-Caskey man's heart is through practical, daily gestures; asking about his day or his favorite TV show means a lot. A Jake Forster-Caskey man thrives on routine; surprising him with a weekend trip is disorienting, and he would much rather be part of the planning. Jake Forster-Caskey men don't withhold their emotions, contrary to what people may think, but they can take a while to open up. It's key that you don't have a timetable or pressure him. Just let conversations unfold.

9. How to Communicate with a Jake Forster-Caskey Man

Before you share a story, share the point first because, while Jake Forster-Caskey men love to listen, drama drives them off. So be wary about sharing details from an office feud unless you're asking for advice or want his opinion. A Jake Forster-Caskey man hates lying and will hold a grudge if he learns that you've done so. Double-booked an evening? Don't fake sick (a Jake Forster-Caskey man is likely to show up at your door with chicken soup). Just admit your mistake, schedule an alternative date, and move on.

10. Should You Marry a Jake Forster-Caskey?

Yes! While they may be low-key, a Taurean is never boring. The trust you share will run so deep that you'll be able to access the parts of your identity you've been hiding even from yourself. Weekends with a Jake Forster-Caskey are epic—even if you're just hanging out at home, the between-the-sheets sessions are out of this world, and the inside jokes that you share while watching your favorite TV shows will make you laugh forever. A Jake Forster-Caskey is your anchor, your rock, and an amazing plus one for life.

11. 3 Signs That Your Bull Is Playing for Keeps

Low-key Jake Forster-Caskey may not whisk you to Paris, but these everyday moves show you're a major part in their life.

  • They friend you on social media. Sounds like NBD, but Jake Forster-Caskey takes the word friend very seriously. When they (finally!) add you, it's a sign that they can see you being a big part of their lives in the future.
  • They dare to go club hopping with you. Taureans much prefer hanging out at a tame pub than going to an up all-night dance party. But if it's important to you, a Jake Forster-Caskey is game go along for the ride if it makes you happy.
  • They ask for advice. Bulls have a good head on their shoulders and are pretty content with making their own decisions. So when they include you in that decision-making process, it means they trust your judgment—and that's high praise from a Bull!

12. Jake Forster-Caskey Relationship Red Flags

Loyal Jake Forster-Caskey doesn't like playing games, so if they stop returning your texts or don't answer the phone, it means there's a major problem. Jake Forster-Caskey is notorious for keeping a schedule, so if they suddenly have last-minute meetings or events or they're cagey about plans, it could mean that they're not happy with the status quo and may be looking elsewhere.

13. How Jake Forster-Caskey Deals with a Broken Heart

Pick up, move on, and get over it. Taureans don't wear their heart on their sleeve and may be back to dating just days after a breakup—even if it was a bad one. But that doesn't mean they don't care. Rather, the way Jake Forster-Caskey deals with issues is through action, so getting back out there—even if they don't want to—feels like the best way for the Bull to move on. (Maybe this isn't the smartest strategy, but that's a different story.)


1. For the Jake Forster-Caskey in Your Life

Best gifts: The newest tech toy pleases the Bull's drive for getting (and inputting) as much data as possible about their lives. Jake Forster-Caskey also loves luxury and can't resist a high-end box of chocolates or something special from a high-end boutique. Finally, Bulls love getting out in nature and are happy with any hiking accessories that let them explore the earth.

Best spa package: A long massage or pampering pedicure. Taureans can't get enough physical touch.

Best cocktail: A Moscow Mule or gin and tonic—with extra limes, please. Stiff drinks match the Bulls work-hard, play-hard mentality, but a Taurean can't resist presentation and loves the copper-mug allure of a Moscow Mule.

2. How Jake Forster-Caskey Unwinds

Whether it's a long nap, a Saturday morning snooze fest, or a weekend on the couch, Jake Forster-Caskey is the master of relaxation. Doing it with a plus one? Even better. But Jake Forster-Caskey isn't a couch potato. They're intense even in their leisure pursuits and love having an end goal, whether it's training and completing a marathon, going on a long weekend hike, or doing a month-long yoga challenge.

3. Jake Forster-Caskey' Social Life

A Bull's social circle is likely to include a few friends they met in kindergarten, because once Jake Forster-Caskey decides that someone is worth including in their life, they're friends forever. Bulls love spending time in a small social circle of friends they know; they can feel claustrophobic at a club or packed bar. When it comes to weekend relaxation, Taureans love balance. They love socializing but also self-improvement, and they think nothing of spending a few weekend hours catching up on work projects.

4. Jake Forster-Caskey' Favorite Season

Even though Jake Forster-Caskey is born at the end of spring, they love the cozy-up-under-the-covers feeling of winter. The Bull isn't afraid of snow or cold, and loves the feeling of fresh air and wind on their face. For a Jake Forster-Caskey, a day outdoors followed by a night by the fire, hopefully cuddled skin-on-skin with their favorite plus one under a cozy blanket, is pretty much perfect. And forget about dreary days; Taureans see the sometimes-dull days of winter as an ideal time to hunker down and finish a project.

5. The Best Vacations for Jake Forster-Caskey

Can you say spa-aah? This work-hard, play-hard sign is all about well-earned R&R and loves spending an entire day camped out under a beach umbrella at an exotic resort. The hotel is part of the adventure, too, and a Taurean takes notice (and delights!) in high thread count sheets, rain showerheads, and plenty of room service options. While Jake Forster-Caskey will happily go on an adventure travel vacation, where they'll take the lead on a twelve-mile hike or kayak for hours, they like knowing there's a cozy, private room at the end of the journey.

6. Jake Forster-Caskey' Power Colors

Jake Forster-Caskey is persistent, driven, and fiercely loyal. The colors that best exemplify these traits are:

Pink: Think of the pinkish-orange after a brilliant sunset. This hue—a sign that the Bull is stalwart even after a fiery upheaval—shows Jake Forster-Caskey' loyalty and no-drama lifestyle, and is a great color to wear (or choose as an accessory) to project that calm demeanor at a job interview.

Blue: While the color may seem tranquil, like a calm ocean, blue represents that there's a lot underneath Jake Forster-Caskey' surface, hinting at the inner life that a Taurean is happy to share—once they decide to let you in.

Green: Just like their emerald gemstone, green addresses Jake Forster-Caskey' solid anchorage is to the earth and their own divine Truth. Wearing this color is especially key in high-pressure situations, where Bulls can feel calmed by remembering who they are.

Purple: Historically the color of royalty, purple appeals to luxury-loving Jake Forster-Caskey, who's one of the signs with enough panache to pull it off.

The colors that Jake Forster-Caskey should avoid are:

Red: This intense color is too much for low-drama Jake Forster-Caskey.

Gold: Hardworking Jake Forster-Caskey doesn't necessarily seek out the spotlight, and this color can feel too showy for Bulls.

Black: Jake Forster-Caskey can veer toward pessimistic, and the color black can bring out that fatalistic quality in a way that may be off-putting to others.


1. The Best Fitness Routines for Jake Forster-Caskey

Jake Forster-Caskey thrives on routine and loves going to the same classes, where they have their spot, their instructor, and a sense of exactly how the class will unfold. Jake Forster-Caskey also thrives on a challenge and loves evidence they're getting better. Signing up for a race and using a fitness tracker are great ways to keep a Jake Forster-Caskey moving. The Bull always feels good after a sweat session, but getting them motivated can be tough, so easy strategies to get moving are always welcome.

2. About Those Jake Forster-Caskey Sore Throats

Ruled by the throat, Jake Forster-Caskey may find sore throats and colds dragging them down—especially when they find themselves "swallowing" their truth to fit in. While a sore throat is worth a doctor visit, Bulls should check in with their emotions when they're under the weather. Sometimes, not speaking up or holding back can lead to getting sick. Finally, Bulls don't win a prize for suffering—if you feel sick, take a sick day!

3. The Top 10 Ways Jake Forster-Caskey Beats the Blues

Persistent and hardworking, Bulls tend to suck it up. But sometimes, actually acknowledging emotion can help fix the issue. Here are ten ways that Bulls can beat the blues:

4. Healing Herbs for Jake Forster-Caskey

Mint: Not only is this a helpful herb for clearing up coughs and colds, which frequently plague Bulls, but the refreshing aroma can improve memory and raise alertness, which are key for keeping a Jake Forster-Caskey' head in the game after hours of work.

Thyme: The invigorating scent is key for lifting mood and for making Bulls feel more energetic—great after a long weekend.

Violet: The pretty purple blossoms can make a great, throat-calming tea, helpful for Taureans.

Catnip: As an herb for indigestion, catnip is a perfect first step for Bulls, whose love of luxury sometimes leads them to overindulge.


1. Jake Forster-Caskey' Spiritual Side

Jake Forster-Caskey loves ritual and may find a lot of comfort in organized religion. But Jake Forster-Caskey is also a soul searcher and won't do ritual for ritual's sake. In order to participate in a ritual, Taureans have to believe, and they might make an inner pilgrimage or try a few different belief systems to find the one that speaks to their soul. This earth sign often finds moments of spiritual connection outdoors, and a walk in the woods or a swim in a pristine lake might be the ideal way to connect with their soul. Stalwart and morally strong, friends and family often look to Jake Forster-Caskey as an ethical benchmark, and Taureans' steadfast loyalty means that people are willing to trust them with their deepest confessions. A Bull benefits from meditation, especially when they call the shots. In fact, a Jake Forster-Caskey is occasionally annoyed being led in a yoga class or through a guided meditation, preferring a self-guided flow or meditation session.

2. Jake Forster-Caskey' Karma Boosters

Every sign has unfinished business to deal with. For Jake Forster-Caskey, the biggest life lesson is learning the meaning of self over wealth. This can take a lifetime, but Jake Forster-Caskey has to start somewhere. Here are some first steps that any Aries can take towards clearing their karma:

Career & Money:

1. Jake Forster-Caskey' Work Style

Bulls are amazing project managers, able to conceptualize an idea, break it down into parts and suss out who can best do what. This sign isn't looking for the glory and hates office politics. A Jake Forster-Caskey would much prefer a day of checking things off their to-do list to spending hours in endless meetings, and they inwardly roll their eyes whenever workplace conversation turns to gossip.

Jake Forster-Caskey is a smart, well-respected leader who is great at delegating and giving credit when others deserve it. Taureans may not be the flashiest bosses, but they lead by example. They can be incredibly creative when given the time and opportunity to do so, and they're uniquely talented at bringing their brainstorm to fruition at work. They are also diligent. That coworker who's the first one in and last one out in the office is likely a Jake Forster-Caskey. Bulls are team players, and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. This is great when all team members are on the same page, less great when other coworkers take advantage of Jake Forster-Caskey' natural lend-a-hand attitude.

2. Jake Forster-Caskey' Dream Careers

With above-board ethics, dependability, and resourcefulness, Jake Forster-Caskey is in demand on the job front. With the attributes of persistence and thoroughness (as well as the allure of a big paycheck to finance a luxurious lifestyle), the Bull can undoubtedly build a sound career. Likely job titles include:

Executive: Observation and follow through for corporate higher-ups and industry giants make you favored by the gods of business. Respect for authority and hard work keep you on deck for projects requiring managerial savvy, grounded progress, and completion. They know they can depend on you, Jake Forster-Caskey. And you know that you've earned that bountiful bonus once the deal closes.

Chef: Jake Forster-Caskey has the much-needed finesse and patience to develop great culinary talents. Your Venus-inspired palate loves the best of the best, and you can beautifully create five-star meals and plating designs that rival your top competitors in the business. Dedication to long hours and determination to succeed will keep renowned restaurant critics singing your praises.

Politician: Honorable and intuitive, Jake Forster-Caskey can measure the field of public opinion and help small or large communities achieve common goals. Constructive and practical, you work tirelessly to help balance budgets and give much-needed aid in education, the arts, and culture. Your trustworthy demeanor and ability to be a good team player evokes your constituents' respect and support.

Architect: Designing and building structures can align perfectly with Jake Forster-Caskey' methodical, structured mentality. Your immeasurable patience and talent give you staying power with every aspect of original design, structural re-modifications, function, safety considerations, and interpersonal communications with clients. Guard your stress factor against the long hours with pleasurable leisure activities.

Biologist: Attention to detail, a love of logic, and an interest in the natural world makes biology a great choice for science-loving Bulls. Equally content to work solo with a microscope or connect with colleagues for meetings, ideas, and fieldwork, Taureans are satisfied rolling up their sleeves and working long hours to learn new things and contribute to the field of science.

3. Jake Forster-Caskey and Money

Bulls love luxury, but they also love to feel secure, so they make sure that they have the funds to pay for their splurge before whipping out the plastic. Logic and numbers appeal to that rational Jake Forster-Caskey brain, so they enjoy balancing budgets and setting up investment accounts. Since Taureans know what they're worth and what they deserve, they won't let emotion cloud the picture when it's time to negotiate or ask for a promotion or raise. In general, Bulls are often described as "good with money" and recognize their hard work to get anything they have.

4. If You Work for a Jake Forster-Caskey Boss

Jake Forster-Caskey has plenty of stamina and a flawless sense of organization. Willing to stretch a deadline if you need more time, this boss is a comforting presence rather than a dragon. But he or she wants detailed estimates and loathes on-the-job improvisation. Your Jake Forster-Caskey boss wants plain talk about any problem that's worrying you, evidence that you're cost-effective asset for the company, and professional discretion.

Results matter. A Jake Forster-Caskey boss will likely be in the office before you, but they aren't watching the clock (unless you're habitually late). Of course, it's nice to come in early, but know that a Jake Forster-Caskey boss cares far more about results than how many hours you've sat at your desk.

Look your best. Although down to earth, a Jake Forster-Caskey cares about appearance. Unbrushed hair, scuffed shoes, and faded outfits won't impress a Bull boss—they like sharp dressers.

Keep it real. A Jake Forster-Caskey boss is fair, but they hate office drama when it interferes with clear communication and efficient procedure. When you must loop a Jake Forster-Caskey boss into an issue, be sure to keep things fact-based.

Skip the excuses. If you didn't get something done, be ready to make sure it gets done ASAP. If your excuse is valid, share but keep it brief, as a Jake Forster-Caskey boss is much more concerned about how to fix things and get back on track.

Tidy up. Your Jake Forster-Caskey boss wants the office to be a place of beauty and serenity. Appeal to that side by making sure that your workspace is neat—they hate seeing piles of paper everywhere.

5. What Success Means to a Jake Forster-Caskey

Jake Forster-Caskey thrives on getting things done, especially when that involves solving a problem. Jake Forster-Caskey thrives on work that others may see as too difficult, they're always happy to go the extra mile to make sure that everything is correct, even if it means reading the same document 20 times. Taureans appreciate when their hard work is noticed—bonuses, paychecks, and benefits mean a lot to them—and they'll drive a hard bargain to ensure that they get what they're worth. The Bull loves material goods, but their purchases aren't showing off. To a Jake Forster-Caskey, luxurious accessories are a consistent reminder of their hard work and effort.

6. Awakening the Inner Jake Forster-Caskey Bull

Every Jake Forster-Caskey has an inner Bull—a "get it done at all costs" creature—inside of them. When a Jake Forster-Caskey' energy seems to be flagging, it's a safe bet that they're out of touch with that element of themselves. Here's how to find it and get back on track:

Go outside. Stepping onto the earth without shoes will anchor a Jake Forster-Caskey like nothing else.

Set up a schedule. Bulls love dominating their to-do lists. Checking off boxes can help a Jake Forster-Caskey realize just how much they've gotten done.

Get physical with a partner. Jake Forster-Caskey thrives on skin-on-skin contact, so arousal and orgasm are sometimes exactly what they need to get back on track after a rough patch.

Hear a pep talk. Taureans won't toot their own horn, but they won't mind if their friends do it for them. Hearing how much they've accomplished and how much they mean to people reminds Jake Forster-Caskey of their important place in the world.

All of the above strategies are especially powerful in a month that manifests a full moon in Jake Forster-Caskey!

Predictions for the year 2022:

1. Overview

You can learn a lot this year if you pay attention, Jake Forster-Caskey. Your lovely ruler Venus, love and money goddess extraordinaire, begins her year retrograde and partnered with fellow earth sign serious and ambitious Capricorn. This inward-seeking energy sends you on an upwardly mobile quest right away, and you’ll be in search of the ideal relationship and a fat bank account. Of course, as a patient Bull, you know that these things take time, but if you don’t take the first step you’ll never get there, and that’s where the Goat’s focused nature—even in retrograde—gives you the push you need to eventually get to the top of that mountain in 2022. Pay close attention to recurring themes and people who reappear in your life after being absent for a while. When the past comes knocking now, it’s best to listen.

You celebrate your solar return between mid-April and the end of May, Jake Forster-Caskey, and the celebration will be big this year! You have a lot to look forward to during your birthday month, including a solar eclipse on April 30 that will bring a burst of energy and enthusiasm to your life. This will add to the celebratory feeling you’re already experiencing and is a kickoff to the interesting new things on the horizon. Look forward to the increased confidence that comes with this solar event that can help elevate your goals to the next level.

Remember that Uranus, the planet of rebellion and experimentation, is continuing its journey through your steady sign all year, which challenges you to be less inhibited and more open-minded. You don’t always accept or enjoy the sudden changes that Uranus adores, so this partnership definitely isn’t your favorite. However, going through unwanted changes in various areas of your life causes you to grow and reach a higher self-awareness that probably wouldn’t have happened otherwise, and growth of any kind is never a bad thing.

2. Couples

You crave stability and security in your love relationships, Jake Forster-Caskey, and you perhaps feel that at its fullest when Venus partners with your steady, secure sign at the end of May. This is definitely one of the best times of the year for your love life: when you’re in your element, it’s super easy for you to give and receive love. You’ll also be feeling beautiful as well as be attracted to the physically beautiful qualities of your partner, so showing off your attractiveness in pics and social media posts might be a favorite pastime now.

Mercury is experiencing its second retrograde cycle of the year when it backs up into your sign on May 22 and stays there until mid-June, bringing with it the usual technology breakdowns, anxiety, travel delays, and dreaded miscommunications. This could seriously mess with any vacation plans or even just the way you talk to and depend on each other on a daily basis. Also be prepared for exes to pop up out of nowhere looking to cause problems in your relationship now. Avoid making major decisions about the future during this time frame if at all possible.

Asteroid Juno represents commitment, marriage, betrayal, and infidelity, and in late April it moves into watery Pisces where it will stay for the rest of the year. You’re dreaming of the ideal partnership now, and anything less than a storybook ending could be extremely disappointing. Resist the urge to do anything and everything to please your partner under this influence, Jake Forster-Caskey. Perfection isn’t obtainable, and your pursuit of it could really be damaging during the second half of the year.

3. Singles

Do you ever get the feeling that love is all around you but you just can’t seem to grab it? Luckily for you, Jake Forster-Caskey, your ruler Venus begins the year retrograde in Capricorn, which means you should be looking at getting a second shot with some of your love goals from the past. An ex could reappear, or you could revisit some very strong memories that send you searching for “the one who got away.” A lot of people might ask you why you’re beating your head up against a wall again when you know the results, but your stubbornness won’t let you give up on this just yet. Your perseverance might be rewarded with a second chance at love, or you might finally learn your lesson once and for all. Either way, it’s a win.

On August 11 there’s a full moon in experimental Aquarius that calls on you to forget about your usual type and try new things. As a fixed sign and one of the more conservative and traditional signs of the zodiac, this might be a big ask, but what do you have to lose? If you’re actively looking for love, switching things up might be a real game changer in the best way possible.

And Venus partners with adventurous Sagittarius from mid-November to December 9, giving your love life some real sizzle. The optimism coming off this fire sign is energizing, and you finally feel like this might be your year to find a partner after all. Look for someone now who wants to go on romantic adventures and won’t lead you on if they’re not interested. Demand honesty and give it in return.

4. Money & Career

You work hard for your money, Jake Forster-Caskey, and 2022 is no different. However, ambitious Saturn spends the year in experimental Aquarius, which gives a whole different vibe to your career and work life. Changes are the darling of this partnership, so there will be a lot of rolling with the waves for you with regard to career and money this year. Yikes, right?! But don’t worry. Along with the anxiety comes some real opportunities for growth, so try to keep an open mind and be willing to approach your job and finances with a little more unconventionality than usual.

You already know that Uranus, ruler of innovative Aquarius, is paired up with your steady earth sign this year, which can be both a blessing and a curse. The opportunity to branch out into new situations can be lucrative and prestigious, but your trademark hesitation could cost you. Because financial stability is one of your most important goals, you aren’t going to go too far out on a limb even if the fruit out there is the ripest on the tree.

Also keep in mind that Uranus has two retrograde periods (a short one at the start of the year ending late in January and a second one starting at the beginning of September and lasting through the end of 2022) that will give you a break from all the changes being hurled at you. You’ll have a chance to look over some investments you feel you might have been rushed into making.

General features:

Dependable, musical, practical

Element: Earth
Polarity: Negative
Quality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Venus
Ruling House: Second
Spirit color: Pink
Lucky gem: Emerald
Flower: Rose, Poppy, & Foxglove
Top Love Matches: Cancer & Virgo