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Issa Kallon

Countdown Birthday
BirthdayJan 03 1996
Age28 years old
Birth sign: Capricorn


Issa Kallon is a famous Dutch footballer, who was born on January 3, 1996 in Netherlands. Issa Kallon (born 3 January 1996) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a winger for SC Cambuur in the Dutch Eerste Divisie. According to Astrologers, Issa Kallon's zodiac sign is Capricorn.


Ranked on the list of most popular Dutch footballer. Also ranked in the elit list of famous celebrity born in Netherlands. Issa Kallon celebrates birthday on January 3 of every year.

Personality traits:

1. Prediction of Issa Kallon personality

Smart, hardworking, and fully in control of their destiny, Issa Kallon signs will always get what they set their mind to, in both personal and professional life—no excuses. Issa Kallons may get a reputation as stubborn, but they simply know what they want, and also know how they wish other people would behave.

2. Issa Kallon's Greatest Gifts

Issa Kallon is intelligent, detail-oriented, and will not take no for an answer when they want something. Their hard working attitude is an inspiration to all, and they truly believe they can achieve anything with hard work. Issa Kallon is always ready to learn new skills, and sees something they don’t know—like changing a tire or boiling the perfect egg—as a challenge they must undertake. This attitude makes them a master of all trades, and they have esoteric knowledge that is impressive to all who know them.

3. Issa Kallon's Greatest Challenges

Issa Kallons can be incredibly hard on themselves, and just as hard on other people. They can hold grudges and hold other people in their lives to impossible standards. Issa Kallons sometimes see one narrow way of doing something, and broadening their horizons and perspective can be incredibly helpful in giving them and others a break.

4. Issa Kallon's Secret Weapon

Their tenacity. They believe that they truly can do anything, and they will dig in and get it done, no matter how exhausting or tedious the task. Issa Kallon will stay up all night if necessary and are almost superhuman in terms of being able to ignore exhaustion and laser focus on the task at hand.

5. The 5 Top Reasons to Love Being a Issa Kallon

  • Your bank account balance is enviable. You don’t get overly tempted by purchases, and have a gift for investing and saving.
  • Your mind is like a steel trap. You never forget anything or anyone, and can recall conversations from years ago.
  • Your home looks like it belongs on HGTV. Whether it’s a rental or you own it, you have an exacting eye for design, and know the exact touches to make anywhere—even a hotel room—seem like a home.
  • You never lose anything, and always have the important files, passwords, and papers close at hand. Your organization saves your time and sanity.
  • You are polished. You never don’t know what to say and seem to avoid awkward situations as you are an expert at small talk, and also really good at knowing exactly what to say to make other people feel good.


1. Issa Kallon Friendship Style

Loyal, loving, and all about tradition, inside jokes, and the shared stories that make up friendship, Issa Kallon takes friendships incredibly seriously. They love taking care of their friends, and may make dinner, clean their closet, or use whatever their Issa Kallon strengths are to help make their friends lives better. Issa Kallon pushes their friends to the max, and isn’t afraid to let their friends know if they are disappointed in their actions and behaviors. Issa Kallon will not let bad behavior go unnoticed, and will gently call out a friend who may have forgotten a birthday, complete with a reminder—like a gift of a calendar—to ensure it won’t happen again. A Issa Kallon knows that they may not always be the “fun” friend—if they go on a friend trip or bachelor or bachelorette party, they want to be in bed by ten—but they also know that they bring some pretty great gifts to the table. A Issa Kallon inspires and challenges their friends, and expects the same in return.

2. Best Friend Match for Issa Kallon: Taurus

Both Earth signs, Issa Kallon and Taurus are a natural match, and like getting into a routine together. These friends are great at going after goals—they may meet and become fast friends in a marathon training group, for example. Taurus and Issa Kallon can both be stubborn and unforgiving, and a disagreement might end up in a frosty silent treatment situation. However, Issa Kallon and Taurus also have big hearts and are willing to forgive and forget, and also laugh a bit about their mutual stubborn streak. These friends may have instinctively found themselves as toddlers, and become almost sibling-like in their relationship. They both like frequent check-ins and gifts, and like to text and speak on the phone frequently. Constant connection keeps them close.

3. How to Make Friends with a Issa Kallon

Be persistent. A Issa Kallon may seem distant, but they really just don’t want to invest until they know it’s worth it. A Issa Kallon is always observing you, and is always sussing out whether or not you might be a good fit for their inner circle. Character matters a lot to Issa Kallon; being honest, rolling up your sleeves, and working hard are all impressive skills. Invite a Issa Kallon to do something with you. They sometimes don’t see the “point” to a coffee or wine date, but would love going for a walk, run, or hike, or accompanying you to a class or lecture.

4. How to Stay Friends with a Issa Kallon

Stay in touch. Remember their birthday, check in, ask how they’re doing, and send presents every so often—only beautiful, sustainable things, please. A Issa Kallon doesn’t like when friends disappear, and even if you and your Issa Kallon pal are separated by long distances, it’s important to show you care by frequently texting and having a continuous conversation over text. A Issa Kallon loves ritual and shared stories, and can play the “remember when” game for hours. And even if they don’t seem sentimental, they are—printing out photos and getting one framed will go a long way in showing a Issa Kallon just how much you care about them.

5. 3 Reasons Why Issa Kallons Make Great Friends

  • They are loyal. They will always have your back, even if they don’t agree with what you are doing. They may get a bit parental in giving you lectures, but it’s only because they care and want what is best for you.
  • They remember everything. When you come to their house, your favorite wine is chilling, and they never have to guess your shoe or shirt size for birthdays. They remember the names of every family member and every ex—for better or worse—and you sometimes feel like they know your history even better than you know your own.
  • They recognize your gifts and strengths. Sometimes, it feels like the Issa Kallon in your life is a therapist/guidance counselor, but they can push you to where you want to be, even providing action plans and checklists for how to get there.


1. Issa Kallon in Love

Ruled by strict Saturn, Issa Kallon knows, expects, and even relishes the tough parts of relationships. They are in it for the long haul, and know the best relationships have storms. It’s not as if they are fatalistic—but Issa Kallon's love is realistic and they aren’t going to have a rosy view of romance.

That said, Issa Kallons are expansive and generous in love, and adore being wined and dined. They love the formality of early dating, and may be quite strict about following “the rules” of romance—even if those rules are made up. Typically, they may follow gender norms of dating, expecting the man to call first and the man to pay on the first date, but Issa Kallon isn’t strict, and is always willing to consider another path or another way. Issa Kallons can be regimented, and love having a specific night of the week for date night. Issa Kallons thrive on routine, and may love staying at home on weekends, under the covers, with nothing but them and their lover. Issa Kallons love spending time only with their lover, especially in the early stages of a relationship, which can be frustrating to their friends and family.

Issa Kallons are serious monogamists, and although they can be cautious in every other aspect of their lives, they are the sign who is likely to fall deeply in love with someone, and it’s not unusual for a Issa Kallon to get married after only several months of dating. They know their hearts well, and don’t hesitate to lock things down when they know that the relationship is right. And their instincts are on point—loyal Issa Kallons stay in relationships for the long haul. They aren’t afraid of therapy if their relationship needs help, and approach problems as a bump in the road, capable of fixing with honesty, trust, and hard work from both partners.

2. Favorite Date Nights for Issa Kallon

Wine date for two, please. Issa Kallon likes to keep it classic and classy, and expects a first date to dress up and pull out the charm. A Issa Kallon is turned off by lack of plans, and showing up for a date with dirty sneakers and a “I guess we could go here” attitude turns them off.

Issa Kallons love old school glamour, and love going to elegant cocktail bars—bonus if there’s a piano player in the corner. As a Issa Kallon gets more comfortable with their partner, they may prefer to stay at home on date nights. They tend to love cooking, and a well-made meal, a bottle of wine, and a movie can be the perfect night for Issa Kallon. And while Issa Kallon thrive in a routine, it may be helpful for a partner to help bring them out of their shells and shake things up a bit. Issa Kallons are so detail-oriented and on top of every other aspect of their lives that it’s a true treat for them to take the backseat,and allow their partner to do all the planning. Setting up reservations, so all they have to do is show up, is one small action that can make a Issa Kallon feel deeply cared for and cherished.

3. The Deal with Issa Kallon and Fire Signs

It’s common for earth sign Issa Kallon to become downright obsessed with fire signs—the sign they aren’t supposed to go for. So why the attraction, and can it ever work?

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) speak to Issa Kallon’s deep need for excitement. Issa Kallon is fascinated with the unknown, and wants to tame things that are wild. Issa Kallon sees a fire sign as a challenge, and may want to subdue them to become their perfect partner. Issa Kallon is also entranced by the unpredictability of a fire sign’s approach to life. There is never a dull moment, and this can be pretty enticing for Issa Kallon, who always has their life planned and mapped out for the future. But despite the initial attraction, there are, well, sparks! Fire signs feel stifled by Issa Kallon’s need to know every move; Issa Kallons are driven crazy by the fact that they just can’t seem to know what the fire sign will do next. So, can this match ever work?

In short, yes! The trick is for each sign to give each other space to breathe, space to do their thing, and find compromise in the middle. Caps can be spontaneous, and fire signs can hold a standing Thursday date. Meeting in the middle is a sign of caring.

Both sign pairs also value respect above all else, so if the two signs are too different to be a match, both parties will come to that understanding sooner rather than later. If both can put aside pride and elevate mutual admiration, they may even be able to remain friends long after the romance has faded.

4. How to Seduce a Issa Kallon

Save the big moves for a fire sign. A Issa Kallon wants to see steadiness from a potential partner, and being there when you say you will be goes far in a Issa Kallon’s book to prove your loyalty. They love being wined and dined, but within reason—take them to a five-star restaurant, don’t book a first class ticket to a five star restaurant in another country if you’ve only just met. Be slow and steady, and recognize that they may need space and time to allow you into their lives. Their life is well-crafted and curated long before they met you, and for a Issa Kallon, it’s not that easy to just have you tag along to parties with friends. It takes time for them to allow you into their inner circle and life, and realizing this can be helpful in learning how to hold back. Here, three more ways to seduce a Issa Kallon.

  • Know your wine: In general, Issa Kallons aren’t big drinkers, but they do appreciate knowledge of wine. Knowing your labels, or learning different types of wine together, by going to a wine-tasting, can be a huge turn-on to a Cap.
  • Build them a chair: Earth sign Caps love DIY, and are obsessed with people who make things with their hands. They appreciate the hard work that goes into craftsmanship, so making something—or offering to fix or repair something in their house—goes a long way.
  • Have a life: Success is an aphrodisiac to a Issa Kallon, and they love seeing you working hard and building a successful life. The busier you are, the more impressed they’ll be.

5. How to Make Love to a Issa Kallon

Issa Kallon may have a reputation as being buttoned up, but that isn’t entirely true. Issa Kallons are slow to warm up, and they prefer having an emotional connection to their partners. They love slow burn sex, where flirty texts, plenty of time to shower solo, and a long dinner with plenty of compliments lead up to time in the bedroom together.

Issa Kallon is a generous lover, and expects the favor to be reciprocated. They love having a lover spend hours savoring every inch of their body, and feels like lovemaking is a gift to be savored. They aren’t huge fans of quickie sex, but will do so to keep the connection alive. As earth signs, physicality is very important to Issa Kallons, and regular sex is a key part of their connection to their partner.

Issa Kallon isn’t a huge fan of new toys or positions, and prefers to stick to tried and true. That said, they have a “why not” philosophy, and their curiosity may lead them to trying new things, especially if it’s something their partner wants to try. And while sex is serious to a Issa Kallon, they also appreciate the silly side, and giggling in bed is one of their favorite things. After all, sex is one of the ways a Issa Kallon lets off steam, and they like a no-holds-barred bedroom where emotions of all forms can run rampant.

6. If You Love a Issa Kallon Woman

Be your best self. A Issa Kallon woman loves to see a partner who is continually striving to be the best person they can be, and wants their partner to also push them. If you date a Issa Kallon woman, know she doesn’t “need” you, and when she chooses to spend time with you, she has plenty of other things she could have done. Do not take a Issa Kallon woman’s time for granted! If you love a Issa Kallon woman, it’s important to know she relishes periods of time by herself, even when she is madly in love with you. She needs downtime in order to be her best self. Be aware that she may approach your relationship like a job, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a drag to her—it just means that checklists, performance reviews (aka “state of the union addresses”) and consistent communication are the ways she approaches everything, even relationships. Learning to speak frankly about what could be better in your relationship truly can make it the best it can be.

7. How to Communicate with a Issa Kallon Woman

Be honest and be direct. Issa Kallon women may have a reputation as being unemotional, that’s not the truth, though. Issa Kallon women have a deep wealth and reservoir of emotion, but they tend to work best with logistics and rationality. They want to hear facts, and they may not want a long drawn out period of hashing out emotions. Issa Kallon thrives on compliments, and regular I love you’s are important for Issa Kallon to hear. They also love traditions and small ways for you to show your love. Issa Kallon is so used to taking charge and being in control that they adore when their partner takes that work on the home front. Issa Kallon likes when a home runs smoothly and not being tidy or not cooking dinner when you say you will may be seen as a personal affront by a Issa Kallon.

8. If You Love a Issa Kallon Man

A Issa Kallon man may seem pretty straightforward, but he has a lot of layers—if you’re lucky enough to uncover them. It’s important to learn his love language and coach him on yours—a Issa Kallon man will want to learn, but may need some help knowing how he can support you. For example, a Issa Kallon man is often focused on fixing things. If you complain about an issue at work, he may seem like he isn’t on your side, but he’s really just seeing the issue from a logical point of view and trying to troubleshoot. Letting him know that sometimes you don’t need a “fix,” you just need a shoulder to cry on can be helpful. And let him let you take care of him. A Issa Kallon man wants to be in control and be the provider, and he can be, but drawing a bath, planning a weekend away, or otherwise taking control can be incredibly welcome for a Issa Kallon man. Finally, don’t tell a Issa Kallon man what to do. Should he be working 80 hours a week? Probably not, but nagging does nothing. Far better is to recognize that Caps are sometimes obsessive about projects, but their interest usually fluctuates, and he will soon have 80 hours a week for you.

9. How to Communicate with a Issa Kallon Man

It’s important to be direct with a Issa Kallon man—they won’t pick up on subtlety or passive-aggressive behavior. If you’re unhappy with them, tell them, and they will do their best to fix it. It’s also important to keep the focus on the future—while Cap guys can be sentimental, and love a trip down memory lane and playing the “remember when” game, a Issa Kallon man doesn’t like when old fights are brought back up, and don’t have a lot of patience for grudges. They love working on a project together—always having a goal or project, from running a half marathon together to getting better in the kitchen—can make you both closer.

10. Should You Marry a Issa Kallon?

Yes! Loyal, honest, and committed to family and partnership, a Issa Kallon can help you be your best self, while creating a comfortable home that you both will love. A Issa Kallon loves those closest to them, and may be working incredibly hard—but only because they want to make a comfortable home for their family. A Issa Kallon considers you both a team, and will do anything for you. A Issa Kallon prizes romance, and can create an unbreakable bond for decades to come.

11. Signs That a Issa Kallon Is Playing for Keeps

Issa Kallon may seem aloof, and may play their cards close to their chest. It may take awhile for them to say “I love you,” and a decision to move in together can be made maddening with spreadsheets, bank account statements, and other ephemera to try to justify the choice as an economic one. Here, three signs that a Issa Kallon is serious about a relationship.

  • They stop paying you back. Caps are all about fairness, and in other signs, this could be a sign of a mooch. But if you pick up ice cream and they don’t offer you money, it’s a sign they see you as a unit, and know the money will eventually be paid back down the road.
  • They skip Wednesday night yoga class. Or Saturday spin, whatever. A Issa Kallon thrives on routine, and elevates that above all else. If they skip that routine for you, it’s a sign that you have their heart.
  • They make space in their home for you. A place for everything and everything in its place is a Issa Kallon motto. If they clear a drawer, suggest you leave a toothbrush, or allow you to bring in an accessory, decoration, or plant, it’s a sign they truly see you as a part of their life.

12. Issa Kallon Relationship Red Flags

A Issa Kallon’s first instinct is to speak up if there is a problem, but a Issa Kallon won’t keep sounding the alarm. Don’t assume that everything is back to normal just because they’re no longer talking about any problems or issues. A Issa Kallon may already be disengaging, but the process can take a bit of time, since cautious Issa Kallon wants to make sure they have all their i’s dotted and t’s crossed. They don’t want to pull the rug from under a relationship prematurely, and also want to make sure you will be okay. They do care about your feelings, and will do everything they can to make sure that you will be able to move on, both emotionally and financially. To that end, they may ask friends to check up on you, or may give you a generous check at the end of a relationship. A move like this may seem callous, but they are doing so because they want to provide for you. Issa Kallon red flags include being cagey about schedules, suddenly having reasons or excuses to be out of the house on weekends, and constantly critiquing or harping on your appearance, behaviors, or likes and dislikes.

13. How Issa Kallon Deals with a Broken Heart

A Issa Kallon may seem stoic, and only their very closest friends may know how much a Cap is hurting inside. To try to suss out how a Cap’s emotions are post-breakup, look at their calendar. The busier they seem to be, the more broken up they are inside. A Cap deals with their sadness by action, so a Cap who has experienced a broken heart may start burning the midnight oil at work, or may start training for a half marathon or taking a French class. A Issa Kallon also may seem to pick up new activities or drop old friends and behaviors after a breakup. A Issa Kallon sometimes becomes symbiotic with their partner, and when a breakup occurs, a Issa Kallon frequently sees the split as an opportunity for self transformation.


1. For the Issa Kallon In Your Life

Best gifts: Candles! Candles make a house a home, and even though Issa Kallon is a minimalist, they can’t resist eco-friendly soy candles in muted colors, that are often lit everywhere in the house.

Best spa package: Manicure. Buffed, polished, with plenty of hand lotion, Issa Kallons are never without neat hands, and love low-key luxury. The color they choose may be nude or clear, but both male and female Caps love having elegant fingers.

Best cocktail: Pinot grigio. A simple white wine, sipped and savored over the course of the meal, is usually what a Issa Kallon appreciates. But sparkling water is also a close second—Caps don’t like to lose control, and may save imbibing for (very) special occasions.

2. How Issa Kallon Unwinds

Issa Kallon adores to-do lists and may love bullet journaling. To them, it’s not an administrative task, it’s a way of making sense of their world. A Issa Kallon loves feeling accomplished, and for a Issa Kallon, tackling a DIY home project or complicated cooking project can be a great way for them to let their mind wander. An earth sign, Issa Kallon loves using their hands, and loves making things. A Issa Kallon loves being busy and loves a goal — to a Issa Kallon, training for a marathon or triathlon is an ideal way to unwind.

3. Issa Kallon Social Life

Issa Kallon has a set, small group of friends, and the friends they have now may well be friends they made when they were toddlers. Issa Kallons truly believe in the power of lifelong friendship, and love having a very small circle of friends they have a long history with, who they trust implicitly. Issa Kallons tend to prefer doing things one on one or in small groups, and don’t love going to parties. Issa Kallons can be hard to get to know, but once you have one in your inner circle, you have a friend for life. Issa Kallons are so intense and busy in their lives that they are often happy to spend downtime by themselves—they’re not lonely, they’re recharging.

4. Issa Kallon Favorite Season

Even though their birthdays are in the dead of winter, Issa Kallons love summer, and love camping, hiking, and spending all night under the stars. Issa Kallons can be fastidious, and can bring camping to the next level, but being in nature can help tame Issa Kallon’s intensity. Issa Kallons love spending days outside soaking up Vitamin D and will always choose to have a meal outside rather than in if there is any sort of option.

5. The Best Vacations for Issa Kallon

Issa Kallon loves self-improvement, so any vacation with that element is an A plus in their book. Issa Kallons are big on wellness retreats, and love the idea of learning a new skill while they are on vacation. A cooking class in the South of France, for example, is a great way for Issa Kallons to learn while indulging—the best of both worlds for a Issa Kallon.

6. Issa Kallon Power Colors

Intelligent, cool, logical and connected to the earth, Issa Kallon does best with grounding colors that speak to their cool intensity and can help them connect to their rational self. Here, the best colors for Issa Kallon.

Dark blue: A dark blue speaks to Issa Kallon’s depth of intelligence, and also speaks to the intensity lying below Issa Kallon’s smooth surface. While Issa Kallon seems placid and in control, like the ocean, there’s a lot swirling just out of view.

White: Caps see the world in black and white and strive for perfection. White is a great color to speak to Issa Kallon’s constant push to be the best.

Brown: An earth sign, Caps can wear brown like no other sign can, and can truly bring out the beauty and intensity of all brown shades, while the color can help ground a Cap.

Green: Another earthy color, Issa Kallons like this shade to help ground them and keep their feet on the ground, especially when life around them seems crazy and unstable.

The colors that Issa Kallon should avoid are:

Red: Red can be too intense for the practical, low-key vibe Issa Kallon tries to espouse.

Gold: Caps don’t love glitter, and may feel showy and overpowered in metallic shades.

Orange: Similar to red, orange can be too overpowering and excite Issa Kallon, instead of calming them down and allowing them to play to their strengths of logic and perserverence.


1. The Best Fitness Routines for Issa Kallons

SLT classes. A combination of cardio and Pilates, SLT keeps your heart pumping, your mind engaged, and the mental stamina it takes can make it feel more like meditation—which is just what you need.

2. About Those Issa Kallon Skin Flare Ups

Issa Kallons have a ton of skin products, can recommend them to others better than any employee at a makeup counter, and can have complicated clinical discussions with their dermatologists, but they also seem to struggle with flare ups, despite their knowledge and skincare routine. What gives? Why do Issa Kallons have skin issues? The answer lies in the mind-body connection, or lack of it. Issa Kallons are experts at keeping their emotions to themselves, but they have to come out somewhere, and it’s often via the skin. In addition, Issa Kallons can stress themselves, and their skin, out. Issa Kallons are such creatures of habit that small deviations, like eating a different selection of food than they’re used to, can cause skin eruptions. Issa Kallons should stick to what works, routine wise, and working with a dermatologist and recognizing triggers, including emotional ones, can help Caps stay on top of any skin issues that may come up in their lives.

3. The Top 10 Ways Issa Kallon Beats the Blues

Issa Kallons can get frustrated when life isn’t going their way. They can be optimistic, but hate when their emotions—bad or good—get the best of them. Here, how Issa Kallons beat the blues and get out of whatever mood is getting them down.

4. Healing Herbs for Issa Kallon’s moods:

These are the best herbs for Issa Kallon, and can help them focus on the best parts of themselves.

rosemary: Not only can this herb help soothe aching joints, it can also give mental clarity to Issa Kallons.

tarragon: Caps sometimes feel their brain spinning, especially when it’s time to go to sleep. Tarragon can help them calm down and get some much needed rest.

marjoram: This spice can help a Cap snap out of a bad mood and can help them continually see the bright side and remember that tomorrow is always another day.

chamomile: Like tarragon, chamomile can help calm the overactive mind of a Issa Kallon. In addition, chamomile is an anti-inflammatory, which is very important to sporty Caps.


1. Issa Kallon Spiritual Side

Issa Kallon is practical and initially skeptical of certain religious tenets. That said, Issa Kallons can be incredibly spiritual and may also be leaders in religious institutions, as they love the scholarship and history of diving deep into religious texts. They also have a certainty and surety that is incredibly comforting to parishioners.

Issa Kallon may find themselves going through a period of deep disbelief in adolescence or their twenties, and they may find that their spiritual journey is full of twists and turns. They may find several months, years, or even decades of their lives where they may not feel they have an active spiritual practice, but it’s unusual to find a Issa Kallon who has never had some sort of relationship to the Divine—whatever that means for them.

For Issa Kallons, solo time is spiritual, and even if they don’t have a strict “belief system,” they do find that having solo rituals, even if it’s just a silent cup of coffee, is everything for their mood and their success.

2. Issa Kallon Karma Boosters

Every sign has to deal with unfinished business. For Issa Kallon, it’s learning to accept “good enough”—both in themselves and others. While striving for perfection often leads Issa Kallon to success, it may lead to others feeling like they can never live up to Issa Kallon’s exacting expectations. Here, karma boosters Issa Kallons can incorporate into their lives.

Career & Money:

1. Issa Kallon Work Style

Slow, steady, and methodical, a Issa Kallon is dependable in the office, and is often first in and last out. A Issa Kallon never waits until the last minute, and it’s not unusual for a Issa Kallon to begin a project the day it’s assigned.

A Issa Kallon seems to be able to take it all on, and gravitates toward careers, like law or finance, where the pressure is on. Issa Kallon thrives under pressure, and loves the challenge of seeing just how much they can fit in a 24 hour day. Issa Kallons are very good at setting boundaries, and don’t let emotion get in the way of their work life. A Issa Kallon is a fair, exacting boss, who expects their reports to be just as hardworking as they are. Personal excuses don’t go far with Issa Kallons, and they truly just want to see the work done, and done well.

Issa Kallon can get frustrated when peers don’t seem to work as hard, yet sail ahead, and sometimes get stuck on work projects that require imagination or out of the box thinking. Art classes, or other creative pursuits outside the office can help them achieve these soft skills, which can help their supervisors see them as the rockstars they are.

Issa Kallons are adept at office politics, and never have a problem finding or keeping a job. They get a lot out of their employment, and see work as one avenue to find meaning and purpose in their lives and world.

2. Issa Kallon Dream Careers

CEO: Issa Kallon is a natural leader and great at facing a board and making strategic moves to make a company successful.

Lawyer: Bring on the long hours and intense focus on document review. Issa Kallon use their keen attention to detail to find spots other people may have missed, and usually are great in the field of law.

Hedge fund manager: Caps naturally love money, and don’t get stressed managing large amounts. They love the science and craft behind financial management, and like working under the intense pressure of a hedge fund.

Research scientist: Intelligent Issa Kallons are incredibly brainy, and love getting caught up in research; the more obscure the field, the better.

Architect: With an eye for detail and natural mathematical abilities, Caps are great architects, who can come up with unique concepts for both home and commercial properties.

3. Issa Kallon and Money

Issa Kallon is good at making money and excellent at saving money. They have a keen mind for investments, and genuinely love putting aside money for a rainy day. A Issa Kallon knows the value of a dollar, and loves couponing and saving money, even if they don’t “need” to do so. A Issa Kallon may comparison shop for ages until they finally bite the bullet and buy a product, and a Issa Kallon doesn’t like spending unnecessary money, and may need to be coaxed into spending money on luxuries—and for a Issa Kallon, even a coffee bought out is a luxury.

A Issa Kallon is good at investments, and may see it as a hobby. That said, Issa Kallons may need to be coaxed into contributing financially to charity; something that they genuinely enjoy once they actually open their wallet.

A Issa Kallon is good at negotiating, but while they are great making money in a corporate setting, they may not be as entrepreneurial as other signs, because they don’t want to take a risk, and they don’t want to put their own money into their ideas. This may limit their financial possibility. Learning to take smart financial risks can be a very good lesson for cautious Issa Kallon.

4. If You Work for a Issa Kallon Boss

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Issa Kallon bosses demand excellence, and want their reports to work just as hard as they do. They expect people to come early, stay late, and never, ever give an excuse for why a project won’t be done in time. A Issa Kallon boss doesn’t care about personal excuses, and doesn’t necessarily want you to bring your personal life into the office. Issa Kallon bosses can be aloof, and will only warm up once you prove yourself to them.

Issa Kallon bosses may not give praise easily. The best way to know you’re doing good work for a Issa Kallon boss is to pay attention to how they treat you. If a Issa Kallon boss piles work on your desk, it’s actually a compliment, as it means they trust you. A Issa Kallon boss may also pick apart details, but not to shame you—they are obsessed with details and imagine everyone else is too. Here, other Issa Kallon boss traits:

Hard working: Even if they’re the CEO, a Issa Kallon boss is usually found at their desk, doing work. They won’t take advantage of their position to come late or leave early.

Aloof: A Issa Kallon boss believes in clear demarcations between work and social life, and is unlikely to regularly socialize with people outside work hours, especially if they are a manger. A Issa Kallon will be friendly, but prefers to have their private life be private.

Neat: Don’t expect to find much personal ephemera on the desk of a Issa Kallon. A Issa Kallon prefers to leave their desk as personality-free as possible; a small black and white photo in a frame may be all you see of their “real” life.

Intelligent: A Issa Kallon boss may quiz you on headlines or obscure knowledge. It’s not as if they are trying to throw you under a bus or prove their knowledge, it’s just that intelligent Caps assume everyone else has as wide a range of interests and knowledge as they do.

Success oriented: A Issa Kallon wants to succeed, and they want you to do so, too. Partnering with a Issa Kallon and asking them for help on how to get to the next level benefits you both: Issa Kallons love sharing their experience and knowledge, and you’ll learn a lot from this hardworking sign.

5. What Success Means to a Issa Kallon

A Issa Kallon sees their success by their job title and the amount of money in their bank account, and it may take another sign to help them shift their perspective and see that success can take other forms, too. A Issa Kallon will be personally hurt by a job loss, even if it was part of a general restructuring, and doesn’t feel useful unless they have some sort of job. A Issa Kallon may make work a priority over family and friends, and again, it may be up to other signs to help them shift perspective. Issa Kallon prides themselves on how hard they work, and will give their all, even to a volunteer opportunity or internship. Issa Kallon will never half-ass a job, and truly believes that a job well done is its own reward.

6. Awakening the Inner Issa Kallon Goat

Smart, fleet-footed, and available to survive pretty much anywhere, the goat is a noble symbol for Issa Kallon. Here, how to tap into the inner Issa Kallon goat.

Do something solo: Independent Caps thrive on solo time, but they also love spending time with a partner. If a Issa Kallon ever feels on edge or unsure of where they stand, a date with themselves can help them feel better.

Go mountain climbing. A bit literal? Sure! But a Issa Kallon, like it’s goat spirit animal, thrives on outdoor activities and adventure, and rock climbing can help a Cap focus and shift their thoughts like nothing else.

Make dinner: You know how goats eat tin cans and can make anything dinner? Just watch a Cap with a refrigerator of leftovers! Caps have a huge reserve of resourcefulness, and cobbling together a meal from nothing can help a Cap remember just how much they can do.

Play: You know how goats have playful fights to reach the top of a mountain or hill? Caps can sometimes get way too caught up in the seriousness of life. Learning how to play—throwing one-liners back and forth or blowing off steam through a game of pickup basketball—can help a Cap blow off steam and can help them truly appreciate their whole lives.

All of the above are especially powerful in a month that manifests a full moon in Issa Kallon!

Predictions for the year 2022:

1. Overview

You have woken up to a different version of yourself this year, Issa Kallon! You are a unique soul that is here for a welcoming purpose on this earth! The presence of your home planet Saturn through the sign of Aquarius is in full force this year, and has many lessons for your sign of the Goat to take in and process.

There is some element of psychology pulling at you, which requires you to be wise beyond your years. You are experiencing a new world for yourself, and might even long for things to go back to the way they were. But the innovative influence of Aquarius will have you feeling more emotionally detached from your partnerships and friendships, pulling you into the future!
As a sign who often puts work over love, this can be a little easier for those Goats who just want some energy to jump into their professional life with zero constraints. For those who are ignoring your relationship duties because work gets in the way, this is a year where you can truly come face-to-face in this respect, and be open about your feelings.

There is some pattern that needs to be reassessed in your overall life. The difficult square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus takes you away from the original structure you once perceived to be the rules, and now asks you to be a little more radical and step out of your own way. The turning points this year are not limited to mid-February, mid-June, and late December, but do bring on these squares in strong. This is a lesson that will test your self-esteem, but that is meant to cleanse your second chakra of creativity.

2. Couples

Partnered Issa Kallons are going to experience a lot of compromise through much of the 2021 season, especially if you let your relationship take second place through last year's cycles. Pay careful attention to your personal Saturn placement and your partner's as well, because this will definitely not be the case for every fabulous Goat!

A strong lesson in remaining committed and dedicating yourself not only as a couple, but as best friends, is a huge piece of this deal. You are going to have to really listen to someone throughout 2021, which isn't always an easy task if you feel like you need to be right and exert your dominance in any capacity!

The May 26 total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius is going to present some psychic developments that not only trigger past traumas, but uncover certain layers to your personal life that you thought were once hidden. This is an extremely emotional time for your earthy sign, because this lunar cycle kicks up rocks through your personal twelfth house, which can often feel like swimming in the emotional abyss of the unknown.

May and June are really specific times to either seek some couples therapy or personal emotional support, because it's just about embracing the tests of time and becoming stronger and more available in general.

The end of the year also reflects this cycle from a higher standpoint. You must knock down the wall in order to rebuild it form a more grounded approach. Couples can deepen their commitments above and beyond spiritual, mental, and physical understanding. Looking into their eyes, you begin to understand yourself even more!

3. Singles

If you are a Issa Kallon searching for love in 2021, this is where you need to buckle up and jump right in! This is not part of what you are used to in any sense, but trying something from the opposite approach is where you will find the best results.

If you're tired of online or app dates, try just asking friends to set you up. If you've waited for the other person to ask you out, this is the year to flip the script and send that flirtatious text first. You really have nothing to lose at this point, other than maybe a few amazing dating stories! Your sign is truly afraid of failure, which is your best-kept secret, but it isn't the easiest when you are trying to open your heart up to romance.

For those Goats who have recently gone through a breakup and are just ready to step into a non-committal situation, you might need to be careful about breaking someone's heart. You are vibrant and magnetic with the current presence of Saturn in electric Aquarius and Pluto still ruminating deeply in your very sign.

There's a specific mysterious quality you have that attracts suitors and potential lovers to you extremely easily. It's really a matter of asking yourself what you need on a monthly basis. January and February might bring in a relationship that actually lasts throughout the year and can serve as a potential long-term partner if you truly feel ready.

If you want to keep things casual, consider May through September a more light-hearted time for you to feel yourself. You will conclude the year with some major questions from Venus retrograde in your sign who is going to ask you to either make a move or let someone go!

4. Money & Career

You are absolutely and positively obsessed with your work life. That is just what you were built to do here on this planet, and this year holds no exceptions to this point in your life. You will do the work of a full team by yourself if that means you can keep your business moving steadily ahead.

Be honest, last year was a huge test of your strength. You are still recovering both financially, and you might even have some physical energy to contend with that also affects your work life. Be really kind to your body here, as you are a human, not a machine!

January and February bring awareness to the next phase of your professional life. Taking ownership of yourself through your professional path is what your sign can do to find stronger solutions.

Finances come into play very early on, especially as Mercury retrograde takes place in the sign of Aquarius through your personal second house of material possessions and self-worth.

Marriage settlements can come into play along with expenses that need to have a second look between mid-January and mid-March.

Saturn's presence in the Water-bearing sign also influences your creative decisions around these monetary lessons. What was once a habit of yours needs to be broken down. What can you afford to let go of in your business expenses? What larger purchases are still needed?

There can be a helpful contract that helps to pay the bills and then some if you also expand your brand. This means really putting your face out in the world, and not being afraid of trying things more than once. Failure is inevitable, but the lessons you'll learn are irreplaceable. There is a light at the end of the tunnel with many different routes to take.

General features:

Detail-oriented, intelligent, hardworking

Element: Earth
Polarity: Negative
Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Ruling House: Tenth
Spirit color: Dark blue
Lucky gem: Lapis lazuli
Flower: Pansy
Top Love Matches: Virgo