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Hugo Gaspar

Countdown Birthday
BirthdaySep 02 1982
BirplaceMarinha Grande, Portugal
Age41 years old
Birth sign: Virgo


Hugo Gaspar is a volleyball player from Portugal who plays for the Men's National Team. He became Best Scorer at the second 2008 Olympic Qualification Tournament in Espinho where Portugal ended up in second place and missed qualification for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing PR China.

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Given Name Hugo
Country Of Citizenship Portugal
Height 200

Personality traits:

1. Prediction of Hugo Gaspar personality

Smart, sophisticated, and kind, Hugo Gaspar gets the job done without complaining. Hugo Gaspars are amazing friends, always there to lend a hand and also lend advice. Practical Hugo Gaspars are incredibly adept at big picture thinking, and planning out their life, their vacations, and what they're going to do today isn't a drag it makes them feel in control and secure.

2. Hugo Gaspar's Greatest Gifts

Graceful, harmonious, and obsessed with making things the very best they can be, Hugo Gaspar is notorious for being type A but that's only because this sign knows that everything good can be made great, and that everything great can be perfect. Smart and intensely curious, Hugo Gaspars are passionate about uncovering the why which is why a Hugo Gaspar's friends consider him or her their own personal encyclopedia. Known for their grace, Hugo Gaspars can always talk their way out of sticky situations, and everyone is charmed by their wit and ability to put others at ease.

3. Hugo Gaspar's Greatest Challenges

Hugo Gaspar's desire to have everything be perfect can manifest in frustration when things don't live up to those (sometimes unrealistic) expectations. Besides occasionally leading to fights with friends and partners, Hugo Gaspar's focus on perfection can cause everything even uploading an Instagram photo to take forever. Learning to go with the flow and accept “good enough” is a constant struggle.

4. Hugo Gaspar's Secret Weapon

Hugo Gaspar is incredibly hard working. When this sign wants something, they'll work for it. They're also good at making the most of things friends look to them to help them with a DIY project or redecorate their home. Virgins push the people around them to be their best if you want a training buddy for a marathon, you know who to call. Bottom line: Hugo Gaspars work hard, and that work ethic inspires everyone in their life.

5. The 5 Top Reasons to Love Being a Hugo Gaspar

  • Your Instagram feed is #goals. Although you're the first to admit that looks can be deceiving, your ability to stage a beautiful life can boost your mood.
  • A hard worker, you get things done every boss wants someone like you on his or her team.
  • You're kind and always willing to lend a hand to those who need it.
  • You're funny. You don't always let your humor shine through, but anyone who knows you well is totally aware that you can make people collapse in laughter. Your wry sense of humor and sharp observation skills can't be beat.
  • You're so smart. Known for your intelligence, you'll happily research anything you don't know, and you love learning for learning's sake.


1. Hugo Gaspar's Friendship Style

Don't be offended if Hugo Gaspar turns down the first invite you extend although Hugo Gaspars are kind and friendly to everyone, they may have some walls around them, built to protect themselves and the circle of friends they already have. This sign takes friendship very seriously, and is also very good at putting themselves (and their energy reserves) first. That's why Hugo Gaspars won't take on a friend that they don't think they'd be able to sustain. So while Hugo Gaspar is happy to confab in the locker room before a gym class, it may be years before he or she finally says yes to that coffee after class invite.

2. Best Friend Match for Hugo Gaspar: Scorpio

Grounded Hugo Gaspar can help keep intense Scorpio in check, while passionate Scorpio can pull low-key Hugo Gaspar out of his or her comfort zone. As when the sea meets the beach, when watery Scorpio meets grounded Hugo Gaspar, it can be hard to tell where one person ends and the other begins we're talking that sort of BFF match where both parties are telepathic. Scorpio and Hugo Gaspar both need plenty of solo time to unwind, so they won't begrudge each other for turning down invitations. These signs also take friendship very seriously, and they believe in commitments. They don't let each other down, they're happy to tell each other hard truths, and they're willing to be with each other during the hard times as well as the fun times. And when these two signs get together over a glass of wine? They can both let loose, and are especially adept at bringing out each other's senses of humor.

3. How to Make Friends With a Hugo Gaspar

Be low-key. Hugo Gaspar doesn't like overstepping boundaries, and too many texts, calls, or social media messages can feel like crowding. And don't take a turned-down invitation personally your would-be Hugo Gaspar friend may just be too busy right now to give you the quality time that you so obviously deserve.

4. How to Stay Friends With a Hugo Gaspar

Commit. Hugo Gaspars value friendships, and even when their life is crazy busy, they'll drop anything if a friend needs them. Of course, they expect the same in return. Flakiness, even if you've got a lot going on, will make a Hugo Gaspar question your investment in the friendship.

5. 3 Reasons Why Hugo Gaspars Make Great Friends

  • As perfectionists, Hugo Gaspars will tell you when you're not living up to your potential and they'll inspire you to make them proud.
  • Blessed with a wry sense of humor that only their inner circle gets to see, Hugo Gaspars will make you laugh more than anyone else in your life.
  • A problem solver by nature, Hugo Gaspar can help whether you need to build a piece of furniture, revamp your resume, or solve a tricky personal problem. While they'll never overstep, this sign's logical, rational approach to life can help you sail through the most complicated issues.


1. Hugo Gaspar's Love Style

Hugo Gaspar loves hard, and is always in pursuit of star love the kind where souls, minds, and bodies seamlessly merge. That's why this sign sometimes gets the (unfair) reputation of being too picky. They're not they just know exactly what they're looking for, and know that settling for someone good enough will mean that they'll never find the love that their body and soul crave.

Even when they find someone who might fulfill that role in their lives, Hugo Gaspars may still be cagey. That's because this sign is innately wired to protect their hearts. During the initial courtship, which may feel like it's taking forever, Hugo Gaspar is watching his or her potential partner's every move. They want to make sure that this person will live up to the ideal image that they're crafting in their mind, and a wrong move (like being rude to a waiter) will cause Hugo Gaspar to cross this candidate off the list.

However, once Hugo Gaspars give their heart, they give everything. They expect absolute honesty and give the same in return. A Hugo Gaspar truly believes that partnership means "what's mine is yours," and this sign elevates a partnership above all else. Because Hugo Gaspars believe in lifelong love, a breakup or betrayal can be particularly devastating.

Hugo Gaspar may seem a bit buttoned-up in public, but they love sex they see it as a celebration of their partnership and a commitment to their partner. They cherish the physical aspects of their relationship and are not happy if they don't have that, even for a few days. Making plenty of physical contact, including morning kisses and long evening embraces, massages, and time in the sheets, is key to keeping your Hugo Gaspar happy.

2. Favorite Date Nights for Hugo Gaspar

Good food, good wine, and plenty of conversation are all part of Hugo Gaspar's favorite evening. The Virgin often sees his or her favorite restaurants, cafes, and bars as “friends” and loves revisiting them. This sign also adores a date night where they feel like they can learn and grow a special after-hours lecture at a museum is a surefire way to Hugo Gaspar's mind (and heart). But one of Hugo Gaspar's favorite moments of a date night is when the door closes, the coats comes off, and he or she can sit on the couch with a glass of wine, talking deep thoughts. And the perfect evening progresses from there!

3. The Deal with Hugo Gaspar and Fire Signs

Although sensual, down-to-earth Hugo Gaspars are drama-free, they often fall hard for fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) who often end up breaking their hearts. Fire signs respond to Hugo Gaspar's grounded, intelligent, pragmatic attitude, but they seem to spend early dates pushing Hugo Gaspar's buttons. They're late, they cancel, they change plans, and they generally drive Hugo Gaspar crazy.

But fire signs also excite Hugo Gaspars and pull them out of their comfort zone, which includes being drawn toward fire signs' legendary passion in the bedroom. Hugo Gaspars would never initiate public displays of affection, but they feel an intense thrill when a fire sign kisses them in a public bar. And Hugo Gaspar loves feeling needed. The up-and-down drama that's so prevalent in a fire sign's life makes Hugo Gaspar feel useful he or she likes the fantasy of being able to “fix” a fire sign.

So can a fire sign and an earth sign like Hugo Gaspar ever work? Yes! The trick is for both to give and take. Fire signs need to be honest and commit, and Hugo Gaspars need to let go of their perfectionist tendencies and go with the flow. And both signs need to accept that they will argue, but also that arguing will only bring them closer and help them understand each other if they approach these disagreements as learning opportunities.

4. How to Seduce a Hugo Gaspar

If you have your eye on a Hugo Gaspar, remember that even if this person seems cool to your advances, he or she is watching you (if interested, of course). Kind, responsible, and generous words and deeds win you major points. Hugo Gaspars love a potential partner who is always trying to be better, so showing that you're constantly self-improving is essential in making a Virgin want to join you on that journey. Here are a few ways to make that Hugo Gaspar want you:

Read the news. Hugo Gaspar loves talking current events, and he or she is up to date on what's going on in the world. Make sure you know, too, before you start a conversation bluffing only gets you so far with this sign.

Show your smarts. A Hugo Gaspar loves learning new things, so show off what you actually know. They love hearing you go in-depth about what you do for work, why this red wine is your favorite, or where you want to go on vacation. The more knowledge you put on display and the more you teach them the more they'll love you.

Be kind. Hugo Gaspars values kindness more than anything, and a display of rudeness even if it's not directed at them, like cutting off someone in traffic will make them second-guess whether they want to be with you.

5. How to Make Love to a Hugo Gaspar

Sensuous and passionate, Hugo Gaspar is all about slow, steamy lovemaking. While they're up for the thrill of a quickie, Hugo Gaspars much prefer to spend hours in bed, leaving plenty of time for round two (and round three) as well as time to talk and connect between rounds.

Hugo Gaspar loves the buildup to the main event, and suggestive texts, fully- or mostly-clothed foreplay, and a deep neck massage that incorporates kissing before subtly removing their shirt all go a long way to getting them in the mood. Hugo Gaspar is all about details, and gestures that require a bit of planning, like candles, massage oils, or new lingerie, are pretty likely to get them in the mood. In the same vein, it's tough for Hugo Gaspar to totally disconnect if there's still stuff undone in their “real” life. Helping to de-clutter the living room or empty the dishwasher absolutely counts as foreplay in a Hugo Gaspar's mind.

When it comes to sex, Hugo Gaspar needs full connection and loves positions where every inch of his or her skin is touching every inch of yours. Eye contact is also key, and telling a Hugo Gaspar "I love you" is a bigger turn-on than a whole monologue of dirty talk.

6. If You Love a Hugo Gaspar Woman

Be her biggest cheerleader. A Hugo Gaspar woman wants a partner who pushes her to be her best, and she's looking for someone who truly believes in her dreams. Getting to know her dreams and wishes, and being a partner in helping achieve them, is key. A Hugo Gaspar woman wants a relationship where both of you are always learning and growing. Signing up for 5K runs together, going to museums, and reading and discussing books will help keep your connection close and genuine.

7. How to Communicate With a Hugo Gaspar Woman

Be honest. While Hugo Gaspar is kind to everyone, she doesn't want to hear your compliments however sincere and well meaning. Honestly voicing your opinions and constructive criticism means so much more to a Hugo Gaspar woman than always hearing, “You're great.” It's also essential to be honest about what's going well between you. Talking about how your relationship has grown and strengthened will provide benchmarks, and regular emotional check-ins can help you keep connected.

8. If You Love a Hugo Gaspar Man

Look below the surface. A Hugo Gaspar man can take him time opening up and letting his true colors show, so the first date (or even the second!) may be awkward. Hugo Gaspar men aren't flashy, and they believe that connection matters much more than appearances. If something does matter to you, you need to talk about it. Although a Hugo Gaspar man is emotionally in tune with his partner, he's not a mind reader. He'll file passive-aggressive behavior under “drama,” and he won't want to deal with it. He appreciates honesty, even if the conversation or topic isn't easy to bring up.

9. How to Communicate With a Hugo Gaspar Man

Bring up issues and suggestions early in the relationship. A Hugo Gaspar wants to be the best, so if he's doing something “wrong,” (like cooking you a steak dinner when you're a vegetarian), he wants to hear it ASAP and he'll hold it against you if you don't tell him. A Hugo Gaspar man appreciates hearing what you think, not what you think he wants to hear, and he loves getting into debates with you (especially when you disagree).

10. Should You Marry a Hugo Gaspar?

Yes! A Hugo Gaspar may be “sure” that you're the one from the very first date, but that doesn't mean he or she will commit or let you know right away. Hugo Gaspar needs both mind and heart in alignment, so those first few months (or years) of dating may seem like you're undergoing a constant test. But once Hugo Gaspars truly commit, they commit for keeps. A Hugo Gaspar will keep you grounded while pushing you to be your best self, and you will truly be on a partnership journey together, doing things as a couple you could never have accomplished solo.

11. 3 Signs That Hugo Gaspar Is Playing for Keeps

Hugo Gaspars may not officially commit for weeks (or years), but deep down, they know when they want to have you in their life as a permanent plus one. Here are some signs that they want you to stick around:

  • They introduce you as their boy/girlfriend. This may sound like NBD, but a Hugo Gaspar can keep someone in the friend zone for weeks, not letting others know even if you're having nightly sleepovers. When this sign formally introduces you as a partner, it's meaningful.
  • They go in on a project with you. When a Hugo Gaspar invites you to do something big with him or her, whether it's training for a marathon or starting a business, it's a sign that the Virgin sees you as a long-term fixture in his or her life. For Hugo Gaspars, partnership encompasses all aspects of their lives, and they want their partner to be involved in their business and leisure activities.
  • They change their plans. A Hugo Gaspar sets his or her calendar in stone, and any kind of change (like canceling a dentist appointment or skip their annual friend reunion to go on vacation with you) is a big deal. If they're doing this for you, it's a sign that things are serious.

12. Hugo Gaspar Relationship Red Flags

Once Hugo Gaspars are committed to a partner, they tend to consider everything shared, and often don't worry about password protecting their electronics. If they're suddenly cagey about their possessions or seem to be guarding their phone, it could mean that they're hiding something.

Hugo Gaspar also believes in communicating, so that terse “everything's fine” response means it's anything but. When Hugo Gaspars won't talk through an issue, it means that they're over it.

Finally, a Hugo Gaspar will stand up for you in front of friends, even if he or she privately disagrees with your actions. If Hugo Gaspars criticize you in public, it's a sign that they no longer respect you.

13. How Hugo Gaspar Deals With a Broken Heart

Hugo Gaspar needs time and distance, retreating from the world for a while to fully nurse his or her broken heart. While Hugo Gaspars are practical, pragmatic, and rarely lets people see them cry, they have a deep emotional reserve and need to truly experience their feelings on their own terms. The broken-hearted Hugo Gaspar self-medicates with movies, music, and major cry sessions in bed. This sign won't reenter the dating scene before they're ready, and they may need a few months or even a year of being single before they're ready to get back in the game. Pushing them (or pushing themselves) will only backfire.


1. For the Hugo Gaspar in Your Life

Best gifts: Fresh flowers, luxe candles, and elegant photo frames. For Hugo Gaspars, presentation is everything, and they can't resist a pretty package.

Best spa package: For Hugo Gaspars, mani/pedis are practically religion even for men. A full set of super-polished digits makes Hugo Gaspar feel pretty and powerful.

Best Cocktail: A vodka soda. This drink is clean, precise, and easily Instagrammable as long as the lime is cut just so.

2. How Hugo Gaspar Unwinds

A walk through a museum, reading a new book, attending a lecture at a nearby college campus the more stressed Hugo Gaspar is, the more he or she can relax by thinking about something else. This earth sign also needs regular doses of Vitamin D and finds walks outside especially wandering around an unfamiliar city to be wonderfully therapeutic.

3. Hugo Gaspar's Social Life

Hugo Gaspars are adept at socializing in a variety of settings, and they're charming to new people, but all of this takes a toll on their energy. While many people want to become Hugo Gaspar's friend, this sign is extremely choosy about who they let into their social circle, and they have a less-is-more attitude when it comes to friends. Virgins are happy meeting up with a few key people for a glass of wine or a movie night, and they prefer to skip large parties. They keep their friends for life, and their social circle is usually made up of people they've known since childhood. Hugo Gaspars are extremely invested in their relationships, including the romantic ones, and once they do find a partner, they cherish their one-on-one time, and may eschew invitations involving larger groups.

4. Hugo Gaspar's Favorite Season

Born in late August and early September, Hugo Gaspars are obsessed with #sweaterseason. They love the fresh start of fall and, as lifelong learners, still get a thrill from back-to-school season, even if it's been years since they were inside a classroom. Hugo Gaspar tends to get lethargic in summer and hates being stuck indoors during the winter.

5. The Best Vacations for Hugo Gaspar

This cerebral sign adores getting to know new cultures, and couldn't be happier than when they're roaming the streets of an unfamiliar city, looking for the best latte. While Hugo Gaspars won't say no to the beach (they do love warm weather), that beach vacation needs to be interspersed with culture. A Hugo Gaspar finds museums relaxing, and is usually the type who wants to read every single plaque on every single display.

6. Hugo Gaspar's Power Colors

Hugo Gaspar is a quiet force to be reckoned with. This mutable earth sign may seem placid, but ruling planet Mercury ensures that there's a lot going on beneath the surface. Here are the best colors to bring out Hugo Gaspar's strength:

White: This pure, energetic color speaks to Hugo Gaspar's clarity of purpose and constant quest for the truth. White brings out Hugo Gaspar's inner warrior.

Green: This color stabilizes and anchors an earth sign like Hugo Gaspar, reminding them of what's most important in their life.

Red: The color of Mercury, Hugo Gaspar's ruling planet, red can bring out the passion that sometimes lies below the Virgin's surface.

Brown: As an earth sign, Hugo Gaspar is drawn to the colors that symbolize the planet we live on, and brown is an anchoring force that deeply connects all Hugo Gaspars to their roots.

These are the colors that Hugo Gaspar should avoid:

Black: Hugo Gaspar always looks to the light, and black the absence of color can drag this sign down into an abyss they'd rather avoid.

Royal blue: While mutable Hugo Gaspar does well in blues, a deep, dark shade of this color can be too much for such a light-seeking sign.

Gold: Showy, ostentatious, and "look at me" noticeable, gold is at odds with Hugo Gaspar, who tends to come in like the moon subtly, but still on full display.


1. The Best Fitness Routines for Hugo Gaspar

Pilates and barre classes allow Hugo Gaspars to use their intense focus on their body, which lets them to take a break from whatever else is on their mind. Not only do Hugo Gaspars love the long, lean look that a barre class gives them, they also love focusing on subtle improvements as well as the idea that they can always do better the next day.

2. About Those Hugo Gaspar Nervous Stomachs

This earth sign rules the abdominal region, which explains why Hugo Gaspar always experiences a nervous stomach before a big event. They can get physically sick when they're emotionally upset. The upside: Hugo Gaspar has learned from an early age how to trust their gut literally. Hugo Gaspars is tuned into those butterflies, and by paying attention to how their stomachs feel, they can avoid bad situations. In the interim, eating healthy, fresh foods, avoiding processed snacks, not drinking too much caffeine, and working out can help even out how they feel.

3. The Top 10 Ways Hugo Gaspar Can Beat the Blues

When a Hugo Gaspar is in a bad mood, only his or her closest friends might notice. Hugo Gaspars pride themselves on seeming unflappable under pressure, and they'll often try to push their bad mood into a corner (hence, those nervous stomachs) Here are ten ways for Hugo Gaspar to beat those blues:

4. Healing Herbs for Hugo Gaspar

Mint: This soothing scent or flavor, whether on its own, in tea, or in shampoo or lotion, is simultaneously calming and invigorating. Mint turns Hugo Gaspar's anxiety into excitement to face any challenges in the day ahead.

Dill: Mixed in salads, this antioxidant herb can reduce cramps and help with digestion, which are both key for Hugo Gaspars who often deal with abdominal aches and pains.

Rosemary: Consuming or smelling this memory aid can help Hugo Gaspars tap into their inner strength by reminding them of all the ways in which they excel, and of all the people who have their back.

Caraway: This herb, which is beneficial for skin, hair, and emotional health, is ideal for keeping Hugo Gaspars grounded, staving off minor aches and pains, and igniting their inner glow.


1. Hugo Gaspar's Spiritual Side

With a deep emotional reserve, Hugo Gaspar is born with the innate sense that there's more to life than what he or she can see. But Hugo Gaspars are also rational and science-focused, tending to get too caught up in the why of things. While this detail-oriented attitude helps them in the real world, it can leave them feeling jaded, confused, and alone when it comes to spiritual matters.

This sign usually finds success blending the rituals that work best for them. While some Hugo Gaspars find comfort, solace, and meaning in the rituals of organized religion, others prefer to develop a personal spiritual practice. Above all, a Hugo Gaspar may find that his or her quest for meaning is a lifelong endeavor, and that reading spiritual teachings is key for their spiritual journey.

Hugo Gaspar needs time and space for personal reflection, and they find a lot of meaning in nature. Making time to watch a sunrise or sunset, journal by an ocean, or even just take a long walk to nowhere can help them tap into that inner Divine.

2. Hugo Gaspar's Karma Boosters

Every sign has unfinished business to deal with. For Hugo Gaspar, this includes letting go of perfection and embracing good enough. While it takes a lifetime to learn this skill, regularly incorporating these practices can help Hugo Gaspars become their best selves:

Career & Money:

1. Hugo Gaspar's Work Style

Hugo Gaspars love work, especially throwing themselves into a project. A Hugo Gaspar can be a quiet leader, motivating a team without big lectures or announcements, and leading by example instead. This sign demands just as much (if not more) excellence from themselves as they do from the people who work with them.

While Hugo Gaspar is a good team player who doesn't cause drama or make waves, this sign loves working solo, often burning the midnight oil just to have some thinking time alone in the office. Hugo Gaspar hates multi-tasking, and finds endless emails and interruptions to be incredibly invasive. Because of this, Hugo Gaspars often take their work home with them, which can be annoying to the people they live with.

This intelligent sign thrives in careers that don't demand 9-5 attendance, and that let them be their own motivator and boss. Remote careers attract Hugo Gaspar, as well as careers in the education sector, where they can share their passion for knowledge yet have the time and space to work on their own projects.

2. Hugo Gaspar's Dream Careers

Hugo Gaspar gets things done right, even if he or she drives everyone crazy in the process. This sign isn't temperamentally suited to a job where constant chaos and changing priorities are an everyday reality. They prefer a career that allows them complete control over their work and environment. Hugo Gaspars need clear direction and expectations, and vague instructions stress them out just as much as last-minute changes. Virgins are motivated to work within established standards and follow company policy, usually earning them a solid reputation for quality and an untarnished record.

Here are a few careers best suited to Hugo Gaspar:

College Professor: Hugo Gaspar loves learning and may be drawn to PhD programs. An inspiring teacher, this sign loves a schedule where they can simultaneously teach and conduct their own research.

Museum Curator: Creative Hugo Gaspar loves museums, which often sit at the intersection of art and learning. Inviting the public into a museum and figuring out the best way to curate its collection is the best kind of puzzle for Hugo Gaspar.

Information Technology Expert or Librarian: A Hugo Gaspar loves information and thrives in a library or IT environment where categorizing, organizing, and meeting with the public are all skills they get to use every day.

Systems Analyst: Detail-driven Hugo Gaspar thrives in tech, where everything must be correct for a program or system to work. When it doesn't, Hugo Gaspar has the patience to figure out what went wrong.

Designer: Creative and artistic, Hugo Gaspar “sees” how things go together in ways that others may not. He or she may excel at the junction of interior design and architecture it's that eye for detail and design that not many other signs possess.

3. Hugo Gaspar and Money

Intelligent and rational, Hugo Gaspar has a rep for being good at saving money. And they are most of the time. But with impulsive Mercury as their ruling planet, sometimes Hugo Gaspars just want to spend. This sign absolutely enjoys working hard for hard work's sake, but they're also fond of the comfort that a paycheck provides. And while Hugo Gaspar doesn't care what others think and never buys something to impress others, he or she tends to have expensive taste. Hugo Gaspar also loves to splurge on travel and can't resist a plane ticket or luxe hotel. Ultimately, though, Hugo Gaspars temper their spending with smart savings strategies, coupled with their ability to parlay that big intelligence into a big paycheck.

4. If You Work for a Hugo Gaspar Boss

Hugo Gaspars are friendly and kind to all, but being cordial in the elevator doesn't guarantee that they think much of your professional performance. A Hugo Gaspar boss expects you to do your best, and he or she doesn't want to hold your hand while you're getting up to speed. To know if you're doing a good job, look to your workload the more you have on your desk, the more your boss trusts you.

If work gets too intense or you need help, it's best to loop in a Hugo Gaspar boss early in the crisis. This employer won't proactively check in, so it's key that you clue them into what's going on. And if you make a mistake or run into a problem, let your Hugo Gaspar boss know, but deliver the news with a few options for how you would fix it. It's likely that this perfectionist boss will decide to take things over, but you'll get points for your honesty and constructive suggestions.

Here are five more ways to impress your Hugo Gaspar boss:

Spellcheck those emails! Even if it's just a low-key memo reminding people to clean out the office fridge, Hugo Gaspar hates mistakes and sees misspelling as a sign of laziness.

Be polite. Hugo Gaspar values interpersonal relationships, and if your boss catches you being rude, even if it's because someone else made a mistake, he or she will think less of you.

Give a gift. Hugo Gaspars can be buttered up. For example, this sign has a sweet tooth and adores snacks, so buying them an extra cookie when you go on a coffee run will always be appreciated.

Read. Hugo Gaspar adores books. Subtly placing a novel on the side of your desk isn't a bad thing especially if you're actually reading it. (And this may be on the test!)

Check in. Hugo Gaspar likes employees who take ownership of their job. Checking in every few months to talk goals, strengths, and weaknesses can help your Hugo Gaspar boss warm up to you.

5. What Success Means to a Hugo Gaspar

For Hugo Gaspar, success comes from within, and this sign isn't happy with themselves unless they feel like it's a job well done. To that end, Hugo Gaspars can get frustrated at a job where their beliefs about the best strategy don't align with what their boss believes. Virgins love having their voice heard, and even if they're not the boss, they need to have a say and have their say respected to feel appreciated at work. Hugo Gaspars don't look too carefully at their bank account balance while they want to make a comfortable living, they'd rather make a little less money and work in a job that they love than pull down an impressive paycheck from a job that they hate.

6. Awakening the Inner Hugo Gaspar Bear

Although Hugo Gaspar's western astrology symbol is the Virgin, in other traditions, this sign's spirit animal would be the bear. Intelligent, watchful, and possessing fierce strength, the bear represents tenacity (hunting is an all-day project) and a love of the good life (hello, hibernation!). But mostly, Hugo Gaspars can wake their inner bear when they need a push to be their fiercest, strongest self. Here's how to bring that ursine presence online:

Watch. Bears don't immediately pounce. They wait in the background, watching for the right moment. Observation and getting all the details before making a move is key for Hugo Gaspar.

Take a solo walk. You know how you see a bear moving alone through the woods? A Hugo Gaspar alone in the woods is a happy Hugo Gaspar. Taking time in nature can help this sign figure out his or her next steps.

Swim. Bears may seem big and clumsy on land, but they move gracefully in the water. And the weightless feeling of being in water can help Hugo Gaspars flow beyond their fixation on one decision or choice.

Take a nap. As any bear knows, naps are not a sign of laziness. They're essential for preserving energy. Busy Hugo Gaspars need to recognize the restorative power of down time.

Indulge in a protein-packed meal. For Hugo Gaspar, ruled by the abdomen, food is fuel but anyone would have a hard time eating when his or her stomach is in knots. Seeking out a proper, healthy meal is essential for Hugo Gaspar to keep in top performing shape.

Predictions for the year 2022:

1. Overview

This is a major career year for your sign, Hugo Gaspar. Your analytical self will enjoy the hard work and dedication it takes to make your dreams become a reality, but you also get a little boost of love from the cosmic cycles as well. You've done a lot of good deeds for so many people that it's kind of your time to let some good be returned to you as well. The only problem is sitting still and letting yourself have some fun along the way!

A major aspect this year is your tenth house and fourth house being influenced by the current nodal transits as well as the lunar eclipses. The moon’s north node of fate transits through Gemini and sits high in your zone of career development, asking you to enjoy life a little more even as you are often obsessed with staying in control. The south node in Sagittarius asks you to let go of what no longer serves your soul and wants you to let go of any false narratives that have held you back.
More specifically, your energy is tied to the May 26 total lunar eclipse, the June 10 annular solar eclipse, the November 19 partial lunar eclipse, and the December 4 total solar eclipse. These dates can help you set a schedule and look at the actual patterns unfolding in your life at these specific times. You're going to be challenged to the max, but you will find your way through your own destined path. Your earthy sign is being given a lot of chances to prove yourself this year, as you are meant to fully thrive in all realms of life, love, and business.

2. Couples

For coupled Hugo Gaspars, this year is an interesting crossroads. Yours is not a sign that easily stays in long-term partnerships from a conventional standpoint. There is a great deal of trust and interdependence needed between partnerships that really keeps it together. This year not only reflects your love life through major nodal placements and magnetic eclipses. But you are also met with the lessons of some very cognitive Mercury retrograde cycles that either enhance your communication skills or point out what needs to be sorted through. And both do require a lot of personal work.

As the year begins, there is a lesson in acceptance as Mercury retrogrades through Aquarius between January 30 and February 20. Much of May through early July serve as turning points in all realms of romance and communication.

Some couples will have to really work through some of their differences and will be given a few choices on how to proceed forward. Remember that this is also going to include a collective struggle, so it could be related to something that is beyond either of your control. Your commitment itself will receive a boost of understanding during Mercury's retrograde in Libra from September 26 through October 18, so think of this as a cleansing cycle with your loved ones that fully tests your patience as a team.

November and December conclude the year with a feeling of fullness and benevolence. You have gone through the ringer together, and have come out of the storm changed.

3. Singles

This might be a far easier year for those who prefer to remain single this year. Some Hugo Gaspars might even consider not dating at all mainly because you would rather focus your attention elsewhere. This is where the hilarity of the universe can bring you a tasty morsel you simply cannot refuse!

Either way, the full theme of 2021 is to allow you to have some fun even when you feel a constant drive to focus your attention on work. There's plenty of room for fun, flirtatious vibes, which can get you into a little trouble if you're not too careful. If possible, try to avoid relationships that have affair written all over them!

As certain eclipse cycles roll through your personal tenth and fourth houses, this can both bring in fantastic new connections, and delicious soulmates that are not always the easiest to let go of! Sometimes we meet people for a reason, season, or a lifetime! And 2021 can bring in someone for the season from another lifetime!

There's a definite fated feeling that you've met someone before even if you were just introduced to them. This theme is prevalent pretty heavily during the May 26 Sagittarius total lunar eclipse, the June 10 annular solar eclipse in Gemini, and also the December 4 total solar eclipse in Sagittarius! In 2021, there's a lot of flirting going on! It's really nice to feel loved and appreciated, and this year can bring you multiple chances for some fun and memorable romantic rendezvous!

4. Money & Career

It's nice to feel appreciated by so many people around you, Hugo Gaspar. You've put in many years of hard work and dedication to get to this point. Even as you've found markets fluctuating and taken unknown paths, 2021 will be quite beneficial for your career, in general.

The north node's position in Gemini means that your personal career zone is getting a major polar shift in your life. You are heading towards a certain spiritual north in your own personal power. Finding your voice, and trusting your intuition, is where you will find the most empowering results. This can be a mind, body, and spiritual awakening that really has you embracing your talents to the next level. The year ahead is great for you if you are one of those Hugo Gaspars who would like to start their own business or jump into a career pursuit that once scared you beyond your comprehension.

This is the year to break out of your old cycles and allow yourself to fully take charge. Expressing your opinions has never been a problem, but voicing what you find both wrong and right is also a portion of where these changes are taking effect. January's Mercury retrograde gets you more in alignment with your personal need for organization. Where have you fallen short in your daily routines? What needs to change in order to align with your best self?

Financial affairs need to get into order as well, especially if you need to take care of a long-standing debt. The daily changes that you can start at the beginning of the year can cycle through and strengthen your quality of life all the way through December!

General features:

Graceful, organized, kind

Element: Earth
Polarity: Negative
Quality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Ruling House: Sixth
Spirit color: Silver
Lucky gem: Peridot
Flower: Sunflower & marigold
Top Love Matches: Cancer