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Charles Richard Parkin Christian

Countdown Birthday
BirthdayNov 27 1883
DeathdayJan 01 1970
BirplacePitcairn Islands, United Kingdom
Age86 years old
Birth sign: Sagittarius


Charles Richard Parkin Christian was a long-serving politician from Pitcairn. He was the Chief Magistrate of Pitcairn Island for eleven years at various times between 1920 and 1957. As is commonly the case with the small population of Pitcairn he was closely related to several other island leaders notably cousins Edgar Allen Christian Frederick Martin Christian and Gerard Bromley Robert Christian.

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Given Name Charles

Personality traits:

1. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Zodiac Sign

Independent and strong-willed, Charles Richard Parkin Christian personalities are all about going off the beaten path. Charles Richard Parkin Christian isn’t afraid to step away from the pack, and is a natural born leader who goes after what he or she wants, regardless of what other people think. Charles Richard Parkin Christian is a born adventurer, and loves solo travel and exploration. Charles Richard Parkin Christian also loves exploring the inner workings of their minds, and love stretching their horizons through a good book or movie.

2. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Greatest Gifts

Charles Richard Parkin Christian is adept at blazing their own paths, and can always go it alone. Charles Richard Parkin Christian doesn’t need a roadmap, and can easily conceptualize ideas and opportunities that others may not easily “see.” Charles Richard Parkin Christian doesn’t need permission or approval, and has a strong sense of self that allows them to always feel sure-footed, even where others may be unsure or insecure.

3. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Greatest Challenges

Charles Richard Parkin Christian can sometimes be far too blunt, and put their own needs above others. You don’t need to veer from your values, but sometimes, a white lie saves all. It can also be helpful to be part of the pack now and then. Charles Richard Parkin Christian is so good at doing things independently, but sometimes it can be faster, smarter, and more fun to do things as part of a group.

4. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Secret Weapon

Their independence. Sags don’t need other people’s approval, opinions, or advice. A Sag loves hanging out with herself, and feels like doing things solo can only help her connect more to her deepest self. Charles Richard Parkin Christian uses solo time as a much-needed reboot. While an hour stuck in traffic during a car commute could be untenable to anyone else, to a Sag it’s a form of self care.

5. The 5 Top Reasons to Love Being a Charles Richard Parkin Christian

  • Super at home with the world, you’re happy with a passport and a backpack — what else do you need?
  • Your mind is an endless labyrinth; you love getting to know yourself and what makes you tick.
  • A born leader, you never worry about what people think. Your ideas are unique, and you don’t second-guess yourself.
  • You have a creative vision that’s on point, and appreciate museums, books, and culture, and pretty effortlessly stay on top—or are involved—with the latest going on in the arts world.
  • You’re honest. People trust you, respect you, and you never get caught in a web of gossip or lies. You know that anyone could look through the text chains on your phone and you would be in the clear.


1. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Friendship Style

Charles Richard Parkin Christian is loyal, loving, and the type of person you can feel has your back even if you’ve only known them for 24 hours. That said, a Charles Richard Parkin Christian isn’t interested in your drama, and doesn’t have a lot of patience for friends who say one thing and do another. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian is incredibly loyal, but won’t hesitate to let you know if they see any faults or anything they feel you could be doing better. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian collects friends, but may not be the best at keeping up. They like friendships IRL and in real time; they are great at reconnecting with after a decade or two lapse, and don’t worry about the small things. In their mind, a long conversation is far better than a birthday card.

2. Best Friend Match for Charles Richard Parkin Christian: Aquarius

This fire sign and air sign can be a great match. Both signs are adventurous, independent, and march to the beat of your own drums. Neither sign is very concerned with the “shoulds” of a friendship, and both are interested in getting to know each other on a deeper level. This pair of friends can push each other to explore, travel, and get out of their comfort zone. They’re also honest with each other, and truly bring out the best in each other.

3. How to Make Friends with a Charles Richard Parkin Christian

Be adventurous, brave, bold, and spur them on a little bit. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves a challenge. Ask them to play you in table tennis, go head to head in bar trivia, or even share something you learned from a recent news article or book and start a debate—a Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves to think on their feet and admires independent thinking.

4. How to Stay Friends with a Charles Richard Parkin Christian

Give them a long leash. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian cannot be contained, and expressing disapproval or raising an eyebrow at the way they live their lives—especially if what they are doing is simply living outside the box—will make them drop you, fast. Don’t pry into a Charles Richard Parkin Christian’ life. They will share information when they’re ready, but grilling them or giving them a third degree will only make them run for the hills. Finally, it’s important to note that a Charles Richard Parkin Christian never does things “just because.” You may not get a birthday card, and it’s not because a Charles Richard Parkin Christian isn’t thoughtful, it’s that they don’t believe in gestures just because. When a Sag gives you a gift, trust that it truly means something important.

5. 3 Reasons Why Charles Richard Parkin Christian Make Great Friends

  • Charles Richard Parkin Christian inspires and challenges you. Are they fearless? No. They feel the fear and do it anyway, and watching the confident way they trailblaze can help you be more confident in your own life, too.
  • They’re intelligent AF. Get a Charles Richard Parkin Christian talking about a topic they love, and you’ll always learn something new, and probably step away from the conversation feeling like you want to do a deep dive into that subject, too.
  • Honest Charles Richard Parkin Christian will never talk behind your back, and if they’re unhappy with you, you will hear from them first. Sags aren’t interested in drama, and a fight will always bring you closer.


1. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Love Style

Ruled by expansive Jupiter, Charles Richard Parkin Christian is big-hearted, open, and always looking beyond a checklist. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian rarely has a “type,”— they are always intrigued by the individual, and don’t make any assumptions about people until they’ve truly met and spoken with them.

Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves witty back and forths, but also appreciates the formality of the dating experience. While they are 100% honest in any situation, they love an excuse to dress up and check out cool date night locations. They would much rather go to an under the radar speakeasy than hang out at home, and love impressing you with their knowledge of, well, pretty much everything and anything.

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian is honest to a fault, and doesn’t have a lot of patience for tears and emotions. They don’t like what they perceive as emotional manipulation. They fight fair, but once a fight is over, they want it to be done—they do not like past mistakes brought up ad nauseum for days, weeks, or years down the line. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian likes laying everything on the table, and some romantic partners may be frustrated by their cool logic, which trumps emotion every time. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian expects their partner to continue to learn and grow throughout their lives, and truly seeks someone who they connect with on a soulful level.

2. Best Zodiac Love ?Matches for Charles Richard Parkin Christian

Aries: Passionate, intense, and energetic, Charles Richard Parkin Christian and Aries have a play hard ethos where neither take anything too personally, and are always up for everything.

Aquarius: Independent, passionate, and adventurous, Aquarius and Charles Richard Parkin Christian push each other to the limits—especially in bed. The two signs are all about maximum intensity.

Leo: Two fire signs, Leo and Charles Richard Parkin Christian bring out the best in each other. Both are in awe of each other’s strengths, and the two outgoing signs also love to entertain and hit the town—no Netflix and chill here!

3. Favorite Date Nights For Charles Richard Parkin Christian

Bring on the reservations, scour Instagram, and hopefully slip past a red carpet or two. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves to be taken on the town, and the more in the know you are, the better. For a Charles Richard Parkin Christian, it’s not just the meal or the cocktail menu. It’s all about the vibe.

Don’t get us wrong. You can bring a Charles Richard Parkin Christian to a dive bar, and they’ll be happy, as long as it’s a dive bar no one else knows about. They love seeing the secret, hidden sides of a city or town, and they don’t want to shy away from grit.

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian also loves doing the unexpected. A midnight walk through Manhattan, stopping at a diner for pancakes as the sun rises? Sure! A plane ticket to a destination for a few hours on a second date? Why not. The bigger, bolder, and crazier, the better. Don’t be shy when it comes to getting a Sag out of their shell and you will be rewarded.

4. The Deal with Charles Richard Parkin Christian and Earth Signs

It’s common for fire sign Charles Richard Parkin Christian to become downright obsessed with earth signs—the sign they aren’t supposed to go for. So why the attraction, and can it ever work?

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) speak to Charles Richard Parkin Christian deep, innate need for some sort of anchor. While a Charles Richard Parkin Christian can be at home anywhere in the world, and always jumps at the chance to take on a road less traveled, that lifestyle can be lonely. An earth sign represents stability and permanence. Of course, this can also drive a Charles Richard Parkin Christian crazy, too! A Charles Richard Parkin Christian can change opinions and ideas, and believes we are always evolving. An earth sign believes that we are who we are, no matter how old we become or how much everything around us changes. So can this pair work.

In short, yes! The trick is to recognize each partner’s strengths, and stop trying to “change” the other partner. In return, each partner should also be a bit flexible, and realize that maybe there is value in sticking in one place for a year or two. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian needs to realize what they may be yearning for in their rolling stone lifestyle, and how they can find it in their earth sign partner. In return, the earth sign should consider the things they can learn from their Charles Richard Parkin Christian partner. Why do they need to be so stuck in their ways? What would happen if they were to think outside the box a little?

The one thing earth signs and Charles Richard Parkin Christian have going for them is honesty. Both signs truly want to get on the same page, sans emotion, and will often talk for hours until they land on an agreement. The ability of both signs to argue rationally helps them come out on top.

5. How to Seduce a Charles Richard Parkin Christian

If you have your eye on a Charles Richard Parkin Christian, get ready and be bold, brave, and don’t take them (too) personally. They may be a bit oblivious when it comes to flirting, and won’t just “yes” you, so you can go on a date. They will be direct and won’t be afraid to point out something you may have misunderstood or misquoted. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian is always looking for love, but because they are wildly independent, they want to find someone who can keep up with them and make their lives bigger, brighter, and bolder than ever. They are never, ever looking to settle down. With that in mind, here’s how to seduce a Charles Richard Parkin Christian.

  • Have your passport ready: Charles Richard Parkin Christian can’t resist someone well traveled. Talking about where you’ve been, and where you want to go, is pretty much the best aphrodisiac there is to a Charles Richard Parkin Christian.
  • Be honest: Like a Sag? Tell them! They will be impressed by your directness, and will also appreciate that you didn’t beat around the bush the way so many people might. They will reward you by letting you know how they feel, too—no games required.
  • Do your own thing: Seeing someone go solo to a cocktail bar or a movie screening is an aphrodisiac to a Charles Richard Parkin Christian, who loves finding someone who both wants a partner and wants to forge an independent life, too.

6. How to Make Love to a Charles Richard Parkin Christian

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian feels comfortable in their skin, and loves the feeling of really good sex. Charles Richard Parkin Christian may separate sex from love, and knows that you can have sublime sex without having an emotional connection. That said, sex is important to Charles Richard Parkin Christian, and they can’t last long in a relationship if the sexual bond is missing.

Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves shaking things up, and may find toys, roleplay, and changing up positions intriguing. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian isn’t ashamed of their body or desires, and would always rather try something than not do so. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian believes sex can be playful and passionate, and giggling during lovemaking can be an incredibly powerful aphrodisiac that can be even more intense than dirty talk and lighted candles.

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian is an incredibly physical lover, who wants to be an expert in lovemaking, which includes being an expert in your body. They want to find the moves that make you moan, and if something’s not working, speak up. They would love to troubleshoot and may seem a bit scientific (what if I touch here, or lick there?) in bed, but it’s all for the end goal of giving you head-to-toe pleasure.

7. If You Love a Charles Richard Parkin Christian Woman

Realize and love who she is, especially if she presents as rough around the edges. Do not tell her what to say or how to act around your parents, for example. She will take offense and will go out of her way to behave in whatever way you don’t like. If you love a Charles Richard Parkin Christian woman, be loyal and honest—she would much rather hear that you’re having a crisis or problem from your directly, and getting outside perspective from your buddies will be seen as a betrayal by a Charles Richard Parkin Christian woman. Don’t assume you know what she is thinking, and don’t try to manage her emotions—she can manage them for herself, thank you very much.

8. How to Communicate With a Charles Richard Parkin Christian Woman

Be direct, honest, and confront small problems before they become big issues. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian woman may appreciate a weekly “state of the relationship” check in, and likes when you share how you’re feeling, especially if you can do so in a way as devoid of emotion as possible (no easy task!) Charles Richard Parkin Christian appreciates being able to have a full view of whatever is going on, and likes having more information, rather than less. But just because she’s pragmatic, doesn’t mean she doesn’t like romance. For her, being involved in a plan is better than a surprise; share your thoughts and give her the freedom to make the plan even better than what you might have come up with on your own.

9. If You Love a Charles Richard Parkin Christian Man

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian man cannot be pinned down. The more you push him for commitment, the more he may shy away. Give a Charles Richard Parkin Christian man freedom and know that will keep him with you. He may want to spend a weekend camping solo, and you must trust he is where he says he is. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian man is exceedingly honest and rarely will lie or cheat. That said, know that a Charles Richard Parkin Christian man will not stay in a relationship just for the sake of the relationship—or even the sake of a family—and may be the type to bring up the idea of a break. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian man wants to see the partner he is with as a strong, whole, independent entity who could do fine without him. Of course, you can and should depend on your Charles Richard Parkin Christian partner—that’s the point of a partnership—but don’t depend on a Charles Richard Parkin Christian for something you can’t do yourself. He will change your tire because he loves you, but he will admire you if you learn how to do it yourself, just because you can.

10. How to Communicate With a Charles Richard Parkin Christian Man

Separate your emotions from your needs and your talking points. Fair or not, a Charles Richard Parkin Christian man may see tears as emotionally manipulative, and may subconsciously begin to tune out if you raise your voice. Charles Richard Parkin Christian is wordy, so it may do best to speak in email form, and love letters are also a great way to get to the heart of a Charles Richard Parkin Christian man.

11. Should You Marry a Charles Richard Parkin Christian?

Yes! Honest, adventurous, smart, and open hearted, a Charles Richard Parkin Christian can truly complement you and make you your best, boldest self. Be ready for adventures, frequent moves, and plenty of hammered out heart to hearts to get on the same page, but trust that you’ve found an optimistic, glass half full partner who can make the world a better place—and together, the two of you are pretty damn unstoppable.

12. Signs That a Charles Richard Parkin Christian Is Playing for Keeps

Charles Richard Parkin Christian may seem like there’s only room for one person—themselves—in their life, but when the person is right, they’ll shift to allow them in. Here, three signs that a Charles Richard Parkin Christian is playing for keeps.

  • They invite you on a trip. Charles Richard Parkin Christian prefers to travel solo, so getting an invite is a major deal. Watch how they travel and hang back on plans—you’ll learn a lot watching them in their element.
  • They follow your lead. If a Sag has you choose a restaurant, or an itinerary, trust this is a big deal. Sags have very specific tastes, so if they’re allowing you to call the shots, it’s a sign that they trust you.
  • They bring you to happy hour. Sags have so many groups of friends, and tend to keep different branches of their lives private. When you become their permanent plus one, whether it’s to a coworker happy hour or to a gathering with their buddies they play pickup basketball with, it’s a sign that they want you in their whole life.

13. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Relationship Red Flags

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian will be direct and blunt at all points in your relationship, and if a Sag says they aren’t happy, don’t think they are being dramatic. They mean it. The good news: By telling you, they want to fix the issue and are asking you to help them do so.

If a Sag seems particularly silent, or says they don’t care about what your weekend plans are, it’s a sign they may see themselves on their way out of a relationship. Sags always have an opinion, and if they aren’t sharing it, it’s a sign they may not want to share their life with you anymore.

14. How Charles Richard Parkin Christian Deals With a Broken Heart

Sags truly believe travel fixes everything, including a broken heart. A new environment usually makes a Sag feel right at home. A Sag may find a new hobby or a new house—anything to distance them from the routines they had in their “old” life with a partner.

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian may become exceptionally social as well—having plenty of people in their life can help them avoid introspection, which is something a Charles Richard Parkin Christian can’t stand. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian believes life is long, and is a pragmatist, believing in multiple soulmates, but may need some time and introspection to lick their wounds before moving onward and upward.


1. For the Charles Richard Parkin Christian In Your Life

Best gifts: A passport holder, a backpack, or an Airbnb gift certificate. Saggitarius and travel are a cliche connection for a reason. Any gift to satisfy their wanderlust is sure to be a slam dunk.

Best spa package: Pedicure. An active Charles Richard Parkin Christian is always on her feet, and appreciates a really good pedicure—maybe with some reflexology thrown in—and a pretty, polished shade of red. A pedicure is one indulgence a Sag will seek out anywhere in the world, and a reflexology treatment is what she needs to stay refreshed.

Best cocktail: Whiskey, straight up. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian doesn’t play around when it comes to cocktails. They don’t enjoy sugary-sweet syrups, and like the bitterness a whiskey brings to the table. They like sipping, savoring, and keeping their wits about them.

2. How Charles Richard Parkin Christian Unwinds

Charles Richard Parkin Christian needs some solo time to reflect and connect to their deepest selves. This may be by going on a hike, heading to a yoga class, or just spending half an hour in the AM drinking tea and breathing deeply. Charles Richard Parkin Christian needs the outdoors and nature, and being cooped up isn’t good for their mindset. A happy, healthy Charles Richard Parkin Christian is one who can take deep breaths outside, and who can feel the sun on her skin on the regular.

3. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Social Life

Charles Richard Parkin Christian has many friends from many parts of their lives, and prefers interacting with them one on one, or in small groups. When it comes to interactions, Charles Richard Parkin Christian sometimes likes to play the “guest star” in different social groups. They may not go to a standing happy hour, but the invite is always open, and everyone is always happy to see them when they stop by. Charles Richard Parkin Christian has a few very close friends from different areas of their lives, and tends to keep friendships forever. Charles Richard Parkin Christian may not be the best at keeping in touch, but when you are able to reconnect with a Sag it is as if no time has passed.

4. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Favorite Season

Charles Richard Parkin Christian lives for slightly chilly cold late spring evenings; the times when dusk falls past nine PM and they can spend all day outdoors. Even though Sags love creature comforts, they find themselves feeling most in tune to their deepest selves while outdoors, preferably sitting around a fire. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves looking up at the stars, and finds magical moments in the sweatshirt weather of late spring and early summer.

5. The Best Vacations for Charles Richard Parkin Christian

Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves exploring all corners of the globe, and prefers to have an “authentic” experience. They may turn up their noses at an all-inclusive resort, preferring to stay in an apartment or rental house to get a real feel of the culture of the area. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian hates itineraries and prefers walking and feeling their way around a city. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian has great intuition abroad, and loves the time and space to truly explore a city on their own time and terms.

6. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Power Colors

Intuitive, idealistic, honest, and accepting of all different cultures and belief systems, Charles Richard Parkin Christian presents a calm, cool, collected demeanor, with a fiery intensity underneath. The best colors speak to both the Charles Richard Parkin Christian stoicism as well as the passion that comes from the fire that influences this sign. To that point, here are the best colors for Charles Richard Parkin Christian.

Light blue: Like the oceans Charles Richard Parkin Christian wants to explore, a light blue is deceptive: Calm on the surface, it hides many mysteries just underneath—just like Charles Richard Parkin Christian!

Purple: Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves standing out in a crowd, and this royal-inspired color is a great way for them to be noticed.

Red: A fire sign, Charles Richard Parkin Christian can’t resist red. Orange is great, too — notice-me colors that pack a punch and make a statement without a Sag saying a word.

Black: Depressing for some, but not for optimistic Sags, who tend to use black as an anchor shade, allowing their personality to shine.

The colors that Charles Richard Parkin Christian should avoid are:

Green: This earth tone is so mutable and makes Charles Richard Parkin Christian fade into the background. Charles Richard Parkin Christian is more drawn to watery or fiery shades.

Gray: For Sags, it’s all black and white. Gray belies the inner beliefs of Charles Richard Parkin Christian, who truly think there is a right and a wrong answer to everything.

White: This color feels too pure for gritty Sags, who like getting down and dirty. It’s not as though Sags aren’t “pure,”—it’s just that white feels far too clean and elevated to fit into the realistic worldview of a Charles Richard Parkin Christian.


1. The Best Fitness Routines for Charles Richard Parkin Christian

Fusion classes, like Piyo or Spin and Sculpt. Classes that combine skills keep you interested, and you love pushing your mental and physical limits.

2. About Those Charles Richard Parkin Christian Backaches

It’s not only the oversized backpack they’re likely to wear. Charles Richard Parkin Christian often takes a lot on, and may push themselves beyond their breaking point. They may use the heaviest weights at the gym, do a double or triple workout, and may also express ascetism in certain situations —they are the ones who will always take the couch or sleep on the floor. When your back aches, it’s a sign to slow down and honor your body. Your back is strong, Charles Richard Parkin Christian, but you don’t need to prove anything, and giving your body a break is a smart way.

3. The Top 10 Ways Charles Richard Parkin Christian Beats the Blues

Always looking on the bright side, Saggitarius is one of the most optimistic signs of the zodiac, and is an expert at elevating their feelings when they’re sad. But sometimes, even a Sag needs some help. Here, ways Sags can beat the blues, fast.

4. Healing Herbs for Charles Richard Parkin Christian mood swings:

sage: When a Charles Richard Parkin Christian mind goes a million miles a minute, sage can help a Charles Richard Parkin Christian keep track of everything on their to-do list.

basil: Stress? Not here. Basil can help a Charles Richard Parkin Christian mind from spiraling, and the herb can be especially helpful in calming a Sag down in a hurrty.

saffron: This vibrant spice can help keep a Charles Richard Parkin Christian feeling positive, optimistic, and buoyant, even in the face of adversity.

chervil: A member of the parsley family, this herb can be helpful in respiratory issues, helpful for sporty Sags who may want to perform at the top of their game.


1. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Spiritual Side

Charles Richard Parkin Christian is intense, searching, and willing to put their mind, body, and soul in pursuit of a spiritual truth. Charles Richard Parkin Christian wants to experience spirituality, and fasting, meditating, and singing can all help them be in closer touch with their spirituality. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian always wants to believe and find a higher power, but that higher power may or may not be one they are introduced to at an early age, via church or organized religion. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian may try a few different religions, or find that their “religion” is going on hikes outside. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian wants to live a moral life, and to that end, may read a lot of books by spiritual leaders, committing certain quotes and phrases to memory.

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian is often seen as a moral leader, and is looked to in work and at home as an example of the “right” thing to do. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian is always honest, and believes dishonesty is one of the worst ways you can hurt a person. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian wants to have a life of honesty, respect, and trust, and espouses these values, no matter what they believe.

2. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Karma Boosters

Every sign has to deal with unfinished business. For Charles Richard Parkin Christian, it’s learning to consider other people’s feelings. Yes, a white lie may not be “true,” but it may be far better than the alternative. Charles Richard Parkin Christian may find themselves putting their foot in their mouth more than they’d like, but these karma boosters can help them smooth over any rough spots with friends or family.

Career & Money:

1. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Work Style

Get it done! A Sag loves working on a laptop, and will pull it out in the most incongruous places. Laptop balanced on a treadmill? It’s probably a Sag behind the screen. Sags love independence and thrive when their boss allows them to come and go as they please. They will get the work done, but they like having flexibility.

Sags tend to procrastinate, and are experts at pulling through with a 24 hour miracle project. It’s not that they don’t plan ahead, it’s that Sags thrive on adrenaline and love the high that comes from finishing a project in record time. You can always count on a Sag, but don’t look over their shoulder or ask what their process may be.

A Sag doesn’t necessarily love becoming BFFs with their coworkers, and likes maintaining some professional distance. A Sag hates workplace drama, and prefers to get out of work on time and focus on their “real” life. A Sag is a fair boss who focuses on the work done by others; not office politics. A Sag wants what is best for their employees and knows that is often going home at a decent hour and enjoying their “real” lives.

2. Charles Richard Parkin Christian Dream Careers

Actor: Sags love exploring the full range of human experiences, and gravitate toward acting. Naturally dramatic and outgoing, Sags feel at home in front of a camera.

Location scout: Travel and entertainment combine for this career, which allows a Sag to globetrot to find the perfect spots for movie shoots.

Video game designer: With a robust imagination, Charles Richard Parkin Christian is great at imagining an alternative world, and can keep the focus big-picture, giving engineers the specifications to make their vision a reality.

Professor: Smart Sags love lifelong learning, and find that they do well as a professor, both inspiring students and also contributing to scholarly research.

Editor: With a love of words and an eye for detail, Charles Richard Parkin Christian is great at shaping books, articles, or films into something even better than the creator of the work envisioned.

3. Charles Richard Parkin Christian and Money

Charles Richard Parkin Christian sees money as a tool, and they aren’t necessarily attached to stockpiling money, and don’t put a lot of stock into what they have in their bank accounts. This is a good and bad thing. While it’s great to not be motivated by money, Sags have to eat, and Sags may need some prodding (and an appointment with a financial advisor) to actually get some financial systems in place.

Charles Richard Parkin Christian can easily come by money, and know they have a pretty robust set of skills that can always utilize to make money—or start their own business. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian can always hustle and step things up when they need to, and may make or lose several fortunes in a lifetime. Because of the feast or famine Sag life, it can be helpful to make sure some safeguards, like investments, are in place, so that there’s always some cash for a rainy day.

4. If You Work for a Charles Richard Parkin Christian Boss

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian boss can help make your work shine, but may be wordy, esoteric, and hard to “get.” The truth is that you can’t “get” them—they truly do march to the beat of their own drummer. Once you realize that, and that their head may be up in the clouds, you can do your best work. Help a Sag boss by teaching them how you would like to be managed; they may not suggest weekly check-ins unless you do, but are happy to facilitate that, as they truly believe that it’s essential for employees to find their own path to success. Here, some common Charles Richard Parkin Christian boss traits.

Logical: A Charles Richard Parkin Christian doesn’t get caught up by emotion, and often will make decisions based on the bottom line or the budget only.

Happy: A Sag boss wants the workplace to be fun, and may set up team building exercises or bagel Fridays to allow everyone to truly enjoy their on-the-clock time. That said, weekends and evenings are sacred, and Sag bosses won’t overstep office hours.

Independent: A Charles Richard Parkin Christian boss follows their own rule book, and hates doing things that have been done a million times before. Impress a Sag boss by presenting an out of the box plan.

Thoughtful: A natural teacher, a Charles Richard Parkin Christian may want to “teach” their employees, and may go off on a small error for hours. They’re not doing so to drag you down, but because they get carried away and geek out on explaining things to others.

Vacation focused: Unlike some other signs, a Charles Richard Parkin Christian wants you to use every drop of vacation time you’re allotted, and may think you are weird or odd if you don’t. Likewise, if you see your Charles Richard Parkin Christian boss has an out of office email up, take it seriously and do not disturb them—vacation is everything to Archers.

5. What Success Means to a Charles Richard Parkin Christian

A Charles Richard Parkin Christian sees work as one element of their life, but not their whole life. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian sees success as having a life where travel, fun, friends, and a well-paying job all coexist, and work doesn’t dominate anything. A Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves time off, and hates getting caught in some sort of comparison over how many hours worked. Success is getting work done, getting paid, and using that money to do what you love. Love what you do? Then to a Charles Richard Parkin Christian, you’re winning, despite what you may or may not make. At the end of the day, a Charles Richard Parkin Christian loves their whole life, and considers a life with plenty of time for relaxation and travel, one that is successful.

6. Awakening the Inner Charles Richard Parkin Christian Owl

While the symbol of Charles Richard Parkin Christian is the Archer, in Native American tradition, the dates of Charles Richard Parkin Christian align with the owl. Here, how Charles Richard Parkin Christian can align with their inner owl for a life that’s even more intelligent and intuitive.

Take a solo trip: Even if you’re in a committed partnership, Sags love having independence, and regularly spending solo time with themselves is a key way for Sags to become stronger, smarter, and feel better.

Read a book: Smart Sags should get in the habit of reading a book or newspaper (scrolling through Facebook doesn’t count!) every day.

Watch and listen: Sags thrive in the spotlight, but they also do well watching on the sidelines, and always learn lessons from seeing how others live their lives.

Teach: Even if it’s not their profession, Sags gravitate toward teaching and mentorship, and finding somewhere to do this can make Sags feel even smarter in their own lives, too.

All of the above are especially powerful in a month that manifests a full moon in Charles Richard Parkin Christian!

Predictions for the year 2022:

1. Overview

What an absolute turning point kind of year 2021 will be for you, Charles Richard Parkin Christian! There is a miraculous energy all around you that is quite refreshing for your benevolent sign of the Centaur. You will have times of massive self-reflection that can trigger old wounds, also met by extremely gracious moments of friendship!

The presence of the lunar and solar eclipses cycle through both, your personal sign and opposing realm of Gemini. This helps you get a full perspective and observe the world through a brand-new scope. You have various mass realizations this year that will set you on a successful course.
The May 26 total lunar eclipse in your sign, for example, provides a massive release in your personal life that is both purifying and strengthening. This can be an energetic blockage you've had for years that lifts and releases from your life. You may feel more exposed than normal, but that is the point of these shifts.

Later on, as an illuminating annular solar eclipse in Gemini galvanizes your personal seventh house of partnerships on June 10, there is no place to hide! You are out and proud of whatever you believe in!

The goal this year is to get you expressing from a more heartfelt space. Appreciating life, and living it up is what it's all about these days. Even with the hardships of the world, your Jupiterian sign can really feel the love even through the tougher of times. The year concludes with a total solar eclipse in your sign on December 4, igniting your passions and bringing fruitful messages from the cosmic forces that be!

2. Couples

There is so much intertwining this year that it is such a pivotal time for those Centaurs in long-standing relationships. You are both required to carefully compromise throughout the year, and embrace the changes that you are undergoing at the same time.

One instance would be to also consider your partner's sign element as well. As a fire sign, you are more able to go with the flow, which also goes for air signs this year. If your partner is a water or earth sign, it might be a little harder for them to cope through certain experiences, and you might be the one pulling others through some rougher emotional waves. You don’t mind blockages, because you see them as a challenge that can be truly worked through.

Your confidence gets a surge of respect as Jupiter transits through the sign of Aquarius through the first half of the year. Abundance comes in the form of forgiveness and understanding. You are able to let go of the little things and just accept someone for who they are and where they are along their journey. The year brings your partnership many gifts of honor, respect, and luck.

The eclipse cycles overall are going to be potent zones of change. Couples are going to have to go through the doorway together in some capacity, especially between mid-May and through early July. This is just a turning point where you are asked to face your destiny whether you are prepared or not! It's a time where teamwork really holds true to everyone involved whether your partnership has a large family connected or it's just the two of you.

In 2021, listening skills and careful communication are needed to keep the romance alive!

3. Singles

For those Sagittarians seeking partnership, you are going on a quest for love this year! There is no more settling that needs to take place in your life, most specifically for those Centaurs who have already experienced unhealthy and toxic relationships.

There might even be a realm of the past that tries to make a nasty appearance in your world as the nodes of destiny cycle between the south node releasing old stories in your sign, and the north node pulling you towards a new form of commitment in chatty Gemini. Your love wounds are for sure out on the table, and you are required to deal with them head-on.

The eclipse cycles of the year are going to bring you every scenario you can think about. It can include past lovers that you may have considered dating again, but do realize they are an ex for a reason. There's a lot to really dive into psychologically, and you might even need a little help from a relationship counselor during this cycle. Remember that this is a theme for the next twelve months ahead, even as you are met with May, June, November, and December lunar eclipses! So, getting ready for the shifts and changes in early January will be the best method of keeping yourself centered throughout the entirety of 2021.

Finally, be careful about another person's intent through most of June and July. Because your sign is so vibrant and activated cosmically, you are pulling in many different characters, and you will have to take your time if you are looking for the right person. If anyone is rushing you to make a love decision you are not ready for, don’t feel bad and kick them to the curb!

4. Money & Career

The important lesson for your fiery sign in 2021 includes the idea of whether you are able to withstand and uphold your capacity to build. There is a multitude of expansive cosmic transits also immediately met by contractile energies.

A major influence via an ongoing square between career-obsessed Saturn in Aquarius and chaotic Uranus in Taurus is going to strongly come into play through much of your business and financial affairs this year. Yes, these squares hold their strongest dates on February 14, June 14, and December 24, but their transits continue through your personal zones of organization and communication through much of the twelve months ahead. These can include sudden fluctuations in world markets and overall revolutionary cycles that can change the way you work in the world in general.

Your sign has always tapped into the overall affairs of society, and it is totally your time to shine if you are working in the public and social realms of the world. If you've been hiding behind closed doors, there is a spotlight headed your way demanding that you take a risk and jump into the unknown.

Your finances, in general, can fluctuate a bit, but the eclipse cycles are here to help you follow your ultimate dreams and point out what is really most important to you overall. Mercury's retrograde kicks up some patterns that need to be addressed between May 29 and June 22. This might have to deal with some business loans and contracts that were pushed to the backburner. Most specifically, you will need to look at your monetary habits from a new pair of lenses.

General features:

Adventurous, creative, strong willed

Element: Fire
Polarity: Positive
Quality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Ruling House: Ninth
Spirit color: Light Blue
Lucky gem: Topaz
Flower: Carnations & crocuses
Top Love Matches: Aries