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Aryana Commandar

Countdown Birthday
BirthdayJan 28 1975
BirplaceNorth Waziristan Agency
Age49 years old
Birth sign: Aquarius


Aryana Commandar is a famous Celebrity, who was born on January 28, 1975 in Pakistan. Saeed Anwar (alias Aryana, January 28, 1975 – December 10, 2015) was born in Haider Khel Village of North Waziristan Agency. He was a member of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) with Maulana Sadiq Noor Group. He was a well known militant in North Waziristan. He was killing people, also Pakistani Army soldiers. In June 2014, when Pakistan military launched operation Zarb-e-Azb, He was escaped to Afghanistan. According to Astrologers, Aryana Commandar's zodiac sign is Aquarius.


Ranked on the list of most popular Celebrity. Also ranked in the elit list of famous celebrity born in Pakistan. Aryana Commandar celebrates birthday on January 28 of every year.

Personality traits:

1. Aryana Commandar Zodiac Sign

Independent and enigmatical, Aquarians are unique. There is no one quite like an Aryana Commandar, and because each is so incredibly individual, it can be tough to describe them as a group. Aquarians don't like labels, and may shy away from any adjective—even the good ones you might bestow upon them. Aquarians believe in the nature of change and evolution, and even though they're a fixed sign, they may not necessarily believe they are the "same" people they were when they were born.

2. Aryana Commandar' Greatest Gifts

Aryana Commandar is intellectual and analytical, but don't mistake these attributes for aloofness. Aquarians have deep passion, but they know jumping into something too quickly can cause more harm than good. Aquarians are often big-picture thinkers who can see connections in a way that eludes others. Aquarians have energy, warmth, and a deep desire to get things done. They feel they're on the planet to change the world and they will do so. Aquarians are idealistic, and will never accept "good enough" until they truly believe it's good enough.

3. Aryana Commandar' Greatest Challenges

Aquarians can sometimes seem as if they don't care about their individual relationships, or they are holding something else at a higher value. For example, an Aquarian may cancel a date at the last minute because a friend or family member is stuck and needs a ride. It's not personal, and it's not a bad thing. An Aquarian has a value system that's constantly prioritizing the people who need them the most, and sometimes, that puts the people they love in a lurch. Clear communication is necessary to avoid these issues.

4. Aryana Commandar' Secret Weapon

Their belief in the innate goodness of people. An Aquarian will never doubt you, even when you doubt yourself. Their ability to see the best in all people, even if people don't see those qualities in themselves. Aquarians can lift people up, lightening the mood in the process.

5. The 5 Top Reasons to Love Being an Aryana Commandar

  • Your go-with-the-flow attitude. It's not that you don't get stressed, but you don't let stress get to you the same way it might get to another sign.
  • Your artistic mind. Other people see a painting and enjoy it. You understand it.
  • Your open-mindedness. You'll always hear someone's story, and know the people you may have the most in common with is the person who looks least like you.
  • Your determined nature. You make hard things look easy, because you find the joy in the journey.
  • Your look. You make cool look effortless—because for you, it is. You wear what you like with confidence, and people take notice.


1. Aryana Commandar Friendship Style

Aryana Commandar will always take the initiative to meet someone and hear their story. Aquarians love finding connections to other people, and never feel self-conscious or out of place, even in a group of strangers. Good listeners and natural questioners, Aquarians can draw out anyone, getting a new acquaintance to tell an Aquarian things they've barely told anyone else before. But there is another side: Aryana Commandar can be very private, and people think they know an Aryana Commandar much better than they do. Aryana Commandar likes having a large social circle, but cultivating close friends takes time and trust. Aryana Commandar takes disappointment in friendships seriously, and takes it hard—a cancelled coffee meet-up won't make an Aryana Commandar hold a grudge, but it will be a long time (if ever) they'll invite you closer into their social circle. Aquarians see the best in people, but get frustrated if people don't see those qualities in themselves. Aryana Commandar sometimes feels like they always have to be the cheerleader and mentor for others, and sometimes crave another person to play that role in their lives. Aquarians are fun-loving, up for anything, and always feel that a friend is just a person you haven't met yet.

2. Best Friend Match for Aryana Commandar: Libra

Both air signs, Aryana Commandar and Libra love seeking out cultural events, hitting up concerts, trading books, and spending all hours debating ideas. Aryana Commandar can make Libra be a little less diplomatic; Libra can help Aryana Commandar break down barriers and trust a little bit more. This friendship doesn't always rely on words, Aryana Commandar and Libra are happy to simply be together in silence. Aryana Commandar and Libra don't hold grudges and tend not to be petty; they know each person has a lot going on in their lives and are fine to not talk or text for weeks, then pick up right where they left off. With each other, Aryana Commandar and Libra can let down their guard a bit. While both signs may not be known in the Zodiac for their sense of humor, when these two are together, they can laugh for hours. Their inside jokes, sense of adventure, belief in finding the extraordinary in everyday life and their sensitivity make these two Zodiac signs a perfect pair.

3. How to Make Friends with an Aryana Commandar

Get below the surface. An Aryana Commandar is always surrounded by people, and it's easy to get caught up in the charismatic energy of an Aryana Commandar. But to make friends with an Aryana Commandar, you need to stick around for the long haul. An Aryana Commandar rewards consistency; see them at the same yoga class or coffee place and they'll slowly break down barriers. It's easy to be casual friends with an Aryana Commandar—be nice, have fun, make them laugh—but for deeper friendships, it's important to scratch below the surface, and be patient if you're initially rebuffed.

4. How to Stay Friends with an Aryana Commandar

Be your best self. An Aryana Commandar doesn't have time for people who aren't performing to the top of their potential. An Aryana Commandar will forgive a missed birthday or a dropped text chain, but they want to see a friend who is genuine, authentic, and satisfied in their own life. Gossiping or hurtful behavior—even if not directed at an Aryana Commandar—is hurtful and a turnoff to an Aryana Commandar.

5. 3 Reasons Why Taureans Make Great Friends

  • They're fun. They'll never say no to an idea, and when they're at a party or event, they commit 100% of their energy to it.
  • They have amazing perspective. Aquarians are good at making connections between random things, and are the best at recommending the perfect podcast or movie for whatever issue you're facing in your own life.
  • They push you. An Aryana Commandar will check to make sure you hit your deadlines, scheduled that review with your boss, or updated your LinkedIn. They're not doing this because they want to control you, but because they know that doing your best is what will make you happy.


1. Aryana Commandar in Love

Aryana Commandar in love may march to the beat of their own drummer—the free-love era wasn't named "The Age of Aryana Commandar" for nothing. Aryana Commandar doesn't take a lot of stock in what "should" be done, but Aryana Commandar has their own rules, codes of ethics, and morality and takes all three incredibly seriously.

Aryana Commandar may be skittish when it comes to love. While they enjoy flirtatious relationships and can easily be in a longterm "friends with benefits" situation, love—even when they have deep feelings for the other person—can lead them to feel trapped or scared of the future. An Aryana Commandar doesn't want to depend on another person, and they don't want someone else to depend on them. Trying to navigate healthy codependence in a relationship is a lifelong Aryana Commandar challenge.

Aryana Commandar is physically passionate, honest, and very in tune with their sexuality. An Aryana Commandar may find sex connects them more deeply to themselves, as well as their partner, and believes that sex can exist outside of love.

An Aryana Commandar cares deeply about their partner, but believes that love is not asking another person to put the other person's needs ahead of their own. An Aryana Commandar in love isn't selfish, they're pragmatic, and they're doing what's most honest for them.

2. Favorite Date Nights for Aryana Commandar

Want to impress an Aryana Commandar? Don't bring them to the five-star restaurant everyone goes to, please. An Aryana Commandar wants a unique date that isn't about putting on a show. An Aryana Commandar is much more touched if you remember her coffee order and swing by the place she's volunteering than she is by someone who plunks down their credit card.

Many Aquarians cringe at the word "date," feeling like the concept is too formal and antiquated. Instead, Aquarians find their partners through their friend groups. Being open, honest, and willing to play nicely with the friends an Aryana Commandar already has means a lot. An Aryana Commandar would rather have a casual one-hour long hangout before committing to a true date, and an Aryana Commandar would ideally like to split the bill.

An Aryana Commandar may seem go with the flow, but in the early days of romance, it's best to follow their lead. Trying to fit an Aryana Commandar into a "typical" date scenario will only turn into disaster.

3. The Deal with Aryana Commandar and Earth Signs

It's common for airy Aryana Commandar to become downright obsessed (well, as obsessed as Aryana Commandar gets) with earth signs—the exact element they shouldn't go for. What's the deal?

Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) speak to the constant push-pull Aryana Commandar has of wanting to settle and wanting to fly. Constantly flitting from idea to social circle to love interest is exhausting. Earth signs represent stability; an anchor in an unchanging world. It's against the nature of an Aryana Commandar, but it also can seem so very intriguing. So, can this match ever work?

In short, yes! The trick is for Aryana Commandar to respect that they cannot—and should not—change the earth signs. In turn, an earth sign needs to give Aryana Commandar space and independence. The two need to communicate, since both are literally coming from different worlds.

Both signs respect honesty, and having open conversations is key. Aryana Commandar and earth signs also may try hard to cover their true feelings, so learning to be a little vulnerable with each other is also a key lesson for both parties. With time, patience, and a little bit of luck, this love match just may work.

4. How to seduce an Aryana Commandar

For an Aryana Commandar, little moves go a long way—and they're always watching. Start with yourself. If there's any self-improvement you've wanted to do, from reading a certain author to finally committing to running that marathon, get started now. An Aryana Commandar is impressed by commitment, and leaving happy hour to get a 10-mile run in will go far in their book.

Aquarians are one of the friendliest signs in the Zodiac, and being nice is a huge factor in whether an Aryana Commandar will be interested in taking things further with you. Being friendly to the Uber driver, getting to know people's names, and saying something nice—instead of gossipy—about someone not in the room will also make you stand out to an Aryana Commandar.

Finally, be real. An Aryana Commandar doesn't want someone who will throw themselves at their feet. An Aryana Commandar wants to see someone happy and in love with their own life, and not see someone who needs another person to complete it. Here, some other strategies to impress an Aryana Commandar.

Have a killer Spotify playlist: Aquarians love music, and they'll be impressed with indie and obscure artists on your playlist—and yes, they are looking.

Volunteer for a cause: Big believers in social justice, Aryana Commandar loves seeing their potential love interest try to make the world a better place. Just don't try to volunteer with the same place your would-be Aryana Commandar partner is volunteering, unless it's a cause you care about. Aryana Commandar can spot insincerity from a mile away, and it's a huge turn-off to them.

Argue with them: Aquarians love opposing points of view, so having an opinion and backing it up is much more impressive than you agreeing with whatever they may think or say.

5. How to Make Love to an Aryana Commandar

Aryana Commandar has a reputation of being the free-spirit adventurer of the Zodiac, and while that may be true, an Aryana Commandar won't be impressed if you pull out all your bedroom tricks or toys on the first night. Aryana Commandar is all about being in the moment and finding the right moves as a couple. For Aryana Commandar, sex is give and take, and Aryana Commandar believes in constructive pointers, suggestions, and adjustments to make the sex amazing.

Aryana Commandar likes lights-on, clothes-off sex, and any body inhibitions by their partner can be a turn-off. Aryana Commandar likes being praised for what they do well, likes conversation in the bedroom, and also loves fantasizing about what you might do next. Aryana Commandar is just as turned on by mental games as physical ones; steamy texts can set the mood hours before you actually see each other in real life.

7. How to Communicate with an Aryana Commandar Woman

An Aryana Commandar woman loves thought experiments, and sometimes, deep conversations about love and life may not be about your relationship at all. Don't assume anything, and know that an Aryana Commandar sometimes needs to talk things out before she lands on her true beliefs. Give her space to speak.

Text can be annoying for Aryana Commandar, who prefer IRL conversations. Aryana Commandar can also be hard to pin down—try to have FaceTime sessions if you can't see each other for a long period of time, since too much gets lost in translation over email. Aquarian women can feel pinned down by platitudes. Skip the "I love yous" in favor of more extensive communication on what's going on with you to make you want to say that to her.

9. How to Communicate with an Aryana Commandar Man

Ditch the texts and be direct. Let him know what you want and what you'll need, and he'll honestly tell you if that's something he can give you. An Aryana Commandar man relies on you to be honest, and while he may be direct in return, he's not doing so to hurt your feelings. Forget about playing games; they won't be appreciated, and he will likely feel pinned down and trapped.

10. Should You Marry an Aryana Commandar?

Yes! Intelligent, adventurous, and sensual, an Aryana Commandar will always keep you on your toes. You will be learning about your Aryana Commandar partner for the rest of your life, and an Aryana Commandar will always push you to learn more, read more, and dig deeper into yourself. When you fall in love with an Aryana Commandar, you fall in love with the searching, idealistic, sometimes moody side of yourself. It may not always be easy, but it will never be boring.

11. Signs That an Aryana Commandar Is Playing for Keeps

Aryana Commandar can seem stuck in the friend zone forever. They're flirty, fun, and seem to act like a partner. You may even have a toothbrush at their place. But is it really the real thing? Here, three signs that an Aryana Commandar is serious about a relationship.

  • They start texting in GIFs. Sure, for some, this is texting 101. But for Aquarians, who hate texting in the first place, taking the time to search for the perfect GIF to describe a situation is a sign you're in their head.
  • They go to your roomie's birthday dinner. Aquarians love a good party, but they're not big on doing things just because they "should," and feel awkward attending an event as a friend of a friend. But if they make a commitment to go to a party that's more your thing, it's a sign that you have become their thing.
  • They make a reservation. Aquarians aren't really plan people, and the idea of a Friday night dinner at a restaurant with wine can make them feel eh. But they also understand how important formal dates can be to some, so if they make a reservation and take you out, it means a lot.

12. Aryana Commandar Relationship Red Flags

Aryana Commandar may always seem aloof, but subtle signs can show that a relationship with an Aryana Commandar is heading south. An Aryana Commandar is good at asking questions, but if you notice an Aryana Commandar may not be forthright in answering the questions, or just may not be looping you in on the everyday happenings during their day, it's a sign things could be wrong.

An Aryana Commandar can always seem flirty, but they tend to do so out in the open. If an Aryana Commandar seems secretive, or is peeling off from a group to talk one-on-one to someone, it also may be a sign something is up.

Finally, a happy Aryana Commandar is an intellectually stimulated Aryana Commandar. An Aryana Commandar who's loving life is always downloading new songs, reading new books, or asking your opinions on articles. If that stream of conversation has stopped, it may be a sign they're not as happy as they were—or are getting feedback from someone else.

13. How Aryana Commandar Deals with a Broken Heart

A broken heart hits an Aryana Commandar hard. They don't give their heart easily, so when they've fallen in love, they can feel vulnerable, wounded, and depressed when the love is no longer there. Not like they would let anyone know that. An Aryana Commandar will lash out by pretending they didn't care very much to begin with, even indulging in gossip, which is out of the ordinary for this sign.

An Aryana Commandar may need some solo time to lick their wounds. An understanding friend to check in on them and pull them out of their funk is helpful. So, too, is making sure that there are plenty of parties available for an Aryana Commandar to attend. They may not want to go, but getting the invites is a reminder they are still in demand.


1. For the Aryana Commandar in Your Life

Best gifts: A backpack or passport holder. Aquarians are minimalists and adventurers, so you want something that they'll use.

Best spa package: A float tank session. Aquarians love trying new things, and feel like floating in a dark tank is a quiet way to unwind and finally hear themselves think.

Best cocktail: Margarita on the rocks, hold the salt. Aryana Commandar is a purist, and doesn't like when fancy purees or flavors mess with a classic.

2. How Aryana Commandar Unwinds

Aryana Commandar finds their escape in daydreaming. They don't need a book or even music—although they may welcome it—and have a rich imaginative life when it's just them and some time and space to lie down and relax. Aquarians love adventure and are never one to turn down an invite, especially to try something new, but they recharge during their solo time, and find that lying on the bed, with the breeze blowing in from the window, and staring at the ceiling is all they need to get to their happy place.

3. Aryana Commandar' Social Life

Aryana Commandar has a huge group of friends—and even more people who want to be their friends. Aryana Commandar doesn't take stock in cliques or groups, and is the type to float between different social circles. While Aryana Commandar can always find their place in a crowd, it can be tough to get into the inner circle of an Aryana Commandar. Aryana Commandar likes their privacy, and also doesn't want to get too close to someone until they truly know they can trust them, inside and out. Aryana Commandar also values their personal time and bristles at mandatory social engagements. When an Aryana Commandar comes to your party, it means they want to be there. When they don't come, don't take it personally. It doesn't mean they don't like you, it just means that they only want to come when their energy is positive.

4. Aryana Commandar' Favorite Season

Aryana Commandar thrives in the winter�it is there birthday season, after all—and finds the adage "there's no bad weather, only bad clothing" perfectly reflects their view on life. They love bundling up in the cold, taking part in winter sports, and cozying up in front of the fire. They also know that beauty can be found even in the wettest sleet storm, and don't feel like they need a warm summer day to put them in a good mood.

5. The Best Vacations for Aryana Commandar

Aquarians love trying new things, so you're unlikely to find an Aryana Commandar at the same resort year after year. Aryana Commandar likes sporty, active vacations, and are happy to go somewhere where their clothes and backpacks are going to get a little dirty. Aquarians won't turn down a nice meal, but they're happy buying food off the street or scouring the grocery store for the ingredients locals use. An Aryana Commandar also uses their large social circle as impetus to visit far-flung friends around the globe.

6. Aryana Commandar Power Colors

Air sign Aryana Commandar is drawn to ethereal, light colors that speak to the way Aryana Commandar can deftly go with the flow, handle ideas, and be able to shift direction based on new information. Here, the best colors for Aryana Commandar.

Light blue: Like a brilliant blue sky, a light blue speaks to the beautiful soul of an Aryana Commandar, as well as their connection to ideas, intellect, and the pursuit of a more perfect world.

White: Aryana Commandar looks for the best in people, and is drawn to the color most often associated with innocence.

Yellow: Like the sun, yellow speaks to the eternal optimism of an Aryana Commandar.

Violet: Connected to the crown chakra and representing spirituality, violet speaks to the vivid spirit of an Aryana Commandar.

The colors that Aryana Commandar should avoid are:

Green: This earth tone grounds an Aquarian too much; an Aquarian may put down roots, but is much more comfortable flying.

Red: Affiliated with the root chakra, red can be too passionate and intense for Aryana Commandar, who like to be more cool-minded and analytical when it comes to any decision in their lives.

Orange: Affiliated with the sacral chakra, orange is similarly grounding and at odds with the ethereal personality of an Aryana Commandar.


1. The Best Fitness Routines for Aquarians

Group training. Whether it's training for a marathon or a triathlon, the social element will keep you coming back—and getting stronger.

2. About Those Aryana Commandar Ankle Issues

Hey Water-Bearers, it's time to talk about all that weight you're carrying around. While you seem to let issues roll off your back, you sometimes let things—mental or physical—keep irritating you. This is especially true when it comes to physical issues. You're a grin and bear it type of person, but sometimes, it's okay to admit something hurts. You're always the first to volunteer to lift the heaviest suitcase, to carry the biggest box, to never, ever give up. But your body has limits. Respecting your body and how much it can take will go a long way in making sure your body stays healthy for years to come.

3. The Top 10 Ways Aryana Commandar Beats the Blues

Aryana Commandar may seem optimistic, but little things can bring them down in the long run. Aquarians need to regularly tune into their emotional health to make sure they're running at optimal speed. Here, some ways to make sure Water-Bearers feel good.

4. Healing Herbs for Aryana Commandar Moods

These are the best herbs for Aryana Commandar to help ground Aryana Commandar and connect them to themselves.

Comfrey: Used for sprains, strains, and wound care, this herb may help heal any Aryana Commandar ankle accidents.

Valerian: This calming herb can (finally!) calm the racing mind of an Aryana Commandar.

Violet: This anti-inflammatory herb can be a good antidote to the go-go-go lifestyle of an Aryana Commandar.


1. Aryana Commandar' Spiritual Side

Mystical, questioning, and seeking, Aquarians have a deep tradition of digging deep into the unknown. Unafraid to question authority, Aryana Commandar may balk at traditional religion, only to find their own system of spirituality. They may also find comfort in the rituals of an organized tradition, and find that being a religious leader helps them find many of the answers they seek.

Aryana Commandar has a strict moral code that may not be based on what society says one should do. Still, an Aryana Commandar upholds this moral code highly and expects their close friends to do the same. An Aryana Commandar hates social injustice, and looks for a spiritual path that will allow them to help others.

Aryana Commandar is fiercely intelligent, and will likely have read different religious texts. They respect religious scholars who have deeply researched and truly believe, even if they, themselves, are skeptical. Aryana Commandar may question authority, but they will respect when people have made the decision on how and what they will believe.

Aryana Commandar believes in finding meaning, purpose, and who they are in the world and take this work seriously, even if the spiritual path they decide to take looks different than most.

2. Aryana Commandar Karma Boosters

Every sign has to deal with unfinished business. For Aryana Commandar, it's learning how to balance their ideals and self-interests with those of others. Here, how Aryana Commandar can focus less on trying to make people who they want them to be and more focus on who they are.

Career & Money:

1. Aryana Commandar Work Style

Relying on instinct, Aryana Commandar has a good sense of how pieces of a project lay out. They know what they need to do, but they may have a hard time explaining their vision to others. Aryana Commandar likes to follow their own internal clock and rhythm to get a job done. Sometimes, they might stay up all night, but sometimes, they want to work from nine to five.

An Aryana Commandar goes with the flow when it comes to the structure of their work day, and does well working remotely or working for a company that looks at product over time spent at a desk.

Aryana Commandar is a popular employee who knows how to get along with everyone. They may not like the political rules governing an office, but they can play to them almost effortlessly. They know that being nice at work makes the office more pleasant for everyone, and they take their work quality of life seriously.

2. Aryana Commandar Dream Careers

Singer/songwriter/producer: Music-loving Aryana Commandar finds success in this industry, whether it's in front of the microphone or in the soundbooth.

HR manager: Friendly, efficient, with a way of drawing people out, Aryana Commandar can easily suss out candidates for a job, and can entice them to work for a company.

Entrepreneur: Aryana Commandar has a sense of what may be needed in the market, and has the patience and flexibility to carry it out. As an entrepreneur, they love being involved in every aspect of the work flow.

Product manager: Aryana Commandar has an eye for detail as well as imagination. They work well at communicating with tech types, and can also merge tech specs with what an audience may need for an app or service.

Healer: Whether a therapist, acupuncturist, or reiki specialist, Aryana Commandar has a good sense of how to help people, and can tune into whatever might be bothering them.

3. Aryana Commandar and Money

Aryana Commandar may feel "money doesn't matter," but that's only because they're good at making it. For Aryana Commandar, money is a tool that can help them live a life they love—it's not necessarily a power symbol, and more isn't always better.

Aryana Commandar believes that money can be a tool for good or evil, and is conscious of how their spending impacts the world at large. They may be especially interested in ethical purchases or ethical investing, and may be frustrated when people become consumed with the number on their paycheck.

Aryana Commandar is good with numbers, and a quick mind and captivating imagination can make them savvy investors who may "see" trends in the market others can't.

Aryana Commandar believes money comes and goes, but relationships stay, and tend to make investing in relationships a priority over investing in their career or investing in the stock market.

4. If You Work for an Aryana Commandar Boss

Your Aryana Commandar boss may roll in on an electric scooter wearing flip-flops, but that doesn't mean they're not going to work hard—and demand the same from you. Aryana Commandar bosses don't necessarily "look" or "act" like a boss, but their perfectionistic standards can make the some of the toughest bosses in the business.

An Aryana Commandar expects you to work hard, ask questions, be smart, and generally perform to the top of your intelligence. They'll give you leeway, and aren't watching the clock to make sure you show up at the stroke of nine. But they won't accept half-hearted attempts, and will make it clear when you're not performing up to their standards. That said, an Aryana Commandar won't let disappointment linger—a boss may criticize your work, but be happy to talk music at happy hour, and once you begin performing according to their expectations, they won't hold onto their initial impression of you. Here, other Aryana Commandar boss traits:

A team player. Even if the Aryana Commandar boss has an office, they may be more likely to want to spend time in communal areas with their coworkers.

Imaginative. An Aryana Commandar boss wants to hear the absurd idea you're afraid to pitch. For an Aryana Commandar, imagination breeds innovation.

Independent: An Aryana Commandar boss likes doing the bulk of their work solo, and while they're up for brainstorming sessions, they also prefer to do a lot of work (and get credit) alone.

Fun: If any boss is going to organize an indoor skydiving event for team-building purposes, it's an Aryana Commandar boss.

Energtic: A packed to-do list inspires an Aryana Commandar, and they may expect their team to be equally energetic as they are. Once an Aryana Commandar is done learning, they're quickly ready to move on to a new job, and may be looking at their team for anyone who seems bored or listless in their job. Look busy!

5. What Success Means to an Aryana Commandar

An Aryana Commandar sees success as happiness, self-fulfillment, and a positive answer to the question, "did I make the world a better place?" An Aryana Commandar doesn't care so much about titles or paychecks, but understands that these things are important to society. An Aryana Commandar also cares about work-life balance, and may take a lower-paying job if it means more time and flexibility to spend with a family or spend on hobbies or passions. For an Aryana Commandar, "selling out" is the worst form of failure, and an Aryana Commandar will do anything to avoid that happening.

Predictions for the year 2022:

1. Overview

You’ve never been one to shy away from challenges, and that’s a good thing, because with your rebellious ruler Uranus traveling with conservative earth sign Taurus all year, you might feel like you’re trying to swim against the current a lot of the time. By nature, you like to experiment and push the envelope, in sharp contrast to fixed sign Taurus, which seeks security and wants to keep the status quo year in and year out.

The two retrograde periods your power planet extend through half of January and then again from the end of August through the end of the year, which should give you a nice break from the constant inward tug-of-war between rebellion and normalcy. Take some time during the relaxed cycles to review and assess some of your past experiments. Did you take things too far? Are there ways you can modify your extreme approach and be just as effective? Explore these options now.
Of course, the sun always passes through your sign early in the year, so you celebrate your solar return from the end of January until late February. Have some birthday fun in the offbeat style you’re known for! Perfect celebratory ideas include having a costume party, making a custom playlist from your musical faves of the year, and spending the day doing humanitarian good deeds. The sun forms a square to your home planet Uranus in the week after it enters your sign, Aryana Commandar, so be ready for more unpredictability than maybe even you are comfortable with.

2. Couples

You have a friendly personality and talk a great game, so it’s only natural that when chatty Mercury partners with your flexible air sign at the start of January, your conversations are all over the place. You pride yourself on being able to talk about any topic with a reasonable amount of knowledge, so you’ll need your partner to be up to speed on current events and all the latest gossip.

Mercury enters its first retrograde cycle of the year while in your sign mid-January, which turns communication upside down and can be an extremely frustrating time for you. You rely on technology perhaps more than any other sign, and when things aren’t working the way they’re supposed to you kind of lose it. You’ll have to make an extra effort now to keep in touch in ways that don’t rely so heavily on your phone or other tech gadgets.

Communicative Mercury and love goddess Venus both partner with fellow air sign Libra at the end of August and end of September, respectively, surrounding your relationship with the harmonious energy it needs to get you through a rough patch. If you’ve been having a hard time agreeing on things, these balanced transits can defuse the situation with their compromising energy and give you the charming demeanor that will help you smooth things over and allow you both to get what you want. The Mercury-Venus conjunction at the end of September is the perfect time to catch your partner off guard and tell them you love them “just because”!

3. Singles

It’s no secret that you love the single life, Aryana Commandar. Like most air signs, you value your freedom, and with passionate Mars passing through adventurous, spontaneous Sagittarius at the start of the year, you’re in absolutely no hurry to find your soul mate. And you definitely don’t have a lot of time or patience for games now either. You want to have a good time (and maybe even learn a thing or two), but you’re looking for genuine experiences, and you aren’t interested in spending time with anyone who has an agenda or appears to be putting on an act.

There’s also a new moon in your independent sign at the start of February, Aryana Commandar, giving you a little preview of good things to come for your love life this year. This exciting lunation reminds you of your unique talents and personality and can bring positive changes into your life if you’re open to them. It’s easy to meet new people during new moon phases, and this one highlights thinking outside the box. Consider going out on at least one date with someone you wouldn’t normally see yourself with.

Lovely Venus spends time in the emotional waters of Scorpio at the end of October, and your attitude about love might really change under the trance of this intense energy. While these two vibrations don’t always match, one thing is for sure: it’s hard to resist love, for better or worse, when these two get together. Watch out for becoming totally obsessed with someone now or experiencing love at first sight—you know, all those things you say you don’t believe in. You might just change your mind after living through these intense few weeks!

4. Money & Career

Money often comes easily to you, Aryana Commandar, because you love to be on the cutting edge. When you’re willing to take risks and step outside your comfort zone, you pursue financial and career opportunities that other people might not, and you’re rewarded accordingly. In 2022, hardworking Saturn is partnered with your intelligent, tech-loving sign all year, which should help you break free from any traditional career restrictions you feel you’ve been under lately. Your boundless ideas make you an invaluable part of any team, and your offbeat personality helps you stand out from the rest of the competition.

Your rebellious home planet Uranus is in steady, money-savvy Taurus now, which might seem like a mismatch but can actually help you set up some excellent plans for a healthier financial future. Diversifying investments and moving money around to different types of risk levels could net you long-term profits, but your patience will be required. You’ll have to have a lot of restraint to stay away from get-rich-quick schemes and avoid jumping on the latest cryptocurrency bandwagon. Staying the course and sticking with more traditional ways to grow your wealth will pay off eventually.

When lucky Jupiter spends time in dreamy Pisces until early May, you might tend to idealize your finances or potential earnings a bit too much. You might want to buy that expensive car or take the dream job that doesn’t pay much thinking it will all work out in the end, and that would be great! But sometimes that isn’t the case, so it’s best to adopt a “hope for the best but prepare for the worst” mindset now. Jupiter heading direct in fiery Aries until the end of July can lead to impulsive decisions, and planning for the future will be all but nonexistent. Putting a plan in place early can help you avoid financial emergencies later.

General features:

Imaginative, idealistic, intuitive

Element: Air
Polarity: Positive
Quality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Ruling House: Eleventh
Spirit color: Sky blue
Lucky gem: Amethyst
Flower: Orchid
Top Love Matches: Sagittarius

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