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Pierre Minet

French poet and writer

Pierre Minet (Reims 1909– Paris 1975) was a 20th-century French poet and writer, whose early career is closely *ociated to the “Grand Jeu” movement and to his devotion to Roger Gilbert-Lecomte. Critics, who have contrasted the small size of his production with its substantive and stylistic quality, recognize in La Défaite, published in 1947 and sub*led “Confessions”, an autobiographical masterpiece, its author's definitive claim to literary fame, that attracted the praise of Artaud (“une sensibilité unique au monde” ) and of Breton ("Celui qui sait parler de la liberté comme il en parle est moins vaincu que quiconque" ) - while the great Italian critic and writer Roberto Bazlen declared he had never read "un livre dans lequel l’intolérance est aussi cons*utive, et aussi echt (authentique), et aussi éloignée de toute possibilité de compromis..." . Somehow branded as a "livre-culte", La Défaite has had four editions, the latest one by Allia (2010). Also a playwright, radio producer and journalist, Minet has left a dense diary En mal d’Aurore, Journal 1932-1975.

The corresponding entry "Pierre Minet" of the Literary Encyclopedia contains a comprehensive summary of Minet's life and works:
