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Yōsuke Matsuoka

*anese politician

Yōsuke Matsuoka (松岡 洋右, Matsuoka Yōsuke, March 3, 1880 – June 26, 1946) was a *anese diplomat and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of *an during the early stages of World War II. He is best known for his defiant speech at the League of Nations in February 1933, ending *an's participation in the organization. He was also one of the architects of the Tripar*e Pact and the Soviet–*anese Neutrality Pact in the years immediately prior to the outbreak of war.


  • 1 Early years in *an and the United States
  • 2 Foreign service
  • 3 South Manchurian Railway and political career
  • 4 Foreign Minister of *an, 1940-41
  • 5 Post-war
  • 6 References
  • 7 Further reading
  • 8 External links

Early years in *an and the United States

Matsuoka was born as the fourth son to a shipping magnate in *age District, Yamaguchi Prefecture (now part of the city of Hikari). At the age of 11, his father's business went bankrupt, and Matsuoka was sent to the United States with a cousin in 1893 under the sponsorship of Methodist missionaries to study English. He settled in Portland, Oregon, living initially at the Methodist Mission, and was subsequently taken into the household of the widower William Dunbar, which included Dunbar's son Lambert, and Dunbar's sister, Mrs. Isabelle Dunbar Beveridge. Mrs. Beveridge served as a foster mother to Matsuoka and helped him adjust to American society. Matsuoka's affection for her lasted well after he returned to *an. She died in 1906.

Matsuoka enrolled at Portland's Atkinson Grammar School (which still exists as Atkinson Elementary School), and due to the influence of the Mrs. Beveridge and the Dunbar family, became a Presbyterian Christian, being baptized by a Rev. Kawabe, taking the name of "Frank Matsuoka". He later moved to Oakland, California, with his older brother Kensuke and attended Oakland High School for 18 months. He then returned to Portland and studied law, paying his way by various odd jobs, including busboy, door-to-door salesman (of coffee) and interpreter for a *anese contractor.

Matsuoka graduated from the University of Oregon law school in 1900. Although the University of Oregon had strong connections with Waseda University in *an, Matsuoka considered going on to an Ivy League school for post-graduate studies. However, the deteriorating health of his mother influenced his return to *an in 1902.

Foreign service

On Matsuoka's return to *an in 1902, he attempted to gain admission to Tokyo Imperial University, but was unsuccessful due to his lack of connections and the lack of acceptance of his studies overseas by the Tokyo University Law School. In 1904, Matsuoka decided to pursue a career as a bureaucrat instead, and p*ed the Foreign Service examinations and was accepted into the Foreign Ministry. Within two years, he was appointed vice-consul at the *anese consulate in Shanghai. He was subsequently attached to the Governor-General of the Kwantung Leased Territory, where he became acquainted with Gotō Shinpei, then president of the South Manchuria Railway and Yamamoto Jōtarō, then working for Mitsui in developing the natural resources of Manchuria. Over the next 18 years Matsuoka advanced quickly through the ranks of diplomats. He was briefly *igned as First Secretary of the *anese Emb*y in Washington D.C. in 1914, and was a member of the *anese delegation to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Matsuoka served as secretary to Prime Minister Terauchi and to Terauchi's Foreign Minister Gotō Shinpei, where his knowledge of the English language was an *et. Matsuoka was also an outspoken defender of *anese participation in the Siberian Intervention against the Bolshevik forces in the Russian Civil War.

South Manchurian Railway and political career

Matsuoka was *igned as *anese Consul to China in 1921, but turned down the *ignment to return to Manchuria as a director of the South Manchurian Railway Company in 1922. In 1927, Matsuoka was promoted to the position of Vice-President of the South Manchurian Railway Company. He was also responsible for the expansion of the coal mines in Fushun and the construction of a coal liquefaction plant. However, in 1930, he resigned from the South Manchurian Railway and returned to *an.In the 1930 General Election, Matsuoka ran for a seat in the Lower House of the Diet of *an from Yamaguchi Prefecture with the support of the Rikken Seiyūkai (Cons*utional *ociation of Political Friendship) political party.

However, following the Manchurian Incident of 1931, the establishment of Manchukuo and the Lytton Report to the League of Nations condemning *an's actions, Matsuoka was drawn back into the arena of foreign affairs to head *an's delegation to the League of Nations in 1933. Matsuoka gained international notoriety for a speech condemning the League of Nations and announcing *an's withdrawal, leading the *anese delegation out of the League's *embly hall.

Following his return to *an, Matsuoka announced his resignation from the Rikken Seiyūkai and his intent to form his own political party modeled after the National Fascist Party in Italy. However, the party never gained the m* support Matsuoka had anticipated, and in 1935 he returned to Manchuria as president of the South Manchuria Railway. He held that post until 1939. Despite his admiration of the Italian fascist movement, Matsuoka was also a supporter of the plan to settle Jewish refugees in Manchukuo.

Foreign Minister of *an, 1940-41

Matsuoka visits Hitler (March 1941) Matsuoka in Moscow signing the Soviet–*anese Neutrality Pact in April 1941 with Joseph Stalin and Vyacheslav Molotov on the backgroundSee also: German-*anese relations

In 1940, Matsuoka was asked to *ume the cabinet position of Minister of Foreign Affairs under Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe. Matsuoka was a major advocate of a *anese alliance with National Socialist German Workers' Party Germany and Fascist Italy, whose *istance he saw as a perfect balancing force against the United States, and as such was one of the primary orchestrators of the Tripar*e Pact in 1940.

On December 31, 1940, Matsuoka told a group of Jewish businessmen that he was "the man responsible for the alliance with Adolf Hitler, but nowhere have I promised that we would carry out his anti-Semitic policies in *an. This is not simply my personal opinion, it is the opinion of *an, and I have no compunction about announcing it to the world."

During March–April 1941 Matsuoka visited Moscow and Berlin. On March 29, 1941, at a conversation with German Minister of Foreign Affairs Joachim von Ribbentrop, Ribbentrop was instructed to not tell the *anese anything about the upcoming Operation Barbarossa, and that the *anese be kept in the dark about Germany's plans. Ribbentrop tried to convince Matsuoka to urge the government in Tokyo to attack Singapore, claiming the British navy was too weak to retaliate due to its involvement in the Battle of the Atlantic. Matsuoka responded to this by stating preparations to occupy Singapore were under way.

Matsuoka also signed the Soviet–*anese Neutrality Pact during his visit to Moscow in April 1941. However, after National Socialist German Workers' Party Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, Hitler proposed to Matsuoka that *an take part in the attack as well. Matsuoka became a fervent supporter of the idea of a *anese attack on Siberia, and constantly pressured Konoe and the leaders of the Imperial *anese Army and Imperial *anese Navy to mobilize the military for that purpose. In the end, both the army and the navy as well as Konoe decided to concentrate military efforts on targets south of *an.

Despite the military's opposition to his ideas, Matsuoka continued to loudly advocate an invasion of Russia and became increasingly reckless in his diplomatic dealings with the United States, which he believed was conspiring to provoke *an into a war. Matsuoka's hostility towards the United States (a vocal opponent of *an's military campaigns) alarmed Konoe, who wanted to avoid war with the United States. Konoe and the military hierarchy colluded to get rid of Matsuoka. To this end, Konoe resigned in July 1941 and his cabinet ministers resigned with him, including Matsuoka. Konoe immediately was made prime minister again, and replaced Matsuoka as Foreign Minister with Admiral Teijirō Toyoda.

When the Pacific war broke out, Matsuoka professed, "Entering into the Tripar*e Pact was the mistake of my life. Even now I still keenly feel it. Even my death won't take away this feeling." Matsuoka subsequently drifted into obscurity and lived in retirement through the war years.


Following the surrender of *an, Matsuoka was arrested by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in 1945 and held at Sugamo Prison. However, he died in prison of natural causes on June 26, 1946, before his trial on war crimes charges came up before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East.

In 1979, he was enshrined in Yasukuni Shrine, together with 12 convicted war criminals of the Pacific War.


    Further reading

    • Lu, David, Agony of Choice: Matsuoka Yōsuke and the Rise and Fall of the *anese Empire (Lexington Books, 2002)

    "Hotta, Eri, "*an, 1941" (Alfred A. Knopf, 2013)

    External links

    Media related to Yosuke Matsuoka at Wikimedia Commons

    • Matsuoka biography From Spartacus Educational
    • Newspaper clippings about Yōsuke Matsuoka in the 20th Century Press Archives of the ZBW