Mirza Hosein Khan Moshir od-Dowleh

Mirza Hosein Khan Moshir od-Dowleh Sepahsalar (Persian: میرزا حسین خان مشیرالدوله سپهسالار) or simply Mirza Hosein Sepahsalar (Persian: میرزا حسین سپهسالار) (1828–1881) was the Grand Vizier (prime minister) of Iran (Persia) during the Qajar dynasty under King Naser al-Din Shah Qajar between 1871 and 1873.

After a successful career in the Iranian foreign service, serving in Tiflis, Mirza Hosein Khan was made amb*ador to Istanbul during the great Ottoman reform period after 1856. He seems also to have been influenced by at least two reformist thinkers: Fatali Akhundov, whom he got to know well in Tiflis, and Mirza Malkam Khan, whom he met in Istanbul.

On becoming Grand vizier, Mirza Hosein persuaded the Shah to grant a concession for railroad construction—the Reuter concession—and other commercial development projects to Baron de Reuter. Opposition from bureaucratic factions and clerical leaders, however, forced the Shah to dismiss his Grand Vizier and cancel the concession.

See also

  • List of prime ministers of Iran
  • Prime Minister of Iran
  • Sepahsalar Mosque


  • The Cambridge History of Iran 7; Peter Avery; Cambridge University Press, 1991
  • The History of Iran (The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations); Elton L. Daniel; 2000

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