Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich

Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich (Dutch born 1955, Bandoeng) raised in the Netherlands, is the director of Scarabeefilms (Netherlands). She has produced several award-winning do*entaries.


Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich started her career teaching Dutch language and Social Sciences in the Netherlands and on Curaçao (1979–1987). In 1989 she founded the film production company Scarabeefilms, which grew into an internationally active operation. She participated in the Twinning Programme of the E.U.-funded Media Business School and at the Amsterdam’s Binger Ins*ute. In April 2004, Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich received the bi-annual Martha Hering Award for Dutch women in film and media who have actively supported other women in their field.

She made her debut as a director with the self-produced feature-length do*entary Contractpensions – Djangan Loepah, which was edited by her son Jasper Naaijkens. The film received Holland’s Crystal Film Award for attracting more than 10,000 visitors during its Dutch theatrical release in 2009. Her second feature-length do*entary "Buitenkampers-the color of survival:" (2013) also got the Crystal film award for more than 10.000 tickets sold.In july 2018 she received her third Crystal film award for her film "Klanken van Oorsprong/Sounds of Origin".


1992 Special Jury Award Best Artist-Profile of the International Golden Gate Film Festival of San Francisco" voor "Moving Objects1994 Nomination New Media Award Top Television München" voor "Jemand auf der Treppe2002 Stand van de Zon

   Audience Award Visions du Réel Nyon (Zwitserland)   Award Prix SRG SSR Idée Suisse   Grand Prix of the Jury Maremma Doc Festival Pal Mares   Dutch Academy Award Gouden Beeld Best Do*entary   Audience Award 7th International Film Festival Split (Joegoslavië)

2004 Openingsfilm IDFA met "Stand van de Maan"

   Grand Joris Ivens Award IDFA   Grand World Do*entary Award Sundance Film Festival   Best Cinematography Award International Do*entary Film Festival Chicago   Openingsfilm International Film Festival Bermuda   Grand Jury Award Full Frame USA   Kristallen Prijs Nederland   Asja.biz Prize - Best Do*entary Cinemabiente Environmental Film Festival Turijn   Audience Award Rencontres Do*entary Film Festival Montreal voor "Stand van de Maan"

2006 Grand Golden Dhow Best Do*entary Award at the Zanzibar International Film Festival voor "Promised Paradise"2010 Openingsfilm IDFA met "Stand van de Sterren"

   VPRO/IDFA Grand Jury Award for Best Feature Length Do*entary   Beste Nederlandse Do*entaire

2011 Special jury Award World Do*entary Sundance2011 Grand jury Award Abu Dhabi filmfestival2011 Grand jury Award Durban international filmfestival2012 Writers Guild of America, USA WGA Award (Screen) (2012)Best Do*entary Screenplay Position among the stars/Stand van de Sterren (2010)

External links

  • http://www.scarabeefilms.com
  • http://www.klankenvanoorsprong.nl

Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich Is A Member Of