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Khieu Rada

Cambodian politicianIn this Cambodian name, the surname is Khieu. In accordance with Cambodian custom, this person should be referred to by the given name, Rada.

Khieu Rada (born April 15, 1949 in Battambang) is a Cambodian politician. He is the son of Khieu In and Sing Tep.


  • C final exam (1969), M.G.P. (Physical General mathematics - 1970)
  • S.P.C.N. (Sciences, Physical, Natural Chemistry), Master es Sciences (1973)
  • C.N.A.M. (General mathematics - 1982) in France
  • AFPA of *ysis Programming and Teleprocessing (1982) in France
  • Engineer Conceptor (Cap Gemini)


  • President of the UPAKAF (Union of Patriots of the Kampuchea in France) in 1979
  • Founding member of the Confederation of the Khmers Nationalists with Norodom Sihanouk in 1979
  • Founding member of the FUNCINPEC in 1981 with Norodom Sihanouk
  • President Director of the FUNCINPEC Television (Channel 9) in 1992
  • Vice Minister of Relations with the Parliament of the G.N.P. in 1993
  • Advisor of the Prime Minister the Prince Norodom Ranariddh from 1993 to 1994
  • Honorary member of the Royal Cabinet with rank of Minister since the 28 January 1994
  • Under Secretary of State of the Trade Ministry of Cambodia from 1994 to 1995
  • Delegation Chief of Cambodia at United Nation Conference about Trade and Development
  • Secretary General of the Khmer National Party (renamed to Sam Rainsy Party) Cambodia from 1995 to 1997
  • President of the Khmer Unity Party (KUP) from 23 October 1997 to June 2006
  • Vice Deleguate General of the Sang* Jatiniyum Front Party of Prince Sisowath Thomico from July 2006 to September 2007
  • President Adviser of Sam Rainsy Party from October 2007 to January 2008
  • President Adviser of FUNCINPEC, Vice-President of Kampong Cham Province and President of Stung Trâng (Kampong Cham Province) since February 2008
