Austrian Philosopher

1. Rose Rand (1903)

Austrian Philosopher

Rose Rand was an Austrian-American logician and philosopher. She was a member of the Vienna Circle.

2. Hubert Schleichert (1935)

Austrian Philosopher

Hubert Schleichert is an Austrian emeritus philosopher now living in Konstanz. His works have emphasized political philosophy theory of argument and non-European philosophy especially Chinese philosophy.

3. Hans Köchler (1948)

Austrian Philosopher

Hans Köchler is a professor of philosophy at the University of Innsbruck Austria and president of the International Progress Organization a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the United Nations....

4. Richard Wahle (1857)

Austrian Philosopher

Richard Wahle was professor of philosophy at the Universities of Czernowitz and Vienna. Wahle pronounced in his Tragicomedy of Wisdom on what he acknowledged as only definite agnostic absolute critique...

5. Alexius Meinong (1853)

Austrian Philosopher

Alexius Meinong was an Austrian philosopher a realist known for his unique ontology. He also made contributions to philosophy of mind and theory of value.

6. Walter Johannes Stein (1891)

Austrian Philosopher

Johannes Stein was an Austrian philosopher Waldorf school teacher Grail researcher and one of the pioneers of anthroposophy.

7. Christian von Ehrenfels (1859)

Austrian Philosopher

Christian von Ehrenfels was an Austrian philosopher and is known as one of the founders and precursors of Gestalt psychology.

8. Martin A. Hainz (1974)

Austrian Philosopher

Martin Andreas Hainz is an Austrian philologist theorist and philosopher. He has taught at several universities in Europe and the United States among them the universities of Vienna Timişoara and...

9. Samuel Maximilian Rieser (1893)

Austrian Philosopher

Samuel Maximilian Rieser was an Austrian-born American lawyer and philosopher. Born in Kraków where he went to school he began the study of law in Vienna. His studies were interrupted...

10. Karl Leonhard Reinhold (1757)

Austrian Philosopher

Karl Leonhard Reinhold was an Austrian philosopher. He was the father of Ernst Reinhold also a philosopher.

11. Victor Kraft (1880)

Austrian Philosopher

Not to be confused with the photographer Victor Kraft. Victor Kraft was an Austrian philosopher best known for being a member of the Vienna Circle.

12. Ferdinand Ebner (1882)

Austrian Philosopher

Ebner was an Austrian elementary school teacher and philosopher. Together with Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig he is considered one of the most outstanding representatives of dialogical thinking. Ebner's philosophy...

13. Gerhard Streminger (Unknow)

Austrian Philosopher

Gerhard Streminger is an Austrian Philosopher and author born in Graz in 1952. From 1970 he studied philosophy and mathematics in Graz Goettingen Edinburgh with G. E. Davie and Oxford...

14. Alois Riehl (1844)

Austrian Philosopher

Alois Adolf Riehl was an Austrian philosopher.

15. Wilhelm Jerusalem (1854)

Austrian Philosopher

Jerusalem Bohemia – July 15 1923 Vienna) was an Austrian Jewish philosopher and pedagogue. He studied classical philosophy at the University of Prague and did a doctorate on the theme...

16. Rudolf Burger (1938)

Austrian Philosopher

Rudolf Burger is an Austrian philosopher.

17. Friedrich Waismann (1896)

Austrian Philosopher

smann was an Austrian mathematician physicist and philosopher. He is best known for being a member of the Vienna Circle and one of the key theorists in logical positivism. He...

18. Rudolf Maria Holzapfel (1874)

Austrian Philosopher

Rudolf Maria Holzapfel ) was a Poland-born Austrian psychologist philosopher.

19. Rudolf Eisler (1873)

Austrian Philosopher

Rudolf Eisler was an Austrian Jewish philosopher.

20. Kurt Rudolf Fischer (1922)

Austrian Philosopher

Kurt Rudolf Fischer was a Jewish-Austrian philosopher who emigrated to Brno Czechoslovakia in 1938 and to Shanghai in 1940. He was born in Vienna. He became Chinese boxing champion and...

21. Othmar Spann (1878)

Austrian Philosopher

Othmar Spann was a conservative Austrian philosopher sociologist and economist whose radical anti-liberal and anti-Socialist views based on early 19th century Romantic ideas expressed by Adam Müller et al. and...

22. Ernst Mally (1879)

Austrian Philosopher

Ernst Mally was an Austrian philosopher affiliated with the so-called Graz School of phenomenology. A pupil of Alexius Meinong he was one of the founders of deontic logic and is...

23. Johann Heinrich Loewe (1808)

Austrian Philosopher

Johann Heinrich Loewe was an Austrian philosopher born in Prague. From 1839 to 1851 he was a professor of philosophy in Salzburg and in 1851 was appointed professor of theoretical...

24. Otto Neurath (1882)

Austrian Philosopher

Otto Neurath was an Austrian philosopher of science sociologist and political economist. Before he fled his native country in 1934 Neurath was one of the leading figures of the Vienna...

25. Anton Günther (1783)

Austrian Philosopher

Anton Günther was an Austrian Roman Catholic philosopher whose work was condemned by the church as heretical tritheism.

26. Herbert Feigl (1902)

Austrian Philosopher

Herbert Feigl was an Austrian philosopher and a member of the Vienna Circle.

27. Theodor Gomperz (1832)

Austrian Philosopher

Theodor Gomperz Austrian philosopher and classical scholar was born at Brno. He studied at Brno and at Vienna under Hermann Bonitz. Graduating at Vienna in 1867 he became Privatdozent and...

28. Franz Brentano (1838)

Austrian Philosopher

z Clemens Honoratus Hermann Brentano was an influential German philosopher and psychologist whose influence was felt by other such luminaries as Sigmund Freud Edmund Husserl Kazimierz Twardowski and Alexius Meinong...

29. Gustav Bergmann (1906)

Austrian Philosopher

Gustav Bergmann was a philosopher born in Vienna Austria. He studied at the University of Vienna and was a member of the Vienna Circle. In the United States he was...

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