
1. Ami Argand (1750)


French chemist and physicist of the Renaissance era who invented a new type of lamp, and contributed to many other technologies. Unfortunately his invention did not bring him wealth and...

2. Martin Heinrich Klaproth (1743)


Martin Heinrich Klaproth is a famous Chemist, who was born on December 1, 1743 in Germany. German chemist responsible for the discoveries of the periodic elements uranium, zirconium and cerium....

3. Marie-anne Pierrette Paulze (1758)


Marie-anne Pierrette Paulze is a famous Chemist, who was born on January 20, 1758 in France. French chemist who was known as a work contributer and laboratory assistant to her...

4. Jons Jacob Berzelius (1779)


Jons Jacob Berzelius is a famous Chemist, who was born on August 20, 1779 in Sweden. Swedish chemist who is considered to be one of the founders of modern chemistry....

5. Thomas Graham (1805)


Notable for pioneering the medical practice of dialysis and for establishing the scientific field of colloid chemistry, this nineteenth-century scientist is also remembered for formulating an important scientific theory and...

6. Justus Von Liebig (1803)


Justus Von Liebig is a famous Chemist, who was born on May 12, 1803 in Germany. German chemist who is widely considered the father of modern organic chemistry. His discovery...

7. Julius Lothar Meyer (1830)


Julius Lothar Meyer is a famous Chemist, who was born on August 19, 1830 in Germany. German chemist who was known for competing with Dmitri Mendeleev to draw up the...

8. Adolf Von Baeyer (1835)


Adolf Von Baeyer is a famous Chemist, who was born on October 31, 1835 in Germany. Famous for his synthesis of the compounds indigo, fluorescein, and phenolphthalein, von Baeyer received...

9. Hermann Emil Fischer (1852)


Hermann Emil Fischer is a famous Chemist, who was born on October 9, 1852 in Germany. A German chemist who was a pioneer in synthesizing sugar and purine. He developed...

10. William Ramsay (1852)


A Scottish chemist who discovered the noble gases in the 1890's for which he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1904.

11. Prafulla Chandra Ray (1861)


Prafulla Chandra Ray is a famous Chemist, who was born on August 2, 1861 in Bangladesh. Author of A History of Hindu Chemistry from the Earliest Times to the Middle...

12. Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (1865)


Richard Adolf Zsigmondy is a famous Chemist, who was born on April 1, 1865 in Austria. An Austrian chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1925 for his...

13. Theodore William Richards (1868)


Theodore William Richards is a famous Chemist, who was born on January 31, 1868 in United States. An American chemist who is best known for determining the atomic weights of...

14. Carl Bosch (1874)


A pioneer in the field of high-pressure industrial chemistry who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1931 for his work. His research helped create an industrial process that produced...

15. George De Hevesy (1885)


George De Hevesy is a famous Chemist, who was born on August 1, 1885 in Hungary. A Hungarian radiochemist and Nobel laureate who used radioactive tracers to study the metabolism...

16. Saint Elmo Brady (1884)


Saint Elmo Brady is a famous Chemist, who was born on December 22, 1884 in United States. Kentucky-born scientist who was the first African-American recipient of a PhD in chemistry....

17. James B. Sumner (1887)


James B. Sumner is a famous Chemist, who was born on November 19, 1887 in United States. An American chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1946 for...

18. Homer Burton Adkins (1892)


Homer Burton Adkins is a famous Chemist, who was born on January 16, 1892 in United States. Remembered for his studies on the effects of hydrogenation upon various organic compounds,...

19. Cyril P Callister (1893)


Cyril P Callister is a famous Chemist, who was born on February 16, 1893 in Australia. Australian chemist and food technologist who is known as the developer of the Vegemite...

20. James Bryant Conant (1893)


James Bryant Conant is a famous Chemist, who was born on March 26, 1893 in United States. Chemist and longtime President of the Harvard University who developed poisonous gases during...

21. Artturi Ilmari Virtanen (1895)


Artturi Ilmari Virtanen is a famous Chemist, who was born on January 15, 1895 in Finland. A Finnish chemist who won the 1945 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his innovation...

22. Irène Joliot-Curie (1897)


Irène Joliot-Curie is a famous Chemist, who was born on September 12, 1897 in France. French scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 for her and her...

23. Percy Lavon Julian (1899)


Percy Lavon Julian is a famous Chemist, who was born on April 11, 1899 in United States. One of the first African-Americans to receive a doctorate in chemistry who synthesized...

24. Peter Adolf Thiessen (1899)


Peter Adolf Thiessen is a famous Chemist, who was born on April 6, 1899 in Germany. German chemist who received the Stalin Prize for his work on the Soviet atomic...

25. Arnold Orville Beckman (1900)


Arnold Orville Beckman is a famous Chemist, who was born on April 10, 1900 in United States. Nobel Prize-winning chemist who is widely credited with revolutionizing the field of chemistry...

26. Roy J. Plunkett (1910)


Roy J. Plunkett is a famous Chemist, who was born on June 26, 1910 in United States. Chemist who accidentally discovered of one of the most popular materials ever used:...

27. Melvin A. Cook (1911)


Melvin A. Cook is a famous Chemist, who was born on October 10, 1911 in United States. Respected chemist who developed shaped explosive charges, which revolutionized both mining and warfare....

28. John Fenn (1917)


Analytical chemist who received the 2002 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work in mass spectrometry. His most important contribution was his development of electrospray ionization.

29. Fred Baur (1918)


Chemist and inventor who invented the iconic, cylindrical container for Pringles potato chips. He is also known for several other notable inventions, such as freeze-dried ice cream.

30. Donald J. Cram (1919)


Donald J. Cram is a famous Chemist, who was born on April 22, 1919 in United States. American chemist and one of the founders of the field of host-guest chemistry...

31. Clair Cameron Patterson (1922)


Clair Cameron Patterson is a famous Chemist, who was born on June 2, 1922 in United States. His new uranium-lead dating method led to the first accurate measurement of the...

32. Rudolph Marcus (1923)


A Canadian chemist who is best known for his work involving electron transfer reactions. He beams a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 1970.

33. John Pople (1925)


Theoretical chemist who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1998 for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry. He worked as a professor at both Carnegie Mellon University...

34. Frank Sherwood Rowland (1927)


Frank Sherwood Rowland is a famous Chemist, who was born on June 28, 1927 in United States. American chemist who is best known for discovering that chlorofluorocarbons contribute to ozone...

35. Elias James Corey (1928)


Elias James Corey is a famous Chemist, who was born on July 12, 1928 in United States. American organic chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing a...

36. Richard Heck (1931)


American chemist who is best known for the discovery and development of the Heck reaction. He helped develop the mechanism of alkene hydroformylation, which is used to produce about 15...

37. Dudley R. Herschbach (1932)


Dudley R. Herschbach is a famous Chemist, who was born on June 18, 1932 in United States. Chemist who received the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his crossed molecular...

38. Richard R. Ernst (1933)


Richard R. Ernst is a famous Chemist, who was born on August 15, 1933 in Switzerland. Physical chemist who received the 1991 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his development of...

39. Cnr Rao (1934)


Known for his work in the field of solid-state chemistry, he received numerous scientific awards, including the Marlow Medal, the Hughes Medal, and the August-Wilhelm-von-Hofmann Medal.

40. Gabor A. Somorjai (1935)


Gabor A. Somorjai is a famous Chemist, who was born on May 4, 1935 in Hungary. Leading researcher in surface chemistry and catalysis who won the Wolf Prize in Chemistry...

41. Jean Marie Lehn (1939)


Jean Marie Lehn is a famous Chemist, who was born on September 30, 1939 in France. French chemist and innovator in the field of supramolecular chemistry who received the Nobel...

42. Brielle Milla (2012)


Science sensation known for her appearances on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. In her first appearance, she successfully named every element on the periodic table. 

43. Robert Grubbs (1942)


American chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2005 for his research into the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis. He also helped develop "living polymerization".

44. Mario Molina (1943)


A Mexican chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1995 for elucidating the threat to the Earth's ozone layer. He was the first Mexican-born citizen to ever receive a Nobel...

45. Richard Schrock (1945)


American chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2005 for his research into the olefin metathesis reaction used in organic chemistry. He became a full professor at MIT...

46. Cynthia A. Maryanoff (1949)


Cynthia A. Maryanoff is a famous Chemist, who was born on November 27, 1949 in United States. Chemist and inventor who previously worked with Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical units. In...

47. Bob Pflugfelder (1968)


An author and science educator whose passion for science has made him a regular guest and science demonstrator on many TV shows, including Jimmy Kimmel Live, Live With Kelly &...

48. William E Moerner (1953)


William E Moerner is a famous Chemist, who was born on June 24, 1953 in United States. American chemist who received the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work...

49. Ilie G. Murgulescu (1902)


Ilie G. Murgulescu was a Romanian physical chemist and a communist politician. He was president of the Romanian Academy and Minister of Education. He founded the Institute of Physical Chemistry...

50. Harald Arnljot Øye (1935)


Harald Arnljot Øye is a Norwegian chemist. He took the dr. techn. degree in 1963. He was a professor of inorganic chemistry at the Norwegian Institute of Technology from 1973...

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