East Timorese Politician

1. Moisés da Costa Amaral (1938)

East Timorese Politician

Moisés da Costa Amaral was an East Timorese politician in the Timorese Democratic Union. Born in 1938 in Fahinihan East Timor. Moisés da Costa Amaral was an East Timorese leader.

2. Francisco Guterres (1954)

East Timorese Politician

sco Guterres popularly known as Lú-Olo is the President of the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor. He was also President of the National Parliament of East Timor from...

3. José Abílio Osório Soares (1947)

East Timorese Politician

Abílio José Osório Soares is a Indonesian Politician he was the last governor of the Indonesian province of East Timor before the country's independence.

4. Zacarias da Costa (1964)

East Timorese Politician

Zacarias Albano da Costa is an East Timorese politician and diplomat. On 8 August 2007 he became Minister of Foreign Affairs following the 2007 parliamentary election. Before being appointed as...

5. Lúcia Lobato (1965)

East Timorese Politician

Lúcia Maria Brandão Freitas Lobato is an East Timorese politician currently serving as Minister of Justice.

6. Rogerio Lobato (1949)

East Timorese Politician

Rogerio Tiago Lobato is an East Timorese politician and former Interior Minister belonging to Fretilin. He was a founding member of the first independent government of East Timor in 1975...

7. Manuel Carrascalão (1933)

East Timorese Politician

Manuel Viegas Carrascalão was an Indonesian parliamentarian and prominent East Timorese independence leader. The Carrascalão family is of mestiço ancestry; Carrascalao was born on Atauro Island. Twelve of the members...

8. Manuel Magalhaes de Oliveira (1951)

East Timorese Politician

Manuel Magalhaes de Oliveira was a CNRT Leader in Bobonaro District. CNRT is a National Council of East Timorese Resistance against 24 years of Indonesian brutal occupation. Already fluent in...

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