Italian Historian

1. Enrico Decleva (1941)

Italian Historian

Enrico Decleva is an Italian historian. He became professor of modern history in the University of Milan in 1974 and full professor of contemporary history in 1976. He authored books...

2. Agostino Paravicini Bagliani (1943)

Italian Historian

Agostino Paravicini Bagliani is an Italian historian specializing in the history of the papacy cultural anthropology and in the history of the body and the relationship between nature and society...

3. Franco Venturi (1914)

Italian Historian

Venturi was an Italian historian essayist and journalist a scholar of the Enlightenment in Italy and of the history of Russia and an anti-fascist active in the Resistance.

4. Giovanni Filoramo (1945)

Italian Historian

Giovanni Filoramo is an Italian scholar of gnosticism. A professor of History of Christianity at the University of Turin and he has published a number of books.

5. Emilio Gentile (1946)

Italian Historian

Emilio Gentile is an Italian historian specializing in the ideology and culture of fascism. Gentile is considered one of Italy's foremost cultural historians of fascist ideology. He studied under Renzo...

6. Roberto de Mattei (1948)

Italian Historian

Roberto de Mattei is an Italian Roman Catholic historian and author.

7. Virgilio Malvezzi (1595)

Italian Historian

Virgilio Malvezzi was an Italian historian and essayist soldier and diplomat born in Bologna. He became court historian to Philip IV of Spain. He used the anagram-pseudonym Grivilio Vezzalmi.

8. Giordano Berti (1959)

Italian Historian

Giordano Berti is an Italian writer and teacher of History of Arts. Born in Bologna he grew up in Monghidoro a town of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines.

9. Alessandra Kersevan (1950)

Italian Historian

Alessandra Kersevan is an historian author and editor living and working in Udine. She researches Italian modern history including the Italian resistance movement and Italian war crimes. She is the...

10. Alberto Melloni (1959)

Italian Historian

Alberto Melloni is a church historian known especially for his work on the Second Vatican Council. Melloni studied in Bologna Cornell and Fribourg.

11. Cesare Cantù (1804)

Italian Historian

Cesare Cantù was an Italian historian. Cantù was born at Brivio in Lombardy and began his career as a teacher. His first literary essay was a romantic poem entitled Algiso...

12. Giusto Traina (1959)

Italian Historian

Giusto Traina is an Italian historian and professor of Roman history at the Paris-Sorbonne University. He is the author of several books and articles. Formerly interested in ancient landscapes and...

13. Fabio Rugge (1951)

Italian Historian

bio Rugge is an Italian historian academic and provost. In June 2013 he was elected rector of the University of Pavia.

14. Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo Botta (1766)

Italian Historian

Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo Botta was an Italian historian.

15. Luigi Salvatorelli (1886)

Italian Historian

Luigi Salvatorelli was an Italian historian and publicist born in Marsciano Perugina Italy He was a political journalist in 1919 during Benito Mussolini's rise to power and was associated with...

16. Paolo Paruta (1540)

Italian Historian

Paolo Paruta was a Venetian historian and statesman.

17. Gaetano De Sanctis (1870)

Italian Historian

Gaetano De Sanctis was an Italian ancient historian classicist and lifetime senator. As the collection of his 'scritti minori' illustrates his scope of scholarship ranged from Homer down to the...

18. Girolamo Priuli (1476–1547) (1476)

Italian Historian

Girolamo Priuli was a Venetian noble who avoided the responsibilities of public life but kept a detailed personal diary: the diaries of Girolamo Priuli with Domenico Malipiero's Annali and the...

19. Enzo Traverso (1957)

Italian Historian

Enzo Traverso is an Italian historian who lived and worked in France for over 20 years and has written on issues relating to the Holocaust and totalitarianism. He is currently...

20. Dino Compagni (Unknow)

Italian Historian

Dino Compagni was an Italian historical writer and political figure. Dino is an abridgement of Aldobrandino or Ildebrandino. He was born into a popolano or prosperous family of Florence supporters...

21. Marino Sanuto the Younger (1466)

Italian Historian

There is also a Marino Sanuto the Elder. Marin Sanudo italianised in Marino Sanuto or Sanuto the Younger was a Venetian historian. He was the son of the senator Leonardo...

22. Barbara Frale (1970)

Italian Historian

Barbara Frale is an Italian paleographer at the Vatican Secret Archives. Frale has written books about the Templars and she has a special interest in the history of the Shroud...

23. Benedetto Dei (1418)

Italian Historian

Benedetto Dei was an Italian poet and historian. He spent the majority of his life in Florence where he was an adjutant to the Medici and to the Portinari a...

24. Pietro Giannone (1676)

Italian Historian

Pietro Giannone was an Italian historian born in Ischitella in the province of Capitanata. He opposed the papal influence in Naples for which he was imprisoned for twelve years until...

25. Alberto Radicati (1698)

Italian Historian

Alberto Radicati Count of Passerano was an 18th-century historian philosopher and free-thinker. He was the reputed author of the 1732 work A Philosophical Dissertation upon Death Composed for the Consolation...

26. Giorgio Colli (1917)

Italian Historian

Giorgio Colli was an Italian philosopher philologist and historian. A native of Turin taught ancient philosophy at Pisa's university for thirty years; he edited and translated Aristotle's Organon and Kant's...

27. Alessandro Verri (1741)

Italian Historian

Alessandro Verri was an Italian author. Born in Milan into an aristocratic family as a young he participated in the Accademia dei Pugni founded together his brother Pietro Verri and...

28. Eugenio Garin (Unknow)

Italian Historian

Eugenio Garin was an Italian philosopher and Renaissance historian. He was recognised as an authority on the cultural history of the Renaissance.

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