Surinamese Politician

1. Ronnie Brunswijk (1961)

Surinamese Politician

Politician known for being a rebel leader and personal bodyguard to Dési Bouterse, who overthrew the government of Suriname in the 1980s. He then became Vice President of Suriname in 2020...

2. Pretaap Radhakishun (Unknow)

Surinamese Politician

Pretaapnarian Shawh Radhecheran Radhakishun was a Surinamese politician. He was Prime Minister of Suriname from July 1986 to April 1987. Originally he was a member of VHP party however he...

3. Jennifer Simons (1953)

Surinamese Politician

Jennifer Jenny Simons married Geerlings is a Surinamese politician. On June 30 2010 she was elected as Chairperson of the National Assembly of Suriname with 26 out of 50 votes....

4. Harry Kisoensingh (1954)

Surinamese Politician

Harry Kisoensingh was chairman of the Union of Progressive Surinamese and was a Surinamese educator. He was vice chairman of the DNA from 1996 to 2000 while being in the...

5. Chan Santokhi (1959)

Surinamese Politician

Chandrikapersad Santokhi also known as Chan Santokhi is a Surinamese politician and former chief of police.

6. Ram Sardjoe (1935)

Surinamese Politician

Ramdien Sardjoe is a Surinamese politician and served as Vice President of Suriname from 2005 to 2010. He is a member of the Progressive Reform Party.

7. Ivan Fernald (1955)

Surinamese Politician

Ivan Christiaan Fernald is a Surinamese politician currently serving as the Minister of Defence since 1 September 2005. Previously Fernald was director of the Institute for Economic Administrative Secondary Education....

8. Jules Wijdenbosch (1941)

Surinamese Politician

Jules Albert Wijdenbosch is a Surinamese politician who was President of Suriname from 1996 to 2000. He was a member of the National Democratic Party which held absolute power in...

9. Errol Alibux (1948)

Surinamese Politician

Liakat Ali Errol Alibux is a Surinamese politician historically associated to the PALU. He was Prime Minister of Suriname during a period of military rule under Dési Bouterse. As a...

10. Wim Udenhout (1937)

Surinamese Politician

Alfred Udenhout was Prime Minister of Suriname in the mid-1980s. He had previously been a teacher and for a time a Black Power activist. As an academic he had a...

11. Jules Ajodhia (1945)

Surinamese Politician

Jules Rattankoemar Ajodhia is a Surinamese politician. From 1988 to 1990 he was Justice Minister. He was also twice vice president of Suriname. The first term was from 16 September...

12. Jagernath Lachmon (1916)

Surinamese Politician

Jagernath Lachmon also Jaggernath Lachmon was a Surinamese politician of Indian descent. He was one of the founders of the Progressive Reform Party an Indo-Surinamese party founded in 1947 of...

13. Willy Soemita (1936)

Surinamese Politician

Soemita is a Surinamese politician who has served several times in the parliament and as minister. His father Iding Soemita was born in West Java and came as a contract...

14. Freddy Derby (1940)

Surinamese Politician

Marinus Emanuel Derby was a Surinamese politician and trade unionist. He was the only survivor of the December murders. In the years before his death he fought for an investigation...

15. Paul Somohardjo (1943)

Surinamese Politician

Paul Slamet Somohardjo is a Surinamese politician of Javanese descent. In 30 June 2005 Somohardjo was appointed as the speaker of the National Assembly. He is also chairman of the...

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