Dutch Admiral

1. Carel Hendrik Ver Huell (1764)

Dutch Admiral

Carel Hendrik count Ver Huell was a Dutch and later French admiral and statesman. He married Maria Johanna de Bruyn on 22 February 1789 at Hummelo and had three...

2. Pieter van der Does (1562)

Dutch Admiral

Pieter van der Does was a Dutch admiral. He was the son of Jacob van der Does schepen of Leiden during its siege.

3. Abraham George Ellis (1846)

Dutch Admiral

Abraham George Ellis was a Dutch Vice Admiral and politician. Born in Suriname of a mother born in slavery he was the first Minister of African descent to serve in...

4. Johannes van Walbeeck (Unknow)

Dutch Admiral

Jan Johan or Johannes van Walbeeck was a Dutch navigator and cartographer during a 1620s circumnavigation of the earth an admiral of the Dutch West India Company and the first...

5. Jacob Pieter van Braam (1737)

Dutch Admiral

Jacob Pieter van Braam was a Dutch admiral. Van Braam joined the Admiralty of Amsterdam in 1748 as a midshipman. In 1751 he was captured by Barbary corsairs and would...

6. Steven van der Hagen (1563)

Dutch Admiral

Steven van der Hagen was the first admiral of the Dutch East India Company. He made three visits to the East Indies spending six years in all there. He was...

7. Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen (1735)

Dutch Admiral

Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen or Count of Doggersbank was a Dutch naval officer. Having had a good scientific education Van Kinsbergen was a proponent of fleet modernization and wrote many...

8. Jan Willem de Winter (1761)

Dutch Admiral

Jan Willem de Winter was a Dutch admiral of the Napoleonic Wars.

9. Laurens Reael (1583)

Dutch Admiral

Laurens Reael was an employee of the Dutch East India Company Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies from 1616 to 1619 and an admiral of the Dutch navy from 1625...

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