Cuban Revolutionary

1. Camilo Cienfuegos (1932)

Cuban Revolutionary

Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán was a Cuban revolutionary born in Lawton Havana. Raised in an anarchist family that had left Spain before the Spanish Civil War he became a key figure...

2. Frank País (1934)

Cuban Revolutionary

País was a Cuban revolutionary who campaigned for the overthrow of General Fulgencio Batista's government in Cuba. País was the urban coordinator of the 26th of July Movement and was...

3. José Antonio Echeverría (1932)

Cuban Revolutionary

José Antonio Echeverría was a Cuban revolutionary and student leader. The President of the Federation of University Students he was a founding member of the Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil a militant...

4. Ignacio Agramonte (1841)

Cuban Revolutionary

Ignacio Agramonte y Loynáz was a Cuban revolutionary who played an important part in the Ten Years' War.

5. Ada Kouri Barreto (1917)

Cuban Revolutionary

Dr. Ada Kouri Barreto was an eminent cardiologist. She was the wife of the Foreign Minister of Cuba Raúl Roa García and mother to the Cuban diplomat Raúl Roa Kouri....

6. Sergio del Valle Jiménez (Unknow)

Cuban Revolutionary

Sergio del Valle Jiménez was a high-ranking Cuban military and government official who served as army chief of staff during the 1962 Missile Crisis and headed various cabinet ministries during...

7. Humberto Sorí Marin (Unknow)

Cuban Revolutionary

Humberto Sorí Marín was a Cuban revolutionary. After the Cuban Revolution in January 1959 he served as minister of agriculture but resigned in May 1959. Shortly before the Bay of...

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