Italian Philosopher

1. Emanuele Severino (1929)

Italian Philosopher

Emanuele Severino is one of the most important contemporary Italian philosophers.

2. Nuccio Ordine (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Nuccio Ordine is an Italian professor philosopher and one of the world's top experts on Renaissance and the philosopher Giordano Bruno. Born in 1958 in Diamante province of Cosenza in...

3. Evandro Agazzi (1934)

Italian Philosopher

Evandro Agazzi is an Italian philosopher and professor at the University of Genoa. His fields of interest are ethics of science and technology logic metaphysics philosophy of language philosophy of...

4. Remo Bodei (1938)

Italian Philosopher

Remo Bodei is an Italian philosopher. He is Professor of the history of philosophy at the UCLA University Los Angeles California and also teaches at the University of Pisa and...

5. Giovanni Piana (1940)

Italian Philosopher

Piana Giovanni is an Italian philosopher. He taught theoretical philosophy at the University of Milan from 1970 to 1999.

6. Giacomo Marramao (1946)

Italian Philosopher

Giacomo Marramao is an Italian philosopher who teaches theoretical philosophy and political philosophy at the University of Rome III in Rome.

7. Lorenzo Magnani (1952)

Italian Philosopher

Lorenzo Magnani is an Italian philosopher who teaches philosophy of science in the Department of Humanities Philosophy Section at the University of Pavia where he is full professor and directs...

8. Massimo Introvigne (1955)

Italian Philosopher

Massimo Introvigne is an Italian sociologist and intellectual property consultant. He is the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions an international network of scholars...

9. Mauro Carbone (1956)

Italian Philosopher

Mauro Carbone is an Italian philosopher. Since 2009 he has been a full professor at the Faculté de Philosophie of the Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 in Lyon France. Since...

10. Guido del Giudice (1957)

Italian Philosopher

Guido del Giudice is an Italian philosopher and writer.

11. Federico Ferrari (1969)

Italian Philosopher

s an Italian philosopher and art critic. He teaches Philosophy of Art at Brera Academy in Milan Italy.

12. Carlo Michelstaedter (1887)

Italian Philosopher

Carlo Michelstaedter or Michelstädter was an Italian writer philosopher and man of letters.

13. Shemariah of Negropont (1275)

Italian Philosopher

Shemariah ben Elijah Ikriti of Negropont was a Jewish-Italian philosopher and Biblical exegete contemporary of Dante and Immanuel. He was born probably at Rome the descendant of a long...

14. Manlio Sgalambro (1924)

Italian Philosopher

Manlio Sgalambro was an Italian philosopher and writer born in Lentini.

15. Marsilio Ficino (1433)

Italian Philosopher

Marsilio Ficino was one of the most influential humanist philosophers of the early Italian Renaissance an astrologer a reviver of Neoplatonism who was in touch with every major academic thinker...

16. Matteo Motterlini (1967)

Italian Philosopher

Matteo Motterlini is an Italian philosopher of science behavioral and neuroeconomist. He teaches at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan Italy.

17. Paul of Venice (1369)

Italian Philosopher

Paul of Venice was a Roman Catholic Scholastic philosopher theologian and realist logician and metaphysician of the Hermits of the Order of Saint Augustine. He was teacher to Paolo...

18. Giovanni Vailati (1863)

Italian Philosopher

Giovanni Vailati was an Italian proto-analytic philosopher historian of science and mathematician.

19. Giambattista Vico (1668)

Italian Philosopher

Giovan Battista Vico was an Italian political philosopher rhetorician historian and jurist. He criticised the expansion and development of rationalism and was an apologist of classical antiquity. Vico is best...

20. Bernardino Telesio (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Bernardino Telesio was an Italian philosopher and natural scientist. While his natural theories were later disproven his emphasis on observation made him the first of the moderns who eventually...

21. Bernardino Varisco (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Bernardino Varisco was an Italian philosopher and a Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Rome La Sapienza from 1905 to 1925.

22. Alberto Jori (1965)

Italian Philosopher

Alberto Jori is an Italian Neo-Aristotelian philosopher. Born in Mantua on his father's side he is the descendant of an old noble Swiss family of barons from Ticino and patricians...

23. Giovanna Borradori (1963)

Italian Philosopher

Giovanna Borradori is Professor of Philosophy at Vassar College. She has lived in the United States since 1989. Borradori is a specialist in Continental philosophy Aesthetics and the philosophy of...

24. Aldo Gargani (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Aldo Giorgio Gargani was an Italian philosopher. He studied Philosophy at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa Oxford University and Queen's College. He was professor of Aesthetics and History of...

25. Nicoletto Vernia (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Nicoletto Vernia was an Italian Averroist philosopher at the University of Padua.

26. Francesco Vimercato (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

sco Vimercato was an Italian Aristotelian scholar. He was a Royal Reader in Philosophy in Paris. He is known for his commentaries on Aristotle’s ethical and zoological works. In 1561...

27. Alvise Cornaro (1484)

Italian Philosopher

Alvise Cornaro was an Italian patron of arts also remembered for his four books of Discorsi about the secrets to living long and well with measure and sobriety. Born in...

28. Adriana Cavarero (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Adriana Cavarero is an Italian philosopher and feminist thinker. She holds the title of Professor of Political Philosophy at the Università degli studi di Verona. She has also held visiting...

29. Piero Ferrucci (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Piero Ferrucci is a psychotherapist and a philosopher. He graduated from the University of Torino in 1970.

30. Giuseppe Rensi (1871)

Italian Philosopher

Giuseppe Rensi was an Italian philosopher.

31. Alessandro Achillini (1463)

Italian Philosopher

Alessandro Achillini was an Italian philosopher and physician.

32. Abraham Yagel (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Abraham Yagel was an Italian Jewish catechist philosopher and cabalist. He lived successively at Luzzara Venice Ferrara and Sassuolo.

33. Giovanni Francesco Pico della Mirandola (1469)

Italian Philosopher

Giovanni Francesco Pico della Mirandola was an Italian philosopher and nephew of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. Like his uncle he devoted himself chiefly to philosophy but made it subject to...

34. Ventimiglia Giovanni (1964)

Italian Philosopher

Giovanni Ventimigliaborn in Palermo July 20 1964 and from the House of Ventimiglia is an italian philosopher working on ontology Thomas Aquinas Thomism and their interface with the continental and...

35. Roberto Ardigò (1828)

Italian Philosopher

Roberto Felice Ardigò was an Italian philosopher. He was an influential leader of Italian positivism and former Catholic priest. Ardigò was born in Casteldidone in what is now the province...

36. Nicola Antonio Stigliola (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Nicola Antonio Stigliola was an Italian philosopher printer architect and medical doctor.

37. Monaldo Leopardi (1776)

Italian Philosopher

Count Monaldo Leopardi was an Italian philosopher nobleman politician and writer notable as one of the main Italian intellectuals of the counter-revolution. His son Giacomo Leopardi was a poet and...

38. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463)

Italian Philosopher

Count Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian Renaissance philosopher.

39. Giuseppe Maria Buondelmonti (1713)

Italian Philosopher

Giuseppe Maria Buondelmonti was an Italian poet orator and philosopher. Buondelmonti was born into a noble family and was raised highly educated. He attended the University of Pisa but was...

40. Giulio Pace (1550)

Italian Philosopher

Giulio Pace of Beriga was a well-known Italian Aristotelian scholar and jurist.

41. Francesco Pucci (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

sco Pucci was an Italian philosopher and humanist.

42. Carlo Penco (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Carlo Penco is an Italian analytic philosopher and full professor in philosophy of language at the University of Genoa in Italy. He received his Ph. D. in Philosophy Summa *...

43. Adriano Bausola (1930)

Italian Philosopher

Adriano Bausola was an Italian philosopher and academic.

44. Cornelio Fabro (1911)

Italian Philosopher

Cornelio Fabro CSS was an Italian Catholic priest of the Stigmatine Order and a scholastic Thomist philosopher. He was the founder of the Institute for Higher Studies on Unbelief Religion...

45. Ferrante de Gemmis (1732)

Italian Philosopher

Gemmis was an Italian philosopher and literary man.

46. Giuseppe Di Giacomo (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Giuseppe Di Giacomo is an Italian philosopher and essayist. Author of about a hundred scientific publications on the relationship between aesthetics and literature as well as on the relationship between...

47. Franco Bolelli (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Bolelli is one of the leading modern Italian philosophers. A very prolific writer with many books to his credit he explores the most advanced areas of evolution in order to...

48. Camillo Berneri (1897)

Italian Philosopher

Camillo Berneri was an Italian professor of philosophy anarchist militant propagandist and theorist. Berneri a World War I veteran University of Florence professor of humanities and a member of the...

49. Leonardo Garzoni (Unknow)

Italian Philosopher

Leonardo Garzoni was a Jesuit natural philosopher.

50. Gloria Origgi (1967)

Italian Philosopher

Gloria Origgi is an Italian philosopher at the CNRS in Paris who works on the theory of mind epistemology and cognitive sciences applied to new technology.

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