Brazilian Writer

1. Jorge Amado (1912)

Brazilian Writer

Amado, a Brazilian modernist writer, is best known for his 1978 novel Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands. His other notable works include Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon; Tieta; and Captains...

2. Hilda Hilst (1930)

Brazilian Writer

A twentieth-century Brazilian poet and author, she is best known for works that address themes of insanity, intimacy, and the supernatural. Her most famous works of poetry and fiction include...

3. Mayra Dias Gomes (1987)

Brazilian Writer

Brazilian author, reporter and media personality who is also the daughter of award-winning author and screenwriter, Dias Gomes. Her published works include One Thousand and One Nights of Silence and...

4. Glória Perez (1948)

Brazilian Writer

Acclaimed telenovela writer behind the Brazilian series' O Clone and Caminho das Índias. She also created the more recent shows Salve Jorge and Dupla Identidade.

5. Luigi Cani (1970)

Brazilian Writer

Brazilian parachutist who has become of the world's most famous stunt athletes, setting world records for fastest freefall speed, fastest flying speed with a parachute, and many more. He has...

6. Marcelo Del Debbio (1974)

Brazilian Writer

Marcelo Del Debbio is a Brazilian architect and writer with specialization in semiotics History of Art and World Religion. He began his career in 1992 writing short texts and essays...

7. Luisa Geisler (1991)

Brazilian Writer

Luisa Geisler is a Brazilian writer. At the age of 19 she was awarded the 2010 Prêmio Sesc de Literatura for her debut book the short story collection Contos de...

8. Vanessa de Oliveira (1975)

Brazilian Writer

Vanessa de Oliveira is a Brazilian writer and former call girl.

9. Socorro Acioli (1975)

Brazilian Writer

Socorro Acioli was born in Fortaleza Ceará in 1975. She is a journalist has a master’s degree in Brazilian literature and is currently following a PhD. in Literary Studies at...

10. Clarice Lispector (1920)

Brazilian Writer

Clarice Lispector was a Brazilian writer who has been described as the most important Jewish writer since Franz Kafka. Acclaimed internationally for her innovative novels and short stories she was...

11. Leilane Neubarth (1958)

Brazilian Writer

Leilane Neubarth Teixeira is a Brazilian journalist news presenter and writer.

12. Augusto Cury (1958)

Brazilian Writer

Augusto Jorge Cury is a Brazilian physician psychiatrist psychotherapist and writer. He developed the Multifocal Theory about the functioning of the mind and the construction process of thought. His books...

13. Paulo Lins (Unknow)

Brazilian Writer

Paulo Lins is a Brazilian author. Lins grew up in Rio de Janeiro and at the age of seven moved to the Cidade de Deus favela. He escaped the cycle...

14. Ruth Rocha (1931)

Brazilian Writer

Ruth Machado Lousada Rocha most known as Ruth Rocha is a Brazilian writer of children's books. Together with Lygia Bojunga Ana Maria Machado and Eva Furnari she is one of...

15. Luís Fernando Veríssimo (1936)

Brazilian Writer

Luís Fernando Veríssimo is a Brazilian writer. Verissimo is the son of Brazilian writer Erico Verissimo and lived with his father in the United States during his childhood. Best known...

16. Ignacio de Loyola Brandao (1936)

Brazilian Writer

Ignacio de Loyola Brandão is a Brazilian born writer perhaps best known as the science fiction author of the dystopian novel Zero the story of Brazil in the 1960s under...

17. Nélida Piñon (1937)

Brazilian Writer

Nélida Piñon is a Brazilian writer. Born in Rio de Janeiro of Galician immigrants. Her first novel was Guia-Mapa de Gabriel Arcanjo written in 1961 it concerns a protagonist discussing...

18. Lya Luft (1938)

Brazilian Writer

Lya Luft is a Brazilian writer a novelist a poet a prolific translator of German descent. She was also a college professor of linguistics and literature. Luft currently writes an...

19. Carlos Nejar (1939)

Brazilian Writer

Luis Carlos Verzoni Nejar better known as Carlos Nejar is a Brazilian poet author translator and critic and a member of the Academia Brasileira de Letras. One of the most...

20. Alceu Amoroso Lima (1893)

Brazilian Writer

Alceu Amoroso Lima was a writer journalist activist from Brazil and founder of the Brazilian Christian Democracy. He adopted the pseudonym Tristão de Ataíde in 1919. In 1928 he converted...

21. Eduardo Spohr (1976)

Brazilian Writer

Eduardo Spohr is a Brazilian journalist writer teacher blogger and podcaster. Author of A Batalha do Apocalipse one of the best seller books of 2010 second semester in Brazil also...

22. Marcelo Rubens Paiva (Unknow)

Brazilian Writer

Marcelo Rubens Paiva is a Brazilian writer born in São Paulo Brazil. He is the son of Rubens Paiva who disappeared during Brazil's military dictatorship in 1971. When jumping off...

23. Ana Miranda (Unknow)

Brazilian Writer

Ana Miranda is a Brazilian poet and novelist born in Fortaleza Ceará in 1951. She grew up in Brasilia and has lived in Rio de Janeiro since 1969. Her main...

24. Anderson Bigode Herzer (1962)

Brazilian Writer

Anderson Bigode Herzer was a writer and poet. He committed suicide at the age 20. The film Vera by Sérgio Toledo is based on Herzer's life.

25. Milton Hatoum (1952)

Brazilian Writer

Milton Hatoum is a Brazilian writer translator and professor. Hatoum is one of Brazil's most eminent contemporary writers. Of Lebanese descent Hatoum taught literature at the Federal University of Amazonas...

26. Ana Cristina Cesar (1952)

Brazilian Writer

Ana Cristina César was a poet and translator from Rio de Janeiro. She came from a middle-class Protestant background and was usually known as Ana C. She had written since...

27. Afonso Arinos (1868)

Brazilian Writer

Afonso Arinos was a Brazilian writer. In the 19th century Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco was recognized as one of the most influential intellectuals of his time. His work is...

28. Daniel Munduruku (1964)

Brazilian Writer

Daniel Munduruku is a Brazilian writer and educator. He is member of the Munduruku indigenous people. His children's books deal about traditional indigenous life and tales and were awarded several...

29. Luiz Duarte da Rocha (1956)

Brazilian Writer

Luiz Duarte da Rocha is a Brazilian playwright and director and singer/songwriter. He was one of the creators of the Movimento do Disco Independente in 1979. He recorded two albums...

30. Mário Palmério (Unknow)

Brazilian Writer

Mário de Ascenção Palmério was an Brazilian politician and writer who was born in Monte Carmelo state of Minas Gerais on March 1 1916. He died at Uberaba state of...

31. Luiz Ruffato (1961)

Brazilian Writer

Luiz Fernando Ruffato de Souza is a contemporary Brazilian writer. An alumnus of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais Ruffato worked as...

32. Frederico Barbosa (1961)

Brazilian Writer

Barbosa is a Brazilian poet.

33. Augusto Boal (1931)

Brazilian Writer

Augusto Boal was a Brazilian theatre director writer and politician. He was the founder of Theatre of the Oppressed a theatrical form originally used in radical popular education movements. Boal...

34. Adriana Lisboa (1970)

Brazilian Writer

Adriana Lisboa is a Brazilian writer. She is the author of six novels and has also published poetry short stories and books for children. Originally written in Brazilian Portuguese her...

35. Nísia Floresta (Unknow)

Brazilian Writer

Nísia Floresta Brasileira Augusta pseudonym of Dionísia Gonçalves Pinto was a Brazilian educator translator writer poet and feminist. She is considered the first Brazilian feminist and possibly the first still...

36. Carlos Magalhães de Azeredo (1872)

Brazilian Writer

Carlos Magalhães de Azeredo was a Brazilian poet short story writer diplomat and journalist. He founded and occupied the 9th chair of the Brazilian Academy of Letters from 1897 until...

37. José Oiticica (1882)

Brazilian Writer

José Rodrigues Oiticica was a Brazilian anarchist poet and activist. He was founder and editor of the anarchist journal Ação direta between 1946 until his death. He also wrote and...

38. Alphonsus de Guimaraens (1870)

Brazilian Writer

Afonso Henrique da Costa Guimarães known as Alphonsus de Guimaraens was a Brazilian poet. The poetry of Alphonsus de Guimaraes is substantially mystical and involved with Catholicism. His sonets display...

39. Cassiano Ricardo (1895)

Brazilian Writer

Cassiano Ricardo was a Brazilian journalist literary critic and poet. An exponent of the nationalistic tendencies of Brazilian modernism he was associated with the Green-Yellow and Anta groups of the...

40. Moniz Bandeira (Unknow)

Brazilian Writer

Luiz Alberto de Vianna Moniz Bandeira is a Brazilian writer professor political scientist historian and poet.

41. Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914)

Brazilian Writer

Carolina Maria de Jesus was a Brazilian peasant who lived most of her life in a favela of São Paulo Brazil. She is best known for her diary which was...

42. Bernardo Guimarães (1825)

Brazilian Writer

Bernardo Joaquim da Silva Guimarães was a Brazilian poet and novelist. He is the author of the famous romances A Escrava Isaura and O Seminarista.

43. José Américo de Almeida (1887)

Brazilian Writer

José Américo de Almeida was a Brazilian writer a politician a lawyer and a teacher.

44. Alberto de Oliveira (1857)

Brazilian Writer

Antônio Mariano de Oliveira was a Brazilian poet pharmacist and professor more well known by his pen name Alberto de Oliveira. Alongside Olavo Bilac and Raimundo Correia he comprised the...

45. Gilberto Mendonça Teles (Unknow)

Brazilian Writer

Gilberto Mendonça Teles is a Brazilian writer. He was born in Bela Vista de Goiás state of Goiás in 1931.

46. Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna (1937)

Brazilian Writer

Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna is a Brazilian writer.

47. Hermes Carleial (1904)

Brazilian Writer

Hermes Carleial was a Brazilian poet lawyer accountant and writer.

48. Alcione Sortica (1935)

Brazilian Writer

Alcione Sortica Cachoeira do Sul State of December 17 1935 is a Brazilian novelist. The author is official member and consul of Poets of World and also academic of Castro...

49. Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839)

Brazilian Writer

Joaquim Mario Machado de Assis often known as Machado de Assis Machado or Bruxo do Cosme Velho was a Brazilian novelist poet playwright short story writer and advocate of monarchism....

50. Bruno Tolentino (1940)

Brazilian Writer

Bruno Lúcio de Carvalho Tolentino was a Brazilian poet and intellectual known for his militant opposition towards Brazilian modernism his advocacy of traditional forms and subjects in poetry his loathing...

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