Turkish General

1. Kenan Evren (1917)

Turkish General

Before taking office in 1980 as Turkey's seventh President, this Turkish Army Commander had also served, during the late 1970s and early 1980s, as Chief of the General Staff of...

2. Sabri Yirmibeşoğlu (Unknow)

Turkish General

Sabri Yirmibeşoğlu is a retired Turkish general. He was Secretary-General of the National Security Council from 1988 to 1990.

3. Kemal Yamak (Unknow)

Turkish General

Kemal Yamak was Commander of the Turkish Army. He was previously head of the Special Warfare Department. At the request of Yamak General Semih Sancar then the Chief of General...

4. Ahmet Derviş (1881)

Turkish General

Ahmet Derviş also known as Derviş Bey or Derviş Pasha – January 17 1932 in Istanbul) was an officer of the Ottoman Army and the general of the Turkish Army.

5. Yaşar Büyükanıt (1940)

Turkish General

General Mehmet Yaşar Büyükanıt was the 25th Chief of the Turkish General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces from 28 August 2006 to 28 August 2008.

6. Şener Eruygur (1941)

Turkish General

Mehmet Şener Eruygur is a former Turkish general. He was General Commander of the Gendarmerie of Turkey from 2002 to 2004 and was later head of the Atatürk Thought Association.

7. İlker Başbuğ (1943)

Turkish General

Mehmet İlker Başbuğ was the 26th Chief of the General Staff of Turkey. He was charged with contravention of Articles 309 310 and 311 of the Turkish Penal Code. In...

8. Tahsin Yazıcı (1892)

Turkish General

Tahsin Yazıcı – February 11 1971 Ankara Turkey) was an Ottoman Army officer a Turkish Army general and politician. He was born to his father Ali Bey and his mother...

9. Faruk Gürler (Unknow)

Turkish General

Ömer Faruk Gürler was a Turkish general. He was the Commander of the Turkish Army during the 1971 Turkish coup d'état and then Chief of the General Staff of Turkey....

10. Levent Ersöz (1954)

Turkish General

Levent Ersöz is a former Turkish general in the Turkish Gendarmerie who was head of the Gendarmerie's JITEM intelligence department. He was considered a key defendant in the Ergenekon trials...

11. Ali İhsan Sâbis (1882)

Turkish General

Ali İhsan Sâbis was the commander for the Sixth Army of the Ottoman Empire. After the war he was exiled to Malta by the British occupation forces. After returning to...

12. Nurettin Ersin (Unknow)

Turkish General

Nurettin Ersin was a Turkish general. He was the Commander of the 6th Corps during the 1974 invasion of Cyprus and the Commander of the Turkish Army during the 1980...

13. Faik Türün (1913)

Turkish General

Türün was a Turkish general. He served in the Korean War as the Chief of Operations for the Turkish Brigade and was awarded the Silver Star by General Douglas MacArthur....

14. İzzettin Çalışlar (1882)

Turkish General

İzzettin Çalışlar – August 20 1951; Istanbul) was an officer of the Ottoman Army and the general of the Turkish Army.

15. Şükrü Naili Gökberk (1876)

Turkish General

Şükrü Naili Gökberk was an officer of the Ottoman Army and the general of the Turkish Army.

16. Mehmet Suphi Kula (1881)

Turkish General

Mehmet Suphi Kula – October 19 1948; Ankara) was an officer of the Ottoman Army and the general of the Turkish Army.

17. Tuncer Kılınç (Unknow)

Turkish General

Tuncer Kılınç is a retired Turkish general. He was Secretary-General of the National Security Council from 2001 to 2003. He was a defendant in the Ergenekon trials; in August 2013...

18. Ecmel Kutay (Unknow)

Turkish General

Ecmel Kutay was a General in the Turkish military and served as the 24th Mayor of Istanbul from 1981 to 1982.

19. Ragıp Gümüşpala (1897)

Turkish General

Ragıp Gümüşpala was the 11th Chief of the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces and founder of the Justice Party in 1961. He died shortly afterwards on 6 June...

20. Mürsel Bakû (1881)

Turkish General

Mürsel Bakû was an officer of the Ottoman Army and the general of the Turkish Army.

21. Selâhattin Âdil (1881)

Turkish General

Selâhattin Âdil – February 27 1961; Istanbul) was an officer of the Ottoman Army and a general of the Turkish Army.

22. Seyfi Düzgören (1880)

Turkish General

Seyfi Düzgören - December 28 1948; Ankara) was an officer of the Ottoman Army and a general of the Turkish Army.

23. Kâzım Dirik (1881)

Turkish General

Kâzım Dirik was an officer of the Ottoman Army and the general of the Turkish Army.

24. Kâzım Karabekir (1882)

Turkish General

Musa Kâzım Karabekir was a Turkish general and politician. He was commander of the Eastern Army in the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I and served as...

25. Asım Gündüz (1880)

Turkish General

Âsım Gündüz was an officer of the Ottoman Army and a general of the Turkish Army. During the Second World War he was the assistant of Chief of the General...

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