American Rabbi

1. Leo Jung (1892)

American Rabbi

Recognized as the father of modern Orthodox Judaism in America, this rabbi served the congregation of New York's Jewish Center Synagogue and presided over the Torah Umesorah (a national organization...

2. Chaim Potok (1929)

American Rabbi

Orthodox Jewish-raised author who wrote The Chosen, a novel that provides a glimpse into the insular world of Hasidim. His other literary works include My Name is Asher Lev (1972)...

3. Noah Weinberg (1930)

American Rabbi

Best known as the leader of an Orthodox Judaism-promoting movement known as Baal Teshuva, this rabbi and Talmudical academy dean published such spiritual guidance books as What the Angel Taught...

4. Shmuel Herzfeld (1974)

American Rabbi

Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld born October 9 1974 in Staten Island New York is an American Modern Orthodox rabbi who heads the National Synagogue of Washington DC. He is a teacher...

5. Jill Jacobs (rabbi) (1975)

American Rabbi

Jill Jacobs is the Executive Director of T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights formerly Rabbis for Human Rights-North America. She is a Conservative rabbi and the author of Where...

6. David Wolpe (Unknow)

American Rabbi

David J. Wolpe is an author public speaker and rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles California. Named the most influential rabbi in America by Newsweek Magazine and one of...

7. Arthur Schneier (1930)

American Rabbi

Rabbi Arthur Schneier Founder and President of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation since 1965 and Senior Rabbi Park East Synagogue New York since 1962 is internationally known for his ecumenical...

8. Berel Wein (1934)

American Rabbi

Berel Wein is an American-born Orthodox rabbi scholar lecturer and writer. He is regarded as an expert on Jewish history and has popularized the subject through more than 1000 audio...

9. Ismar Schorsch (1935)

American Rabbi

Ismar Schorsch is the son of Hanover Rabbi Emil Schorsch. They both experienced the so-called Reichskristallnacht in a different manner. Dr. Ismar Schorsch became the sixth Chancellor of The Jewish...

10. Abraham Shemtov (Unknow)

American Rabbi

Rabbi Abraham Shemtov is a leading Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi who was one of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe close workers Menachem Mendel Schneerson. He is the Chairman of the board of Agudas...

11. Jimmy Kessler (1945)

American Rabbi

James Lee Jimmy Kessler the founder of the Texas Jewish Historical Society is the first native Texan to serve as rabbi of Congregation B'nai Israel in Galveston Texas.

12. Marc Schneier (1959)

American Rabbi

Marc Schneier is an American rabbi and founder and president of The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and the founding rabbi of The Hampton Synagogue in Westhampton Beach New York and...

13. Dennis Shulman (1950)

American Rabbi

Dennis G. Shulman is an internationally respected clinical psychologist psychotherapist author teacher public speaker and ordained rabbi. In 2008 Dr. Shulman was the Democratic nominee for the United States House...

14. Daniel Gordis (1959)

American Rabbi

Daniel Gordis is an American-born author and speaker living in Israel. He is Senior Vice President and Koret Distinguished Fellow at Shalem College in Jerusalem where he is also Chair...

15. Jack Moline (1952)

American Rabbi

Jack Moline is an American Conservative rabbi who has served as rabbi of Agudas Achim Congregation in Alexandria Virginia since 1987 and Director of Public Policy for the Rabbinical Assembly...

16. Yaakov Bleich (1964)

American Rabbi

Yaakov Dov Bleich is an American-born rabbi and member of the Karlin-Stoliner Chassidic group. He has been widely recognized as Chief Rabbi of Kiev and all of Ukraine since 1990...

17. Capers Funnye (1952)

American Rabbi

Capers C. Funnye Jr. is an African American rabbi who leads the 200-member Beth Shalom B'nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation of Chicago Illinois assisted by rabbis Avraham Ben Israel...

18. Michael Schudrich (1955)

American Rabbi

Michael Joseph Schudrich is the Chief Rabbi of Poland. He is the oldest of four children of Rabbi David Schudrich and Doris Goldfarb Schudrich.

19. Naamah Kelman (1955)

American Rabbi

Naamah Kelman-Ezrachi is an American-born Rabbi who was named as Dean of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion campus in Jerusalem starting in July 2009. In 1992 Kelman made...

20. Simon Jacobson (1956)

American Rabbi

Simon Jacobson is the author of Toward a Meaningful Life founder of The Meaningful Life Center and publisher of the Yiddish English weekly The Algemeiner Journal. Jacobson is a member...

21. Jonathan Rosenblatt (1956)

American Rabbi

Jonathan Rosenblatt is an American Rabbi. Rabbi Rosenblatt was born in Baltimore Maryland. He is the great-grandson of Yossele Rosenblatt. And grandson of Rabbi Samuel Rosenblatt. Rabbi Rosenblatt earned the...

22. Dana Evan Kaplan (1960)

American Rabbi

Dana Evan Kaplan is a Reform rabbi known for his writings on Reform Judaism and American Judaism. He has advocated for a theologically coherent approach to Reform Judaism rather than...

23. Yehuda Levin (Unknow)

American Rabbi

Yehuda Levin is the Rabbi and founder of Congregation Mevakshei Hashem Synagogue in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn New York.

24. Dov Lipman (1971)

American Rabbi

Dov Lipman is an Israeli Knesset member of the 19th Knesset. He is a member of Yesh Atid and was placed seventeenth on the party's list for the 2013 Knesset...

25. Joseph Breuer (1882)

American Rabbi

Joseph Breuer was a rabbi and community leader in Germany and the United States. He was a Rabbi of one of the large Jewish synagogues founded by German-Jewish refugees fleeing...

26. Neil Gillman (1933)

American Rabbi

Neil Gillman is an American rabbi and philosopher affiliated with Conservative Judaism.

27. Bradley Shavit Artson (Unknow)

American Rabbi

Bradley Shavit Brad Artson is an American rabbi author speaker and the occupant of the Abner and Roslyn Goldstine Dean's Chair of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the...

28. Norman Lamm (1927)

American Rabbi

Norman Lamm is a major American Modern Orthodox rabbi scholar author and Jewish communal leader. He was the Chancellor of Yeshiva University till he announced his retirement on July 1...

29. Yehuda Chitrik (1899)

American Rabbi

Rabbi Yehuda Chitrik was an author and Mashpia in the Chabad Hasidic community in Brooklyn New York.

30. Irving Greenberg (Unknow)

American Rabbi

Irving Greenberg also known as Yitz Greenberg is a Modern Orthodox rabbi Jewish-American scholar and author. He is known as a strong supporter of Israel and a promoter of greater...

31. Aaron Teitelbaum (Unknow)

American Rabbi

Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum is one of two Grand Rebbes of Satmar and the chief rabbi of the Satmar community in Kiryas Joel New York. He is the oldest son of...

32. Kalman Topp (1972)

American Rabbi

Rabbi Kalman Topp is an American rabbi educator and author currently serving as the Senior Rabbi of the Beth Jacob Congregation of Beverly Hills California.

33. Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson (1970)

American Rabbi

Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson is a Chabad rabbi and the dean and Rosh Yeshiva of theyeshiva. net.

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